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Everything posted by Inmountains
Wondering how much Cache Adoption actually happens...
Inmountains replied to edexter's topic in General geocaching topics
I found a cache today that is on it's third owner, meaning two adoptions. It was hidden in July, 2002. Personally, I adopted several of my parents caches after they passed away (with the exception of the virtuals, Groundspeak won't let those be adopted, which is a shame). My parents, placed many caches, some of them temporary but a handful were in very interesting places. The process was not that hard, after proving to Groundspeak that they had truly passed away. I had to replace them several times until I took the time to make it virtually an "unmuggable" cache. I think adoptions happen quite a bit, most folks who cache do eventually quit, move, pass away or have a life change that causes them to stop caching. And some of them placed some pretty good caches. So it's good to try and get them adopted. -
Power Trails Disappearing from the Map?
Inmountains replied to elrojo14's topic in General geocaching topics
I have done the same thing, but there were a lot more parameters involved. How many of us would incur the cost of gas, meals, lodging and more, for an entire week, maybe $1,000.00 or more, just to find ONE CACHE? Maybe, if it was in the Antarctica and we wanted that country. But would we do that to find a candy tube hidden under a rock in the middle of the Mojave Desert? Most of us wouldn't. But I have done long drives and long days (not a week) to find a cache at 14,000 feet elevation. Or to get a SPECIAL cache, such as Mingo (GC30) or GCD or GC12 or GC16. Heck, I even waited in line for over an hour just to sign the log on the Washington State Ape Cache, after a 2 hour hike through the tunnel. But to get to my point, Power Trails do get us to places we would usually not otherwise go. The Route 66 Power Trail was the only way I would ever drive Route 66. Usually, I would just drive Interstate 40. My only point is that sometimes, Power Trails do provide just another aspect to our wonderful past time. And while I am sure Team Sagebrushers and Groundspeak had some kind of issue, it is a shame to see so many caches get archived over a dispute. -
Power Trails Disappearing from the Map?
Inmountains replied to elrojo14's topic in General geocaching topics
Hmm, were the Power Trails archived BECAUSE the owner's account was locked? Or did the Cache Owner get harassed by Groundspeak about the Power Trails and he/she said archive them? Or was there a totally separate issue between the Cache Owner and Groundspeak that could not, or would not, be resolved and the CO quit? And while rumors are just that, rumors are circulating that the Cache Owner didn't even hide all the Power Trails. Rumor has it that other cacher's hid the power trails, some from other countries, and asked the CO to list them because the actual hider did not live in the area. But, again, that is a RUMOR! Personally, I really enjoy power trails. The things I have seen and experienced while Power Caching are life long memories. From herds of Wild Horses to Area 51 Fighter Jets to old mining camps to cattle carcasses picked clean by vultures and the list goes on. And while you can see these finding one cache, personally, I am not going to drive 500 miles on a highway, and another 20 miles on dirt roads, to find ONE CACHE. But I will to find 500 caches and spend a fun day with fellow cachers, trading tall tales, sharing a picnic lunch and having an absolutely fun day. People complain if a cache hider doesn't maintain their cache. OK, I agree, but to be honest, Power Trail finders keep PT caches in better shape that almost all 'normal caches.' We all find rusted altoid tins, cracked candy tubes and crumbling tupperware containers. For power trails, I have personally purchased hundreds of dollars of brand new preforms and 35mm cannisters to put out. Of my finds, about 25% are power trails and the rest are mostly urban LPC and PUB hides. I enjoy them both, and I think both have their place. It is unfortunate that Team Sagebrushers and Groundspeak had some kind of incident that predicated such a mass archival. -
New World Record - 566 caches found in one day
Inmountains replied to ventura_kids's topic in General geocaching topics
Holy Bump Batman! -
Responsible player protocol: fixing caches
Inmountains replied to nericksx's topic in General geocaching topics
If you could point out the GC number of the cache you are referring to, it would be very helpful. Just this year, there was an older missing cache, and I contacted the Cache Owner who gave me permission to replace it and I spent about $30.00 to buy an ammo can, TOTT's to put in the cache, and a water proof log book. Sometimes I forget to add, in my log, that the cache owner gave me permission to replace it. But I do admit, on the RAREST of occasions, if a really old cache is missing and if the Cache Owner has not logged into Geocaching.com for YEARS, I have replaced the cache because OLD CACHES have a special place in my heart. I really want to keep the CLASSICS alive, we lose more and more every day. Having discovered Geocaching in 2001 and joining in 2002, this old man likes to try and keep old caches alive. Also, I have done a "throwdown" while contacting the owner, and the owner did not want it so I deleted my log, no problem, and went back to remove my replacement. Later, the CO had to replace it themselves, which is great. I am not perfect, I hedge now and then, but I do try and keep in mind how I like to be treated and thus treat other's similarly. -
