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Everything posted by LQ

  1. LQ

    Newest Wap Interface

    Yes noticed that too finally. I didn't settle for three... But any TB:s that you try to drop remain in your hands.
  2. Did this release affect wap.geocaching.com? Not sure when I used it successfully the last time, but today I couldn't. See separate bug report in the pinned wap thread.
  3. LQ

    Newest Wap Interface

    BUG BUG BUG Not able to log caches thru the wap site. Edit: noticed that the log actually succeeded despite the error messag, BUT selected travelbugs remained "in my hands". http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...=y&decrypt=
  4. LQ

    Newest Wap Interface

    Haven't tried this lately, but have you tried: Would be nice to get this fixed someday.
  5. The real restrictions on the image sizes are actually something different, than the officially listed ones. Here's an example what you can get already. Maybe the downsizing algorithm on the server end could be tweaked to do a better job?
  6. I support this idea! Another interesting sort option would be by distance from your home coordinates, not so useful for trackables by cache but interesting if you are trying to locate spesific icons. For example: http://www.geocaching.com/track/search.asp...75-480088f0f820 (Here sort by last log does a good job, but this was only an example.)
  7. Your profile says Premium Member... How about logging out and then logging back in?
  8. Thank you for acknowledging this. As I said here this was 'broken' before Release 7/28/09, which according to my test fixed the issue. Exactly when it was broken again after that I don't know. Symptoms: Cache/Traveller owner gets a server error after deleting a log and the log owner doesn't get any notification, but the log IS deleted, or shoud I say archived.
  9. I think there has to be a few threads on this subject, but apparently it doesn't get any priority from TPTB. Especially caches found within the same day are mostly listed in completely opposite order as logged, but sometimes this isn't consistent either. Your best bet for the right order would be here: http://www.geocaching.com/my/logs.aspx?s=1 I also think that third party tools such as GSAK can produce the right order, provided that you logged in right order naturally. (Every log has it own increasing LUID number and those shold be available in a my finds pq.)
  10. IMO a cache is placed, when you place the "box". So if you can't trust the owner, then there's no way to tell for sure. The publish log tells when the cache was published give or take one day as it's forced to Groundspeak (Seattle) time zone. If you really need to know when a cache was published, you have to look at the timestamp in your publish notification email. I don't think this is a major issue, even if I don't like some usres habit to delete 'archive' and 'coordinate update' logs either. BTW before summer 2005 publishing a cache didn't generate any visible log.
  11. Lisätään nyt tännekin että sekä YSA että Wikipedia, johon YSA:n ylläpitäjä vetosi, ovat tältä osin korjattuja vastaamaan harrastajien piirissä vallitsevaa de facto käytäntöä. Googlen lukemat tällä hetkellä: geokätköily 26200 g. kätkentä 2290 Mutta tässä vielä yksi "hoidettava" asia: "Kielitoimiston sanakirjan uusin versio 2.0 - 18.2.2008 tuntee vain muodon qeokätkentä eikä lainkaan geokätköilyä"
  12. Mielenkiintoista, tästä: http://vanha.hum.utu.fi/satakunta/tutkimus...aytteet/124.pdf löytyy viiteluettelosta täälläinen kohta: Groundspeak forumin keskustelupalsta, (geokätkentä sanan suomenkielinen merkitys ja käyttötarkoitus) http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=38990. Vuonna miekka ja kypärä tuolla termillä oli ehkä oma kannattajakuntansa ja oliskin ollut mielenkiintoista katsoa mitä silloin on keskusteltu. Mutta kyseinen linkki veikin jonnekin uusselantilaiselle osiolle jolla ei ole mitään tekemistä asian kanssa. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=38990
  13. Unfortunately not fixed yet. Tested this yesterday. Since this hasn't been working for months, I suggest that in addition to fix this; a feature to get links to your archived log entries should be added. The logical place for this would be here: http://www.geocaching.com/my/logs.aspx
  14. This would still be a nice feature, but plase at least fix the now (again) missing log deletion notice emails.
  15. As you can see from a separate thread. This very annoying (the part that the owner isn't notified) bug has surfaced again! Noticed this behavior for cache logs, "attempting to delete" is a bit missleading the log actually got deleted, but the far more severe issue was that the owner of the deleted log never got any email notification about it! Verified that it works (for cache logs) again. Thanks for the fix.
