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Posts posted by Alphawolf
So...Which do YOU think you should trust more? A multi-billion dollar GPS system involving a multitude of satellites and ground stations and your receiver, or the $50 guage in your $6,000 car or motorcycle?
If you are using your GPS along with a compass, then use mag. north, as that is the "language" that a compass "speaks". Otherwise, use T north (such as with maps).
If you backpack in a National Park, then Garmin puts out a 1:24,000 set of maps.
If you backpack outside of the National Parks, then either Garmin or Magellan make 1:100,000 series topos.
Now the important part...As a backpacker myself, I always, always, always, have a 1:24,000 paper topo with me (and a grid card and a compass) so as far as I'm concerned, having highly detailed topos on a itty bitty GPS screen just doesn't matter one bit to me. The 1:100,000 maps are just fine. When I need detail, I pull out the paper map that measures 81/2" by 11"!!!
By the way...I use a Garmin ForeTrex 101 for backpacking. I've used others (I have a Vista CSx also), and I have both Garmin map sets. But...I keep going back to the 101. It is the lightest there is (I have removed the wrist strap too). No maps, no internal compass, no altimeter...Just a good basic, reliable, lightweight, small GPS to show me where I am on a real 1:24,000 paper topo map.
The biggest problem with the internal compass is that it is a total battery hog! All the other "problems" with internal compasses (like having to calibrate, and having to hold them level and such) pale in comparison to the fact that, if left turned on, they cut your battery life in half! So...Why not just use a magnetic compass that doesn't require a battery at all and never needs calibration? Use the money towards software or something useful. JMHO
I walked in and they were having a "garage sale". This is where returned items are sold off cheap.
There in the original box, was a Garmin eTrex Vista CX. The return tag stated "Unit won't hold a charge or work off of A/C." Huh?!?! Say what?!?! The price tag was $75.
This was late in the day, so this unit had sat there all day long scaring people off who didn't know it doesn't have a recharger!
I asked for a couple of batteries, put them in and took it outside for a quick check. No problems at all! Mine for $75!!!
It's perfect and now holds a 1GB card I had delivered for $10 from Fry's Electronics.
If I go to a local benchmark, calibrate my altimeter, then immediately proceed home and record the indicated altitude, will the recorded altitude be accurate enough to calibrate from next time without having to go to the benchmark again?
I imagine it would be best to do this when the barometer trend is pretty flat.
Yup...That'll work. Or, if you have an airport nearby, call the recording pilots use and get a current barometric pressure and use that to calibrate. Then, immediately read the altitude of your driveway and record it. You can then use the known altitude of your driveway to calibrate against at any time.
Thanks for the great post. You seem smart...
What are the top ten things you would think needed to be in the lesson for beginners.
I used to have it, but no more. I need it again for a PowerPoint presentation. Thanks.
The "market' for such a sophisticated receiver is soooooo small, that it wouldn't be worth the R&R $$$ to develop it for the consumer market. Holy Cow...Just look at the number of posters here that can't figure out how to load City Navigator on their units or can't figure out how to input a manual waypoint.
Ahhhhhh! I think I get it! The PC/USB interface cord is not included with the Venture Cx. So...That is worth how much on E-Bay??? About $20? (Including shipping)
So, for less money than the legend, one could get the Venture, a 1gb (or even 2gb if you shop a little) card and the PC/USB interface cable.
I recently seen a 2 GB card for FREE after a rebate.
The only difference I can discern between the Legend Cx and the Venture Cx (besides the obvious yellow vs. blue color) is that the legend comes with a 64mb memory card and the Venture doesn't? Am I missing something here? The value of a 64 mb microSD card is what? About $3.00? I just had a 512mb delivered to my house for like 10 dollars. In fact, you can't even find 64 mb cards any more. Are people really paying $43 extra for a $3 card? I'm thinking I must be missing something here...
We first got mapping...Then auto-routing...Then combined radio units with P2P positioning...Then color...Then seriously expandable memory...
The industry sorta seems a bit stagnant right now...I wonder what the next breakthrough trick will be?
This isn't new to many of you, but the C-330 (and I suppose all of its related models) won't let you input Lat. Long. coordinates as a waypoint. Boy, this is stupid. One of the core functions of a GPS is imputing coordinates. It really frustrates me that there isn't an option to enter coordinates directly.
Oh...And by the way, you can't find your current coordinates either! They aren't shown. I hope I never need to call 911 in the middle of nowhere on a remote highway someday.
I can just imagine the call going something like this:
them: "911 dispatch...What is the nature of your emergency?"
Me: "There has been a bad wreck happen right in front of me."
them: "What is your location sir?"
me: "I'm not really sure...My GPS says "north on highway 25", but there is nothing around here. I have no idea where I am exactly".
them: Can you give me a mile marker sir?
me: "No...I don't see one, and I haven't been looking at them."
them: "You have a GPS sir? Can you give me coordinates"
me: "Uhhh...No, I can't."
You get my point...This is just goofy.
Get the PC cord with it, and it'll do you just fine! I love mine!
Here's something to chew on...