Responsible player protocol: fixing caches
Inmountains replied to nericksx's topic in General geocaching topics
I posted a similar topic a couple of years ago and got reamed pretty good for it. Since I have a couple of hundred caches out, maintaining them is of utmost importance to me. BUT, in the case where an urban camper might have messed with the cache and a finder replaces a lot sheet or puts on a piece of duct tape for a temporary fix, I am most grateful. My average turn around on a NM log on my cache is about 48 hours and my record is five minutes. and if there is a problem (such as I spent 2 months in another state carrying for my daughter who had surgery), I will post that I will fix it when I am back in town. From my point of view, there is nothing wrong with doing a little care to a damaged cache. As a matter of fact, I think it is classy! And when someone puts a new log in one of my caches, I send them a "Thank You" personnel message. There is nothing wrong with helping each other in this sport of ours. (I am NOT talking about a throw down, just a repair/maintenance to a damaged cache) -
Soggy Caches, Sodden Logbooks
Inmountains replied to EmzyJanezy's topic in General geocaching topics
There is a lot of good and helpful information on this thread. It depends on several factors, such as how old the cache is, hold long since it has been found, is the CO active, etc....? I usually carry a couple of extra logs, just in case the log is full, damaged or missing. In my experience, damaged logs are caused by FINDERS more often than the CO. Finders don't replace the lid correctly, or they place a heavy object on the lid that breaks the lid, or they put the cache in a more vulnerable spot. Yes, the CO has the responsibility of maintenance, but, I believe that Finders also have the responsibility to leave the cache in good shape. And it helps the community, as a whole, if a finder is able to do a small repair, such as taping a crack, replacing/adding to a new log sheet, etc.... -
Which do you think will happen first?
Inmountains replied to geocat_'s topic in General geocaching topics
And his gravestone read "He found 253,943 Geocaches"! hmmmmmmm -
CHS score. Is it making a difference?
Inmountains replied to L0ne.R's topic in General geocaching topics
Color me confused! How did the OP run a PQ in September, 2018? -
I was finishing a small, urban trail, only 14 caches and #14 was 507 feet from the final for a puzzle. Therefore, I understand the issue the OP has. BUT, as other's have posted, this comes with the "territory" of "Puzzle Caches." Strangely, I was able to use the reviewers data to locate the puzzle cache fairly quickly, which was a very GOOD cache container. So I moved my cache NW another 30 feet to make it within the guidelines. Since then, it has happened to me 3 more times, but those were much more difficult and I couldn't find the puzzle cache. Cache hiding is a First Come, First Serve and although it can be frustrating, it is the way of our game!
Sometimes I check a user's profile who just found one of my caches. And sometimes, their last 'visit' was months ago yet they have a found log on my cache today. So my question is, if they are logging the finds using a third party app, such as cachly, is that not registered as a "visit?" While not very important, I would think a found log, no matter how it is registered, would be considered a 'visit' to the Geocaching.com website?!
Thank you for the list, it is most helpful. I downloaded it into GSAK so I could have it for future reference. I have found 9 on the list, including one today, GC67, here in Colorado. My hope is to get half the active caches on the list before I end my caching career, to basically find 50 hidden in 2000 and 2001. 35 down, 15 more to go!
Is Geocaching Dead?
Inmountains replied to Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hide's topic in General geocaching topics
I do agree that there are a select few who are not able to hide caches, like permanent traveler's. BUT, what is Geocaching, at it core? One person hides a container, posts the coordinates, and other's are able to find it and log it. So expecting most cachers to have a few hides is not asking too much, in my opinion. My mother was fighting, and eventually died, from Breast Cancer. And yet she still found time to hide quality caches, some that were hidden in 2005 and still active today, even though she passed in 2010. So I am amiable to agree to disagree as I believe most folks that do not hide, just don't want to, and thus are 'takers.' Thank goodness for the HIDERS, for without them, there we be NO GEOCACHING! -
The reason I want to ignore this poster is that they come off like they are the expert on everything. When I check their account, they have 3,300 finds, 0 hides, have not logged a find since January, 2017 and have over 6,000 posts on these forums. That is the definition of a "Forum Troll", someone who posts just to aggravate other posters. Thus I blocked/ignored them! It would be beneficial to our community that if one poster blocks someone, they are blocked from each other. Forum moderator's can keep the peace if there is an issue.
If I choose to IGNORE another poster (whom I think is nothing more than a troll), are they able to see MY POSTS??
Is Geocaching Dead?
