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Everything posted by haggaeus
Not sure if this is a new bug or if it has been around for a while: I used to refer to waymarks using the http://coords.info/ + WM code URL, but today I found it stopped working: for example http://coords.info/WMHNP4 redirects to http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/wmhnp4 (the WM code is translated into lowercase) and this results in a "No waymark found" page.
Mentioned together with Wherigo... at least not with Challenges
Seems like quite easy challenge in Ireland: Navan, population 28,559 Carlow, 23,030 Newbridge, 21,561 Athlone, 20,153 Portlaoise, 20,145 Source: Wikipedia Hopefully they will stay unwaymarked for some time, right now the weather is too nice to spend a day by urban Waymarking
A Possible New Feature For The Website?
haggaeus replied to Lachlan1.77's topic in General Waymarking Topics
Corrected: http://www.chilehead.us/Waymarking/ EDIT: some hidden feature of the forums is changing initial w to uppercase in "Waymarking". -
I was recently walking through Glasnevin Cemetery and saw many fine pieces of cemetery art there. Mostly ornamental celtic crosses but some figurative sculptures as well. Almost feels like this category would fall into "too prevalent". My other concern is that grave decorations vary from country to country: the headstones like those below are common in any Irish cemetery but for a visitor from Central Europe they seem to be quite unusual.
Never knew I live in a Fair Trade City The city council website mentions 120 retail stores carrying fair trade brands - not sure about their percentage though. This one looks picturesque enough (provided that they have a large shop window - I am not a fan of indoors Waymarking). Seems like the most of fairtrade businesses here are combos like Oxfam charity shops, or cafe selling fairtrade products and Amnesty International publications.
If the default waymark image is portrait-oriented, it gets blurry (original thread with identified problem and suggested solution). Just added: Decimal portions of numeric variables are lost (original thread).
Recently I discovered Waterway Locks, Planes and Lifts category - great for my canal kayaking trips (when I am not using the locks and I'm portaging my kayak around them, I can at least waymark them). There is a varaiable Elevation Difference in meters, I am taking the values from my Grand Canal Guide book, converting them from feet to meters, and the website keeps rounding them to whole numbers (but displaying them with two decimal places!) Checked another random category with height variable: Man-made Waterfalls and it seems to suffer from the same problem (8ft =2.00m).
This is an old bug - changing E to W and S to N. First officially reported 2 years ago. I solved that one for myself by moving to N53 W6. Decimal degrees work fine, I used them when I had a lot of WMs from our Norway trip this summer and downloaded coords from my GPS using gpsbabel, but I recall I was getting some strange errors sometimes, maybe when there were leading/trailing spaces in the decimal coords? Can you doublecheck your input and retest the bug?
Idea:- Best Kept Village
haggaeus replied to Ddraig Ddu's topic in Recruiting and Category Proposals
Just for the record: Ireland has Tidy Towns yearly competition since 1958. I have photographed a tidy towns plaque in Carlinford (1988 winner) this week, will post it if the category ever comes to life. -
Happened to me as well: WM8G83 Sedlcany Marian Column WME6BH Plague Column, Sedlcany, Czech Republic I discovered it by an accident, browsing through new Baroque waymarks, posted a note to the duplicate, and the poster contacted me, confirming that he didn't receive any proximity alert. He is a frequent poster in this category, so I don't think he would post an uncategorized WM - guess sometimes the proximity alert just doesn't work.
Sure, I bet Geocaching is the best seller. On the other hand, there might be members like me who don't need Premium Membership for their 3-5 traditional caches per weekend, but they'd renew their membership if there was any hope that the worst WM bugs would be fixed and perhaps new functionality added. Come on, the S/E coordinates automagically changing to N/W were supposed to be fixed 2.5 years ago, still no progress on that. There is still no consistent Unicode support (over 1 year) and portrait photos on WM pages are still blurred (ok this one is new, just 3 months). I guess I'll keep up to my 1000th waymark and then move to wikimedia or local sites.
Idea:- Best Kept Village
haggaeus replied to Ddraig Ddu's topic in Recruiting and Category Proposals
There is also Sachsens Schönste Dörfer (The Nicest Saxonian Villages), a regional project in Saxony. Here in CZ we have Vesnice roku (The village of the Year) with regional and overall results, and the winners proceed to European Village Renewal Award competition. -
I searched waymarks for "drak" (Czech for Dragon) and except of few local species (dragons of Brno and Trutnov), most of our dragons are being killed by St. George. There are also some plastic ones guarding the entrances of Chinese restaurants. If some member of Epic Beings and Creatures should be singled out, I would prefer Vodnik (Vodanoy, Wasserman, Water Sprite) (picture taken from Dorcadion's WMAK0R).