I have sold GPS for 7 1/2 years, and have taught GPS clinics for 5 years. I have used just about every GPS receiver made in the last 8 years, and can "borrow" for "field testing" nearly any current GPS receiver I want to, for any amount of time, at the store where I sell them (and do so...often). I have owned more GPS receivers than I have pairs of shoes in the last 5 years. Well...Guess what the only handheld model is I currently own? Yup...The Foretrex 101!
There will be those that tell you to get a color mapping unit with xxmb of memory and an internal compass and barometric altimeter, and whatever else. If you don't mind spending the extra money, then go for it...They are really fun. But, there's something fun about saving serious money and still being able to do something just as well as those that forfeited the $$$ too!
These are what we put on the wolves in Yellowstone. They cost $2500 per collar. Then, you need the signal receiving equipment and the software for your PC to track tha animals movements. Besides, you need satellite "bandwidth" to use the system. There are "home use" systems around the world you can buy that interface with cell phones instead of satellites. Then there are the old VHF radio transmitters and receivers. They aren't cheap either though.
Depends on how much cheaper you can get it for. I have V.5 (I use V.6 now) and there isn't a whole ton of difference. It's sorta like building a house I guess...An older, beat up hammer is better than no hammer. If you can't afford the v.8 and you can afford the v.5, get it! Too many people get hung up on the latest and greatest and bestest game in this whole GPS business.
I need a new backpacking receiver. One with the size and weight of the Foretrex 101 (or smaller even). It needs to run on alkaline/lithium/or rechargeable AAA batteries. I don't need mapping, altimeter or compass. In fact I don't want them in there at all...More to go wrong. I do want the SiRFstar III chip! I want an internal led light, for nighttime emergency use. usb PC interface is a must.
I have been using GPS for 9 years and have been teaching GPS navigation for 5 years. There is a need for this kind of back-country unit!
Why no mapping ? No more reason to go wrong. Besides no mapping BUT a PC interface, interface to do what ?
Anyway the trend in technology has always been more useful things (OK sometimes useless gimmicks too), cheaper, smaller, longer battery life more reliable for the same cost and amusingly it is what people wants.
I have no use for 1:100,000 scale maps on my GPS while backpacking. Not nearly enough detail. Besides, looking at a map through a 2-inch "window" drives me nuts! Nope...I always carry a waterproof 1:24,000 quad with me and my trusty grid card (and a compass). So, I have no use at all for a map with 1/4 the detail that I need.
On the interface question: I simply need to be able to send waypoints into the GPS from my mapping programs on my PC (I primarily use NG Topo 1:24,000 state series). On a long backpacking trip, I may have 30 or 40 waypoints loaded in, and I really don't want to do that one at a time, with manual input.
I need a new backpacking receiver. One with the size and weight of the Foretrex 101 (or smaller even). It needs to run on alkaline/lithium/or rechargeable AAA batteries. I don't need mapping, altimeter or compass. In fact I don't want them in there at all...More to go wrong. I do want the SiRFstar III chip! I want an internal led light, for nighttime emergency use. usb PC interface is a must.
I have been using GPS for 9 years and have been teaching GPS navigation for 5 years. There is a need for this kind of back-country unit!
Vent mount...I HATED IT!
Used one with a Magellan once, and every time I turned the corner, the stupid thing would swing from side to side, back and forth, beacuse the vents are hinged and meant to be aimed.
I have worked at a large national chain that is an outdoor retailer (Sportsmans Warehouse) for nearly 8 years now, selling GPS and teaching GPS clinics (5 different classes). I have been on the page for 5 or 6 of those years.
Geocaching has had an impact, but not a large one in our store. The numbers of customers coming in looking for a unit for geocaching is relatively small. However, our "clientele" may be skewed too. We are primarily a "Cabela's" type of store, catering to camping, hunting, and fishing. I think a store like REI or Best Buy, or the online retailers might have more geocaching customers than we do.
No matter what waterproof paper you purchase (I use Xerox brand bought at Staples)
, you need to remember that they only work with lazer printers!!!! Your inkjet will run and smear when you print on waterproof paper. I print on plain paper and then take it to work and use the lazer jet to copy on to the waterproof paper.
Well, that may be true for others, but not for the National Geographic paper! I sell it where I work, and I printed a map on my Canon inkjet printer and put it in a Nalgene water bottle full of water for display at our store. That was 3 years ago! It still looks perfect there in the water.
I have had both. I still own and use the Foretrex 101. The 60 would be superior to the 101 for geocaching. I use the 101 exclusively for backpacking. and I still feel it is the best unit going for backpacking. But not for geocaching.
An even better scenario than discussing the maps and their relative value in this situation: Wasn't his wife able to text message someone early in the scenario? It seems to me the news reported that she had been able to get a TM out to someone. Well, if they had a GPS with them, coordinates could have been repeatedly TM'd to everyone on their contact list.
Who has the best price online for the Vista HCx?
in GPS technology and devices
I've never bought one online before and I'm ordering a new Vista HCx, but I don't know where to begin to look, exept Amazon.com