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Posts posted by egami
You can not turn any GPS on and get a location immediately. It takes a few minutes at least to get a location fix and then get the accuracy down to an acceptable level after turning it on.
Yeah, I've used GPSr's for years...I am aware of that, I was simply trying to emphasize the need for simplicity and them not needing to understand how to navigate the menus.
In fact, we've been doing this described process for years within the company...this isn't a new process. This is an established process. I am looking for a new device. Nothing more.
Egami - I don't have me hTrex anymore (it wasn't the H model, but the functions would be the same). The satellite page shows a simulation of the sky and the relative position of the satellites that the unit is looking for. After the unit is locked on the satellites, the current position of the unit - lat/long - also displays on that page. I don't remember whether the unit stays on that page after getting a lock or if it automatically scrolls to one of the other pages. But, even if it does, it is easy enough to scroll back to the satellite page.
My main issue is I don't want the user to have to change a single thing. Turn it on, get the info, turn it off.
Having said this, if you want to navigate to a known location, I don't think that is the page you want to use (or, I'm not quite understanding the question that you are asking). Instead, I think you want the compass page - you can use that to get information about direction and distance to that location. With any of the units in the Garmin eTrex series you would have to scroll to get to that page.They aren't using it for navigation. Just simply gathering a GPS location to enter into the system. Nothing more, nothing less. The drive to a location, plop an LP tank on the ground, record the location.
I don't think so. When you first turn it on you get the satellites page, and i havent read or seen anywhere on how to do that kind of customization.
Correct, and when the gpsr gets a lock, the coordinates for the current location are displayed on that page.
Ok, so if it fires up to the satellite page by default I can handle it if it gives me the LAT/LONG with them having to navigate. Is this what you're telling me they'll see?
We used to use the Lowrance iFinder Go for our LP truck drivers to obtain a manual GPS reading to be entered into our system for LP tank location. We are looking at going to the eTrex H now for this function. Can anyone who has one, or extensive experience with one, tell me if it's possible to have the unit turn on and have the GPS reading be on the first page? Thanks.
1. What would the hidden pitfalls of this be?
Well, you saw what happened when E.T. got a hold of a Speak n' Spell didn't you?
I many places your county assessor websites will have some way to find the records online.
Here is the most recent thread on this topic...I'd start with these suggestions.
Brother, the reviewer told you what the problem was. Anyone that has been caching for more than 5 seconds can see the link as being commercial in nature. Rather than follow the instructions you were given, you opted for a different solution, and when your efforts failed, you want to pout about it?
Didn't we cover this ground already?
The reviewer say the problem was commercial content, but not what specifically what part of the listing it came from. There were 3 links on the page. Were all the links an issue? I guess anybody thats been on the forums for 5 seconds might know that.
Personally, I think it's pretty obvious when looking at the content, and seeing the note the reviewer wrote, that the issue is going to be with links to a site that is selling items.
Now you have me thinking, maybe I should watch for my cache to be published, then go wait by the cache location to meet all the FTF hounds. I don't really ever get a chance to meet fellow geocachers in my area. But that probably wouldn't be appropriate.
I haven't done that for FTF specifically, but one of my caches is outside my work and one across the street from my parents business and when I see cachers I usually go over and introduce myself. Good times.
When I posted my two caches I noticed that the first logs are from those who said that they were sitting in front of the computer when they noticed this cache published, so they rushed out right away to get it. Now, I am new to placing caches so I am not too good at putting FTF prizes in there, is that what is so important? Why is it so important to be the FTF? I don't get it.
Most people I know that are FTF hounds could care less about any physical prize. They just enjoy being the first one there and the competitive aspect of it when there are multiple FTF hounds in the vicinity to compete with.
I don't have enough time to waste in my first life.
In my career, there have always been employees that sit around and complain about how much they hate their job. On a few occasions, I've had the priviledge of telling said employees, "If you don't like your job, quit and find a new one... Noone is forcing you to work here"..
I think that applies to anyone that whines and complains about how much they hate Groundspeak and hate the volunteers and hate the employees.. If you hate it so much and are disgusted by everything Groundspeak related, then LEAVE and go find somewhere else to play.
Sounds good to me..
There is something we agree on.
Is your goal to get banned?
Perhaps the following sections of the guidelines need to be rewritten
If your cache has been placed on hold, temporarily disabled or archived…First please read the reviewer notes for an explanation. It is a common practice for the reviewers to place a cache on hold while they obtain additional details required for it to be published. A reviewer may temporarily disable a submission to provide time for the cache owner to make necessary changes to the cache placement or cache description. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it won’t be published. In order to ensure a prompt response when responding to a reviewer, please follow the contact instructions given by the reviewer in their note. If no other instructions are provided, click on the volunteer reviewer’s profile from the cache page and e-mail the reviewer through Geocaching.com. If you reply directly to the automated cache notification address, most likely you will not receive a reply.
If your cache has been archived and you wish to appeal the decision, first contact the reviewer and explain why you feel your cache meets the guidelines. Exceptions may sometimes be made, depending on the nature of a cache. If you have a novel type of cache that “pushes the envelope” to some degree, then it is best to contact your local reviewer and/or Groundspeak before placing and reporting it on the Geocaching.com web site. The guidelines should address most situations, but Groundspeak administrators and reviewers are always interested in new ideas. If, after exchanging emails with the reviewer, you still feel your cache has been misjudged, your next option is to ask the volunteer to post the cache for all of the reviewers to see in their private discussion forum. Sometimes a second opinion from someone else who has seen a similar situation can help in suggesting a way for the cache to be published. Next, you should feel free to post a message in the “Geocaching Topics” section of the Groundspeak Forums to see what the geocaching community thinks. If the majority believes that it should be published, then Groundspeak administrators and volunteers may review the submission and your cache may be unarchived. Finally, if you believe that the reviewer has acted inappropriately, you may send an e-mail with complete details, waypoint name (GC****) and a link to the cache, to Groundspeak’s special address for this purpose: appeals@geocaching.com. For all other purposes, whenever these Guidelines ask the cache owner to “contact Groundspeak,” use the contact@geocaching.com e-mail address.
