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Everything posted by ArcherDragoon

  1. Playing devil's advocate here. If they wipe their database then they loose their corrected coordinates, additional child waypoints and notes. If the site allowed for those items to be stored online and downloaded in the PQ then a database wipe wouldn't be a problem for most people. There is a way to prevent that in GSAK (or, at least "protect" the updated coords)...but, at this moment...I can't recall how...
  2. Yep...all too often...and all one can do is laugh at one's self...
  3. If it was a cremation box wouldn't it be labeled Ted rather than Geo Box? lol GEOrge BOXter (???) lol
  4. No more absurd than the photo debate that goes around in circles… . . . Photos are ALR's no matter how one tries to "justify" it...and I will be happy to say I have never required photos on my Earthcaches...nor will I ever require it...
  5. yeh the signs were my concern as well. I've had to bypass a few no trespassing signs before to get to a cache. I was never bothered by it. Quite a few caches in my area look as if they are there without permission (one is near an old tunnel that can only be accessed by driving 3 miles down a pulled railway and walking accross an abandoned train trestle. I mean C'mon!). I appreciate you at least somewhat understanding my thoughts on this cache. now as for the other people... I'm leaving the cache there. lol... U mad?
  6. Keep in mind, you set the tone to the thread by using the word "Trash" to define/describe geocaches. You will find that many people take geocaching seriously and personally...and, as such, would be offened by the terms you used... Recycled/Repurposed...sure, many ammo boxes have been recycled/repurposed, but I would not call them trash...(which, in a round about way, your opening statement did just that). As for my geocaches, I would not consider any of them trash, because I check on them, replace them as needed and monitor the logs...trash is not a word I would use to describe my caches...now, yes, you will come across caches filled with trash...it happens...many people play this games...one of its strenghts and one of its weaknesses... Just, for future reference, be careful of the words you use for opening a thread, they go a long way to set the tone of the thread itself...
  7. As a cache owner, that tells me several things:The Geocache Navigator programmers think more of themselves and their app than they do of the cache. The Triblle company think more of themselves and their hardware than they do of the cache. The cacher thinks more of them self than they do of the cache. I could add to that list, but I'll leave it right there. As a cache owner...this tells me several things as well.. -The cacher is out having way more fun than I am... -The cacher is (most likely) enjoying his/her time outside... -My caches are (most likely) being found as I had wanted... -I need to get out more and go find some caches...
  8. Great...now I just want a cookie... . . . ...fortune or otherwise!!!
  9. "High potential for Personal Injury" So does licking frozen metal poles, put I don't need people telling me that or having a warning sign posted on all metal poles in the world!!!
  10. ...because...when I want facts and truth on the internet...I go find a blogger...
  11. May I Smell That??? MIST . . .
  12. Why would it be poor manners? Geocaching events are meant to be open to everyone, and not everyone can afford to eat in a restaurant every time there's an event. We have a number of attendees at our monthly event who only get a drink, or nothing at all. We hold our events in restaurants that are willing to accommodate that. If a restaurant wasn't willing to accommodate that, we wouldn't have the event there. As I mentioned before it would be rude unless previous arrangements were made with the management. I am sure this has happened although I have never noticed it mentioned on event cache pages. Since it isn't mentioned one should not assume that this arrangement has been made. This thread is not in response to anything although I do admit that I am really trying to do a cache that requires interaction with a live person and this is harder to do without using a business. Even if it was permitted I don't think I could find a suitable business. I think a library is my best bet. Maybe city hall... I've had this idea for years and have yet to make it come to fruition. hmmm... Can someone explain Irony to me??? Just highlighting the interaction part... As for having an event "inside" a business...I see the difference...
  13. I have been in that situation...I only logged the caches for which I was able to sign/log myself...all others done that day by the other group I did not count since I was not there for the find...
  14. Sorry, as ratified in the Accords of 1638, dragons have no rights to vote. Good...I'm a Dragoon...so I just missed that one!!!
  15. Seriously...just get out of the house and go caching... . . . Oh...and Bittsen...maybe you should go caching as well...you may need the fresh air!!!
  16. Nothing at all wrong with puns, both literary and visual. I think your caches sound very clever from both of those standpoints. The problem is the sexual connotations that you seem, for some reason, to insist on using. I'm not a shy guy, former sailor and oil field worker, but a few of yours made me blush. I will add to the mother, grandmother, priest thing to ask, "would you walk up to a woman on the street and say those things to her?" Agreed...
  17. It has been brought up many times before...the issue is what defines the value of each cache... . . . in other words...how does one go about quantifing the unquantifiable??? The star system for Difficulty and Terrain works (more/less) because there is a system in place to giving value to those items...but, my choice of a great cache will most likely differ from your choice of a great cache...
  18. I wouldn't...it would once again offer that easy out that (has been brought up a number of times in this thread) park managers took towards geocaching. For a while, Minnesota State Parks didn't allow caching...now...a couple years later...the State Parks all have at least one geocache in them run (more/less*) through state staff. Heck, they (MN DNR) even comment/acknowledge that geocaching coming back into the State Parks is a reason for their increase in revenue over the past two years. *more/less because some local cachers help out local parks with questions and setup Edited for Spelling and Stupid Fingers...
  19. Um...Wherigo Hybrid...along the same lines of a Letterbox Hybrid...at least they have containers and log books...virtuals don't... As for the parks that only allow virts...that happened because virts allowed for an "easy out" for those parks...eventually, I have a belief that those locations will "see the light" and allow geocaches back into their areas...
  20. In the case of Earthcaches...saturation refers to the type of clasification it fits into... There are some many Glacial Erratic Earthcaches that I can see them not publishing those anymore...whether that is a bround or specific area or region...the same could (as hinted to)...be said about the other two items Geoaware mentioned in his earlier post...
  21. Many of the memorials in your area are Waymarks already but I am sure there are more you would like to share. There are several other historic and art related Waymarks in your area also. Unfortunately, Waymarking is lame, hard to use, and isn't well integrated with Geocaching.com, so it's not really any good for those of us who want to geocache in areas that don't allow/ aren't good for physical caches. "Isn't well integrated with Geocaching.com"... I think you hit the reason it seems to be upopular with folks of a similar belief as yours... I don't think is was ever really meant to be integrated with Geocaching.com...afterall...it is called Waymarking.com...go figure...two different websites...for two different activities... I know it may not be the "popular" belief...but I wish that earthcaches would have stayed over there...every time a virt thread pops up...earthcaches are brought up as an "argument" for why virts should be added back in...and now...just take a look at all the issues that popped up with logging over in the earthcache forum... Virts and Earthcaches are very different than geocaches... Heck...I got an earthcache and a geocache very close to eachother...and the geocache is leading in finds by far... As Briansnat said: "I agree. I can't think of a virtual I found that a real cache couldn't either be hidden at the spot or worked in using an offset." ...the same could be said of earthcaches...
  22. I wish it was...again, serves me right for not paying attention... All knowing knower of chad...you mind if I borrow your glasses for a while...it might have helped in this situation... I have a spare pair: Thanks!!! . . . BTW...I think I can see through clothing now...and some things should just not be seen!!!
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