Inmountains replied to Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hide's topic in General geocaching topics
To answer the Original Poster, Geocaching is not dead, it is just ever evolving. Urban caching requires nano's and micro's or the homeless, children and other's will muggle it in no time. I have hidden everything from the black nano's to five gallon buckets. Sometimes, my hide is about the LOCATION and not the cache itself. Other times, it is about the fancy cache container. While power trails are about the numbers, while power trail caching, I have seen herds of wild horses, herds of wild antelope, snakes, scorpions, spiders, old buildings, old rail road tracks, thunder storms, dust storms, and so much more. Things you won't see under a lamp shade post across the street from Disneyland. But if you are visiting Disneyland, it's nice to grab a quick one nearby. I have done power trails solo, with 2 of us, 3 of us and with 4 of us. The best time is with 4 as the social aspect is really active. We bring folding chairs and a picnic basket for lunch. We trade stories. We trade ideas. We even talk investing. I guess I really enjoy the many friends I have made geocaching and I have cached with over 150 different people! -
Is Geocaching Dead?
Inmountains replied to Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hide's topic in General geocaching topics
"I know of cachers who have 50,000 finds and 1 hide. That is a TAKER. If that person knows that do not have the time or money to adequately produce a good cache and keep it maintained that to me is a responsible cacher. " L0ne.r If that person has TIME to find 50,000 caches, then they have time to hide and maintain a few. Yes, it is work, but so is FINDING caches. -
Is Geocaching Dead?
Inmountains replied to Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hide's topic in General geocaching topics
Something else to consider. If Geocaching is dying, why is this year's GeoWoodstock going to be the FIRST GIGA even ever in the United States? It is easy to look at statistics and make a prognosis without really understanding everything that is behind those statistics. How many of you have started "coin collecting," or "stamp collecting," or "bird watching," or "antique shopping," and the list goes on. And how many of you have STOPPED doing whatever new thing you started? Humankind's innate desire to gather, to quest, to explore, to travel, to see new things, to find treasure, to find adventure will always be there. There will be a 'core group' that will Geocache, on and off, until they can do it no more. There will be many who will try it, and then move on to something else. For me, I enjoy finding a cache, I enjoy the many friendships I have made and I enjoy hiding the occasional cache. For those who are worried about it dying, are you doing anything to make the sport better? Do you carry spare logs just in case a log is full or wet or destroyed? Do you hide a fun cache in a fun place occasionally? Do you attend events to meet other cachers? Do you throw events? Do you write nice logs and say thank you? Do you always trade up? Do you try to leave the cache better than you found it? Do you CITO? Do you TAKE or do you GIVE to Geocaching? I know of cachers who have 50,000 finds and 1 hide. That is a TAKER. I know of others who have 1,000 finds and 100 hides. That is a GIVER. Sorry for the soap box, but instead of wondering if Geocaching is dying, why not wonder if there is anything you can do to make the sport better!! -
I have been trying to figure out the EARLY order of publication by Groundspeak. I have been caching since 2002, and it was vastly different back then. Intuitively, you would think GC1, GC2, GC3, ...GCA, GCB, GCC, etc.... But we know that GC30 is older than GC12. So is there a list that shows, let's say, the first 100 caches published, their GC # and name and date?
While I understand your viewpoint, from this one cache, these are very GOOD cachers and are very good at maintaining most of their caches. Unfortunately, they did move out of the area and "dropped the ball" of a few caches they left behind. They have hidden OVER 1,000 caches and found over 36,000 caches since starting in 2003. Also, they were fairly new to caching back then. I finally met them in person, at last years GeoCoinFest in Long Beach and are wonderful people (family group). Yes, they can be 'scolded' for their actions on this one cache, but overall, they are a GREAT contributor to our hobby.
https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCN5Q5_howdy-doody Almost 12 years. We were actually searching for a newer cache that had gone missing because park maintenance had done a "moon scape" job of all the trees in the area, some of them over 50 years old. Strangely enough, it was the upturning of the root systems that exposed the cache hidden in March, 2005. I have the Original Cache Container, a 3 inch round tupperware about an inch thick AND the original log, sitting on my desk! Love these types of memories, grats on a 16 year find.
Geocachers Hostile To Other GPS Games Players?
Inmountains replied to JL_HSTRE's topic in General geocaching topics
I could be lexdysic too! -
Geocachers Hostile To Other GPS Games Players?
Inmountains replied to JL_HSTRE's topic in General geocaching topics
This is an issue that really bothers me. Why do some Geocachers treat other Geocachers with such disdain? While there is a small number of geocachers who are an anathema to our game (stealing caches, trashing TBs, deleting found logs for no reason, etc...) most are wonderful people who enjoy the game as much or more than I do. If we would all treat others the way we would like to be treated, our sport would not lose folks to those other games! -
I use the term "rules" lightly. Yes, they are "personal guidelines." Some folks have very strict guidelines, some have very loose guidelines and most of us fall in between somewhere. I guess it all comes down to personal integrity.