  16. Noticed this behavior for cache logs, "attempting to delete" is a bit missleading the log actually got deleted, but the far more severe issue was that the owner of the deleted log never got any email notification about it! Verified that it works (for cache logs) again. Thanks for the fix.
  17. GC1TF00 to GC1VF00 took about 28 days. So GC1VF00 to GC1WF00 will take about the same, and GC1WECA will go about an hour before. I'm going to guess 28th July, plus or minus a couple of days. But you'll need to be camped out in front on your PC. So, did you get it? 28th July, was a reasonably well educated guess. Now it seems that "your" code was reserved 22 +/- 2 hours ago. And if you didn't get it, there still is litle hope. BUT you have to find out who reserved the code and convince them to adopt that cache description to you. (Naturally before it gets published, so there's a "slight" problem to get in touch with the current owner.)
  18. Good idea yes, but much higher priority issue: at the moment the log deletion notcie doesn't seem to work at all! Just confirmed this bug; had a log deleted, but got no mail about it.
  19. It is possible, but in my opinion the TB owner shouldn't assume that you have/use internet access 'in the field'. I rarely check the web when I'm traveling. Is it this TB: If someone is stupid, I vote for the TB owner writing such into the TB description for a bug without the goal written on something robust attached to the bug itself. But, anyway I can act as your proxy here in Helsinki if you want to mail the TB. Just send an email thru the link on my profile page to sort out the details.
  20. Probably yes, but first you have to define what you mean by that... A pure 'finds per time unit' approach isn't very useful, as recently published caches with a lot of finds on the first day would keep populating the top of that list... Some reasonable minimum age of the candidates would be preferable. (Disclaimer: I don't have means (necessary input data in some handy format) to produce such a list.)
  21. The problem is simply that the 'second bratwurst' has been allowed to register essentialy the same username. At that time the usernames apparently have been CaSe SeNsItIvE. (Now you simply can't register the user name 'LQ', because 'lq' is already taken by me.) All these links returns my finds: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?ul=lq http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?ul=lQ http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?ul=Lq http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?ul=LQ ...and I guess, that would be the case even if someone had managed to get any of the other comnbinations registered. (Fortunately you can always see your own logs thru http://www.geocaching.com/my/logs.aspx?s=1 when logged in. It's even possible that the 'second bratwurst' isn't even capable to log in before the username is changed to something else, that isn't in conflict with any other username. But yes, emailing contact@... is probably the best way to go.
  22. Kuvittelen tietäväni mistä kätköstä tämä lanka on lähtenyt liikkeelle. Siinä ainakin kuvauksessa mainitaan mikä on tilanne ja että kätköilijät voivat käydä tai olla käymättä kätköllä oman harkintansa mukaan. Kun kävin paikan päällä illalla, niin ketään ei näkynyt missään, eikä nollapisteen lähellä ollut mitään varsinaista työmaata. Niin, ja mitään aitaa tms. ei tarvinnut ylittää/alittaa(/mennä läpi ). Lisäksi tulee mieleen pari suht tuoretta kätköä eräällä "työmaalla", jossa käynti voi tuntua hieman kyseenalaiselta, mutta en näe syytä niittenkään arkistointiin. Aika varmaan hoitaa sen ennemmin tai myöhemmin kuitenkin. Mutta, minähän olenkin niin rikollinen että saatan kävellä päin punaisia valoja, kun risteävää liikennettä ei näy. (Autolla päin punaisia ajaminen ei tulisi mieleenkään.)
  23. Kyllä särähtää... Geokätkentä, kyllä kalskahtaa korvaan. Ei tämä ole pelkkää piilottamista. Geocaching = Geokätköilyä Geocacher = Geokätköilijä Täytyy kompata ja täysillä. Toivottavasti jatkossa perusterminologia on väitöskirjassa oikein. Vahva "me too" munkin puolesta tähän. Viite 1. Huomaa että tuon jälkeen sekä Wikipedia että asiasanaluetteloa on korjattu! Geokätkentä on vähän niinkuin kätköilyn alkuaikoina käytetty englanninkielinen termi geostashing, joka pian vaihtui vähemmän negatiivisia assosiaatioita tuovaan geocachingiin.
  24. Simple answer: no way to do that, (except by luck). But how do you know who the owner is?
  25. Mission completed, Onneksi olkoon!
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