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Everything posted by me2d09

  1. If you dont want to read all difficult source code, try this: 1) Put this code into author functions (after line -- #Author Functions Go Here# --) function GetNewZone(refPt, name, distance, direction, radius) local dist = Wherigo.Distance(distance, 'm') local newZp = Wherigo.TranslatePoint(refPt, dist, direction) dist = Wherigo.Distance(radius, 'm') local pts = { Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newZp, dist, 45), Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newZp, dist, 135), Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newZp, dist, 225), Wherigo.TranslatePoint(newZp, dist, 315), } local tempz = Wherigo.Zone{ Cartridge = cartCWGhideandseek, Name = name, OutOfRangeName = "", InRangeName = "", Description = [[]], Visible = false, Active = false, DistanceRange = Wherigo.Distance(-1, "m"), ShowObjects = "OnEnter", ProximityRange = Wherigo.Distance(10, "m"), AllowSetPositionTo = false, Points = pts, } return tempz end Now if you want to create a zone on the fly, use this syntax: GetNewZone(refPt, name, distance, direction, radius) where: refPt - reference position from where you want to measure distance name - name of the zone distance - from reference position to center of zone (in metres) direction - azimuth from reference position to center of new zone radius - radius of a new zone For example, if you want to create a zone 50 meter from your current position to the west, with name NewZone and radius 10 metres: GetNewZone(Player.ObjectLocation, "NewZone", 50, 270, 10) You cant write this code in official builder, use some simple text editor like notepad or for example PSPad with LUA syntax highlight.
  2. It is same like in emulator. Status text is written in homescreen only. Look at screenshots: - status text never called (=empty line at the bottom) - function Wherigo.ShowStatusText("12345678901234567890ABCDE") called - Status text with more characters (causes no error!) It is possible to call function with empty string or without parameter (same as Wherigo.ShowStatusText(nil)).
  3. Hi to all, project is not dead, but last month I was little bit out of time. Now I want to put my code and Rager fox code together, because it is still not fully compatible. After that there is a lot of stuff to do... ???? = GPS proximity
  4. me2d09


    RESPECT! I was trying to do something like this, but this is much better and very complex solution! I like Event handling very much. Thank you for this usefull script!
  5. I have done some research in Wherigo input output. Because this is matejcik's thread about something different, I started a new thread.
  6. me2d09

    Lua I/O library

    I started a new thread, because posts in this topic are little bit OT. I have done some research with my Oregon. Firstly: Unexpected error you gets with your test gwc is not thrown on line: fileHandle = io.open(fileName,"r") so io.open command is implemented (!) in oregon. But bad news: this command is unable to open file. Lua function io.open returns a new file handle, or, in case of errors, nil plus an error message. And on Oregon, it always returns nil and on the second parametr is: deutsch.txt: No error (errno = 0) You can test it with command: fileHandle,err = io.open(fileName,"r") So there is no error . It looks like a joke from Garmin developers .
  7. Looks great. Actually I am doing same thing. On my pages (Wherigo.geoteam.info) I had a gwl parser. Pages are only in czech language yet, sorry. Actually my site only generates statistics for cartridges (average playing time and average distance). But google maps and other statistics are in my todo list. In my DB i have about 50 gwls from czech cartridges and still grows. RangerFox: It would be great to participate and to connect our projects. My site is on my own hosting on Win2k3 with asp.net 3.5 enabled. If you are interested in this, please contact me.
  8. This script is absolutelly great. I had used similar technique in my Cartridge Arabela, but this is much better code. Using lua functions with self parametr is great idea. But the best in this code is use of loadstring to asign function to command. But there is a little bug - when Item.Name contains spaces, it throws an error. So it is better to replace spaces in Name: f = loadstring("zitem"..string.gsub(v.Name," ","")..".On"..parCommand.." = "..parFunction) Anyway, thanks a lot for this usefull script.
  9. me2d09


    Please, do not abandon Garmin. With a less buggy Wherigo client in garmin GPSr it will be the best for Wherigo. Because: accurancy, compass - there are only a few PDA that can compare with Garmin sensitive GPSr. Build in compass is important for Wherigo battery - on my WIG catridges, many people have problem with battery in their PDA, for larger cartridges (time > 3h) are mobile phones and PDAs useless resistivity - it is not easy to play Wherigo on PDA while it is raining better control - in winter, I can control my Oregon in the gloves - on iphone it is not possible becuse of capacity display Updating garmin is really simple from garmin websites, I see no problems here. Opensourcing Wherigo builder will be great, thanks!
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