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legna and sOulbAit

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Posts posted by legna and sOulbAit

  1. Looking for:

    Team Fisur - Dhobby1 1st ed. – Goblindust – Bluegillfisherman – Facedances - Wandering Dragon.


    Have for trade:

    3costcoguys – Alaska (Bronze) – Canada – Colorado - Conejo Cachers – donbadabon – Michigan TT.C – Ohio – Silvermarc – South African – Texas (2005) – Utah.


    Will consider giving two for one.

    Make offer.


  2. Received email today for payment. Just finished making payment thru Paypal. Just curious, noticed three email address on the payment email. One address was from sender. One address was for questions about coins/payment, and the third was the email to send money to. Just checking to see if this was ok.


    Now for the downside of using three email addresses. Emails can be sent out to potential buyers (from hackers/using sellers email address) and have them send money to a different paypal email address then the sellers address. I would rather send money to the sellers main email address that I have corresponded with in the past. I do know that Paypal protects us from this, but it looks like it could potentially be done. Any thoughts?


    Please let me know that you received my payment. I will sure feel better.


    Anyhow, coins are paid. Thanks

    legna and sOulbAit

  3. Awesome geocoin pdxmarathonman. legna and myself do the 1/2 marathons and shorter runs. We have never done a marathon and not sure if we could even finish. We are both about dead after the 1/2 marathon (but we do run the entire distance). Congrats on the coin and your feet, or is it feat. Anyway Congratssssssssssssss.

    legna and sOulbAit

  4. I want to thank everyone that has emailed me on trades. All the offers were really nice, but not exactly what I was looking for. The Unactivated Bronze GWIII Coin is still available for offers. Thanks again and Happy Geocoin Collecting.

    It would be helpful if we had some clue what you are looking for.

    I am somewhat shy to come right out and say what I want for a coin. Each person has a different opinion of what a coin is worth. Therefore, the best thing is for me to see what someone will offer. That way there, I am not offending anyone. If something comes along that grabs me by the collar then I will go for it. Thank you so much for the comment. On my geocoinlist page, I have the major coins I am looking for. Everyone is so friendly and I am glad to be part of the geocoin craze.

    Happy Geocaching.

  5. I have one of the Volunteer Bronze versions of the Geowoodstock 3 coins.


    There were only 100 of the bronze version minted. They were only given to volunteers and never available to the caching community at large. Very few people have them at all, and only a handful of people have more than one. It is a rare coin indeed. It is also beautiful, trackable on geocaching.com, and has it's own icon for you icon ho's.


    If anyone has a trade to propose, please email me via my gc.com profile


    IceCreamMan could not have written this any better. Thanks for the write up.


    This is the same coin design that The Federation and IceCreamMan listed on this tread.


    Thanks for reading.

    legna and sOulbAit

    I want to thank everyone that has emailed me on trades. All the offers were really nice, but not exactly what I was looking for. The Unactivated Bronze GWIII Coin is still available for offers. Thanks again and Happy Geocoin Collecting.

  6. I have one of the Volunteer Bronze versions of the Geowoodstock 3 coins.


    There were only 100 of the bronze version minted. They were only given to volunteers and never available to the caching community at large. Very few people have them at all, and only a handful of people have more than one. It is a rare coin indeed. It is also beautiful, trackable on geocaching.com, and has it's own icon for you icon ho's.


    If anyone has a trade to propose, please email me via my gc.com profile


    IceCreamMan could not have written this any better. Thanks for the write up.


    This is the same coin design that The Federation and IceCreamMan listed on this tread.


    Thanks for reading.

    legna and sOulbAit

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