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Everything posted by diddleysquin

  1. So....in a sense.... this is kinda like a PEN PAL (without the postal service)?? I think its neat and I'd willing to participate. You would need to come up with detailed 'instructions' of how its going to work or else you'll be bombarded with questions. For instance: 1) People sign up with you 2) Does each person need a TB to play? 3) Is it a paired exchange? Person A to Person B and Person B to Person A. Or Person A to Person B, then forwarded to Person C and to Person D...etc. However you think it should be run....Assuming the TB's don't disappear, map out the path they should take so you'll know ahead of time what to expect and/or any problems that might be uncovered. And if some of them do disappear, does it change the dynamic of the progression? (did all that make sense? Yea, Kinda like a pen pall (a travel pall?) 1) For now I was just looking for interest to be registered in this thread but if its an idea that a few people want to do I'll be more than happy to take details and coordinate. 2) The idea is that, yes, you need a TB (or other trackable) to send with the goal of reaching the other cacher. 3) It is a one to one goal. So person A send to B and B to A - C sends to D and D to C. This isn't to say though that you can't be doing 'swaps' with more than one person at once. So A may have sent out bugs to B, C and D and B, C and D would each be sending a bug towards A. Does that make sense? I wasn't thinking about mapping out the journey in advance, part of the beauty of a TB is the weird and wonderful journey that it takes to get to its goal, part of the fun is to watch it go half way around the world before it reaches the other end of the street that it set off from.
  2. I wont be sending out the bugs in question until January (they have to arrive in the post first) but it would be nice to find some people willing to do this with me (and / or each other) so that I can have an idea where I'm sending them in advance.
  3. Oh don't worry, I don't expect them to be a quick or even fully successful journeys (part of the fun is seeing the peculiar root that a bug has taken and the 'will it make it' suspense); I just think it would be a fun one to try, track and for someone to know that a bug is at least trying to 'meet' them.
  4. I've had a little look around and can't seem to find anyone else proposing this idea (maybe its been tried and deemed a failure, I don't know). I'm getting ready to put my first bugs into circulation but I find myself struggling with the ideas of destinations. I don't want to go for the classic 'just to travel', but I also want a 'different' kind of goal. So I've been thinking, why don't we have an 'exchange' kind of thing, two people (anywhere in the world) arrange to set their bugs off at the same time with the goal of getting the bugs to the cach nearest the other. Maybe that's not the best way of explaining it... Person A lives one side of the world and person B the other. Person A sets of a bug on day X with the aim of getting it to the cach (specified by person B ) that is closest to person B. Person B also sets off a travel bug on day X with the aim of getting to the cach closest to person A. The winner is which ever bug reaches its destination first then the owners can either set new destinations or see if they can return home quicker than they left. So questions: 1. am I making any sense? 2. Would anyone be interested in playing a game like this? I'd love to know what you guys think..
  5. Hello Beach_hut and thank you for the look in and link, I've requested to join that group too.
  6. Thank you also to Artemis Five, I'm joining up to the group now although I'm not a constant Face Book user, maybe it'll give me a reason to go back on there.
  7. Thankyou margegbc that sounds great. Yes I'm a little younger than most around here (18). I've been walking/ cycling to all the caches myself too so that's not a problem. I've read up on travel bugs and other trackables before I came across this one and was delighted to find it after such a short while caching. I'm in the process of making it some special arrangements at the moment so I'm sure I could let you in on that.
  8. Hello! As I'm sure you've guessed I'm pretty new around here. I'm in North East Lincolnshire and was wondering if any of the local Geocachers would help me about a bit and show me the ropes. Thanks in advance for anyone who pays me any interest :3
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