The first paragraph gives instructions for contacting the reviewer by following the instructions the reviewer gave or clicking on the volunteer reviewer’s profile from the cache page and e-mail the reviewer through Geocaching.com if no other instructions were given. It doesn't explicitly say to follow the reviewer's instructions to contact appeals@geocaching.com though I guess one could interpret it that way.
The second paragraph gives the appeals process and list the following order
- exchange of emails with reviewer
- ask for a review by the reviewers in their private discussion forum
- post in the Geocaching Topics section of the Groundspeak Forums
- send email to appeals@geocaching.com
I believe the OP thought they were following the appeals process as outlined in the guidelines. While they didn't immediately contact Groundspeak as the reviewer requested, it may have appeared that the reviewer was the one not following the guidelines here. Update the appeals paragraphs so that it is clear that a reviewer may give instructions to contact Geocaching.com particularly in case of caches that solicit or appear to be commercial in nature.
Emphasis added.
Frankly, I think they should of followed the instructions provided. I agree there should have been better communication by the reviewer, but it doesn't sound like they actually did what they were asked.
Also, I am a bit confused why the OP's one reply says that the e-mail response that GC.com was looking came on the the 20th then later says it was on the 25th, but that's a different issue that is maybe beside the point.
Also, the steps you listed out below is in reference to the section regarding archived caches, so to me that wouldn't apply at this point in the process.
- exchange of emails with reviewer
Well did you e-mail appeals@Groundspeak.com and what did they say?
You can't make an appeal if you don't know what the problem is. The first step was as they did, email the reviewer and ask for clarification.
I'm not seeing the issue either and would have asked for clarification.
I was under that impression at first, but looking at the OP and reading everything through I think the reviewer clearly states why.
If I were in CA I'd be more concerned with the proposal to take away parental rights over students while they are at school.
No, no, no...this is the part where you post a screen shot with their name and all the drama ensues!
MUCH more adult than that!
No need to report either, as I said, it gave me a view to their true character!
Let's keep this friendly and on topic...THANKING those who give of themselves so we can enjoy this activity!!
Definitely so...
Agree with them on every issue or not you got to give props to people giving their time to moderate boards and review caches. It's often a thankless job.
I used to admin/mod a board that was almost as busy as this one for over six years. It's work.
Normally I hate stupid image replies, but I had to LOL at that one...
No, no, no...this is the part where you post a screen shot with their name and all the drama ensues!
Sounds like a government solution.
I'm surprised that the event didn't get denied for violating this bit of the guidelines:
In addition, an event cache should not be set up for the sole purpose of drawing together cachers for an organized hunt of another cache or caches.Never seen that before...meaning already existing caches?
If the reviewer didn't explain to them what the contention with the content was then that is unfortunate. I don't think a reviewer should default someone to GS without them having a chance to correct things without GS involvement. Maybe that happened, maybe it didn't, but there is too much clutter on the subject...so I am making a qualified, generic statement.
However, it should be relatively common sense that any direct link to a website, especially one that sells something, is going to be viewed as a violation of the solicitation rule.
This isn't about their rules or guidelines and them being able to do whatever they want. We all are full aware of the fact that if they wanted they could fully endorse Hitler.
The point is the principle behind their perceived double standard. They are taking actions on a cache that are hypocritical when compared to caches of other topics.
It isn't about their rights. They have the right to do whatever the please. It's about their integrity and consistency, or lack thereof.
This is got to be the most blantant example of Godwin's law I've ever seen in this forum. Just barely falls short of accusing Groundspeak of endorsing Hitler. Maybe we can get this thread locked.
Can they, or can they not, by virtue of controlling the site and being in a free country, support whatever they choose?
The point was merely to offset the repetitive Straw Man that was repeated thrown up that was implying those of us who don't agree with this action somehow had some issue with the owners' rights.
Egami won't give us examples of the double standard that Groundspeak is using. So we can't tell if the other cache simply thanks the troops for serving and then goes on to describe the cache at memorial like ReadyOrNot's. Or was it one that was placed at an American Legions post and had a few sentences about the American Legion. When was this cache placed? The guidelines and their interpretation change. Remember this thread. After an appeal to Groundspeak, the caches were listed although there was some limitation on what could be said. (I.E. you could remember the event but not say that we need to fight the terrorists).If the date this was implemented is reflected in that thread then I've already given you the information to find numerous caches in violation that meet the criteria without spoon-feeding it to anyone.
Frankly, I don't care about the date. If you're going to have guidelines and rules about such principles then it should be important enough to apply to all caches regardless of inception.
Right, just don't forget the part where the same police office allows many other cars to speed by while finishing his donut. It's just that those particular models (agendas) didn't trip his trigger.
eTrex H
in GPS technology and devices
Yeah, I want to go to any automated process that connects to a hand held PC, but that may be down the road.
Right now they go to the spot, drop the tank, take the GPS reading and write it down to enter into the system electronically later.
Appreciate the help. I thought that was going to be a relatively easy, straight-forward request.