I hope they will stay as they are, so the badge hunters can write just 350 "visited while geocaching" logs and go away.
Yes you are right, I examined the HTML and I see the source of the problem: - the images to be displayed on WM page are scaled down from full size. I didn't found the exact rule but it looks like the portrait-oriented images get typically scaled to 266px high and 160-190px wide. - then the style forces the image to be displayed 250px wide. A smaller resolution image is being scaled up by the browser and that's why it gets blurry. To the developers: can it be fixed? Either by deleting the width: attribute of wm_photo class in CSS (you would get slightly smaller but sharp photo), or by scaling the preview images to 250px width?
I am not sure if it has been like this all the time, but the small photos at the WM page are sometimes really blurry - see for example my WMEDX1: The left is the image on the WM page, the right is how it looks when scaled to the same size in Gimp. Is there a workaround how to upload the images, or does everybody get such low quality pictures? When clicking on the image and displaying it in full size, the quality is ok.
No wiki I'm aware of. As usual in WM, it depends on the category - last time when I promoted a new officer to Czech Geodetic Points, I sent him a summary of "best practices" like: - don't approve your own waymarks, let them be approved by other officer - one specific type of geodetic points has to go through an officer vote - what to check: if the region is correct, if the coordinates matches the map and description at the Czech Geodetic Survey site, and if there is a required detail photo of the point Apply that to your category
Austrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites
haggaeus replied to fi67's topic in Recruiting and Category Proposals
I don't know about NRHP but these European lists were not created as "lists of interesting objects" - they are primarily lists of historical objects under special protection. If you own a house which is on that list, you can't perform any construction works or repairs on it without a permission from the Conservation Office (or whatever it is called). So naturally there will be similar houses in a row on one street, but it doesn't mean that each of them is worth a visit - the example I gave above could be posted eg. as "Werkbundsiedlung Residential Buildings - Woinovichgasse, Wien, Austria" with photos of several buildings. BTW that AleXXw's site is great source not only for this category, I'll check it when I'll plan my next trip to Austria. -
I don't know if Static Train Cars changed their policy, but I just got WME9NX declined with the above sentence quoted EDIT: they may be right - this is not really a "train car" but a minecart which was pushed by hands, see the handles on both sides.
Austrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites
haggaeus replied to fi67's topic in Recruiting and Category Proposals
That's fine if the buildings have an unique architecture or history - but is it really necessary to have the buildings in Wien, Woinovichgasse 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10-12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16-18-20, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 listed as individual waymarks? Each of them has an individual object number, they have been designed in similar style by about 5 different architectors during the Werkbundsiedlung project. (I used this page at AleXXw's Tools Denkmalliste site) -
Austrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites
haggaeus replied to fi67's topic in Recruiting and Category Proposals
I checked one of the Austrian lists and it looks similar to the German Denkmallists: many interesting objects, but also "powertrails" like 10 or more Buergerhausen on the same street. Please consider grouping similar objects in one location into one waymark - check the current page in the German category to see what I mean. -
Jest funkcja "Lock Listing", dostepna dla reviewerow. Reviewerzy z niej korzystaja rzadko - przyklad: skrzynka jest ukryta sprzeczne z zasadami, reviewer ja archiwuje, owner sie przeniesie na OC a deklaruje ze mozna logowac zarchiwowany listing. Byly tez przypadki, kiedy reviewer zamknal listing na prosbe ownera, ktory zakonczyl z GC i nie chcial ze by go martwily logi.
It happened at my WM13XH - the city information center moved to a new location. I just updated the coordinates, address and photo, and added a note to the description.
Pilgrimages —new category idea (another)
haggaeus replied to Ianatlarge's topic in Recruiting and Category Proposals
I would prefer the destination. There was St. James Way (Santiago de Compostella) in peer review recently and one of the objections was that there was no clear definition what should be waymarked. Would former pilgrimage destinations be allowed? In CZ we have quite a few "pilgrimage churches" - usually the pilgrimage cult started in 17th century, the church is larger than a usual village church, it stands in the middle of nowhere and often is in a desolate state, as the pilgrimage tradition was discontinued and there are no funds for repairs. Examples: WMAQ2X, WMA5PG, GCKQR4, WMD1Y6 - or just search for 'pilgrimage church', 'pilgrimage chapel' keywords. There would be a lot of crossposting with the existing categories (architectonic and religious ones). This new category should probably focus more on the history - when the tradition of pilgrimages to this place started (and ended), what special artifacts can be seen there, if there are any miraculous healing legends, if the pilgrimages are(were) being made year-round or for some special holidays, etc.. I would leave these for Official Tourist Attractions. If there is a group formed, let me know and I will renew my premium membership.