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Posts posted by offthemeter

  1. Thanks for all your congrats! I am truly blessed to have someone who is the sweetest and most caring person, puts up with me, and likes geocaching on top of it all! :D I really had fun putting the engagement cache together and knew she would love the surprise. The big day started out very cloudy and gloomy, and it is over a 100 mile drive out to the Kanapolis area with Christmas closing quickly. I was very worried about the conditions and started to have my doubts. Fortunately, the cloud cover quickly blew over and the sun came blazing it's way out on cue. I knew this had to be a sign and felt confident that my days of previous planning would not go unrewarded. I had a couple of hours to kill before the big moment so I was careful to get not to far flung, which is very easy to do in this area, before I needed to be back at the final cache site at sunset. I told her she could find the last cache of the day which led us to a short hike atop a high bluff overlooking the Smoky Hill River. She commented on how beautiful it was and I gave a surprised Uh huh! :D Saso792's coords were dead on and she was soon opening the ammobox with me perched on the rock expectantly at her side fumbling for the ring. The log book looked familiar to her- so far so good. She noticed something furry beneath and commented how we had not brought anything to trade for it. She hoisted it out and looked over the red shirt with white embroidered letters that read "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" I leaned over on bended knee with the ring and asked her "so will you marry me?" She sat there for what seemed an eternity staring at the bear expressionless. Somehow the ring disappeared out of my hand and without her saying a word. -This was the first time I have seen her speechless so I knew she was "on board." We carved a message into the rock to mark the occasion and took a few pictures of ourselves to remember the moment. Everything worked out perfect and now we are the unofficial ambassadors of geocaching with our engagement story! :D I want to give saso792 a big thanks for placing this cache!

    Here are a few of the pictures we took to remember the moment. Please bear with this n00b as this is my first time posting pics :)

    6758ea48-5ad1-4c89-be44-dd5bfbdade80.jpgI was looking for a nice high point that would have an amazing sunset for my proposal. It's an area that pictures cannot do justice.


    Sweetheart and myself with special ammo can and bear. She put the ring on her finger and is wearing it in this pic without really having said yes. Or did she? I really caught her off guard.

    5a7368fd-b25d-42c4-b6f7-8221b439f327.jpgBeary Nice Cache!

    da Bear now graces her mantle at home and will always be a reminder of that December 10 evening.

  2. I'm still a bit of a n00b to geocaching- approaching my 100th find in about 3 months at it. :P I'm from the Wichita area and have basically been caching the south central region, so my experience is limited. I'm curious to know where other posters feel they have found good caching around the state. Winfield has a lot of quality and quantity for it's size. It's a beautiful area as well. Also, Pawnee Prairie park in southwestern Wichita has a lot to offer. I'm headed to Kanopolis State Park this weekend, as I hear it is among the best. What say you? :cry:

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