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Posts posted by #Tenzin

  1. I think people use it so that they can show the Traveler is still active, and that they haven't forgotten about it.


    If you are refering to people who grab a traveler, and then hold on to it for weeks (months) at a time, "dipping" it into all of the caches they find, I am with you. I find it kind of silly, and prevents it from traveling out in the wild (and hopefully) reaching its goal.


    Yes, the traveler is acquiring miles, but it is not able to reach its goal.


    I agree with this comment as well.

    Some cachers pick up a trackable and hold it for months and "visiting" every cache they find. Some cachers won't have a problem with it, becasue it collects miles. For me personaly, I like that people see my Trackable. And that as many cachers move it along as possible. I don't like it when people hold on to it for months. Also most times the Trackable would "visit" something, but in real life he wouldn't have been there. That is why I have on my Trackables pages:



    Plz. no "visited logs", then the journey of the TB is more clear. :)

    Thank you.


    But to answer your question:

    I think the function is just used for:

    A: Let the Trackable owner know the Trackable is still active.

    B: For people who have there own Trackable and use it to show the route they took when caching.

  2. This next part is for everyone ... what is to prevent people putting out proxies being able to put out more than one of the same at the same time. One minute it is in California and the next moment it is discovered in Maine? I am not implying anything devious being purposely done here it could be innocent enough. For instance, you put your proxy out there and it only goes 100 miles and you think that it goes MIA. You wait a couple of months and you decide to release another proxy to replace that first one. Now the first one is found under some cachers front seat of their car and put back into circulation at the next cache they come to. How is that going to work?


    Personaly, if my Creation goes missing so be it. My fimo clay Creation aren't expensinve, just nice too look at. So I think they will have a better chance in traveling. If it goes missing, then I will use another Geocoin tracking number and release that one with a new Creation.


    But I must admit that for my first Creation/Proxy somebody swapped the thing for a less atractive copy. I know the fimo clay copy I made had much details in it. So that is why I think it is missing now, read:swapped. Funny enough my tags did stay in the map, just the copy was swapped. :ph34r: . So I asked another cacher if he could take this fake-copy thing out. Lucky he did. :) I learned from it and made pictures of the thing that is traveling, so if things do get swapped, people know. :P And there will be less detail on the next ones. And ofcourse my name is now on the back. :anicute:


    The reason why this one does get a 2nd copy is becasue since I know it got swapped, I know the real one won't show up for sure.


    BTW, this is the one I am talking about:



    What were your thoughts on my Proxy Ammo Can Geo Cache idea? Wouldn't you be thrilled to find that out in the woods?


    I think real Geocoins go missing much faster the a Cache.

    And since I have 1 cache also, the thing was cheaper then a real Geocoin.

    My cache was like €1,- (plastic container) with some goodies gummy, magnet, playmobil character, a personal card that I leave everywhere behind where I went etc.

    Total that was like €5,- incl. official logboek.

    Makes the Geocoin here (in Europe) still more expensive. :)

  3. What makes you think most proxies are just laminated copies only?


    The ones I have seen are more own creations. I have seen one that went ahead with photoshop and create almost a small painting that was traveling. And I have seen ones that where from wood and where people made/drawn there own design on. And others are made out of clay, and then baked. (Incl. mine) At the moment I see plenty of "proxies". They travel well, and they are more unique, becasue somebody did put there own creativity in it.


    Also, my opinion on "proxy" haters/demolishers is that:

    The more people rage about seeing a "proxy", the more I believe they just want to keep the Geocoin.

    Why else would a "proxy" bother so much?


    As said: If you don't like my "proxy" (or personal Creation as I call them) they ignore them.

    This is how I chose to play the game, and I will continue so.

    If somebody breaks my Creation, then I just Design and Create a new one. B)

  4. Gelukkig ben ik nog geen gesloopte caches tegen gekomen.

    Inmiddels heb/had ik een eigen cache waar ik in het begin 12+ dingetjes in had gedaan om te ruilen. Zoals playmobil poppetjes, magnetjes en een aantal van mijn eigen visitekaartje. Toen ik na een paar maanden een cache controle ging houden was mijn cache nagenoeg leeg. Dat vond ik wel jammer. :sad:


    Overigens word mijn cache op 1 nov. gearchiveerd (zometeen dus) omdat er binnenkort word gestart met nieuwbouw.

  5. I also have a competition TB that is competing with my brothers TB.

    We have chosen the Lord of the Rings theme, and they just want to make kilimeters. Every 3 months we look who has traveled the most in those 3 months. Then therace starts again. This way we always have a challange. Even if one has a huge advantage in the beginning, the other one can still win in the next 3 months. That way we keep it competitive. And every 3 months they have equal changes.


    Reading your idea I think they also would move to different places. I for example had a TB that wanted to go North, in real life it went South in the beginning. Maybe you better can do 'visit as many kilometers/miles'. I think then you have a better chance of luck. :)

  6. Be careful what you wish for. I know for a fact that your TBs are far safer in Europe than anywhere else, particularly the US. You Dutch, but also Belgians, Germans and Czechs take very good care of TBs in your countries. Most TBs in the US go out of service in the first year. They either go missing outright or are held by indifferent cachers who lose interest after a few outings. The latter just keep their trophy TB and move on to some other activity.


    Sorry to hear that. :(

    At the moment my TB's are all (execpt 1) in the Netherlands and Germany. The other one is in Slovakia. I know of one Germany located TB that is underway to Sweden. But it wats to travel in Scandinavia/Iceland. So it is good.


    I do notice more proxies over her. I just released my own proxy coin in a cache with a laminated card proxy. But for the proxies here, it is noted on the page of the TB so they are not swapped. :P But some people make realy cool ones as well. So I also took a lot of effort in making my proxy. I made mine of fimo clay. It is realy robust, so it should last long I hope. Real coins here get stolen as well. But TB's and proxy coins travel well.


    This is my proxy:



    It is a thick as the real coin, this picture I also have on it's page. :)

    Also 2 alinea's, one about they real coin and one about the proxies design.


    I asume in the US they also use a lot of proxies?

  7. The number of trackables that I consider currently active is 27; eleven TBs, six tags and ten geocoins. I don't release proxies, but I have sent out a few of the second (copy) TB tags. My trackable releases have visited 49 states (the holdout is Louisiana!) plus Afghanistan, Austria, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Cayman Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden and Tajikistan.


    My first trackable/TB release is still active. Two of my active geocoins have more than 30,000 travel miles each.


    Thank you trackable movers, for the fun and photos! :)


    I hope my trackables leave Europe some day. :P

    But I just started with Geocaching, and mine are traveling quite good. There was one that had a hold-up, and one is in an cache where not many people visit. But that is okey, that is part of the game. :) On my main page I also have a list where they are all at, in what country.


    As a Dutch person I am always like: Oh, it left the Netherlands! Now they journey starts realy well. Other countries, other cultures. xD

  8. I was just wondering how many trackables do you have traveling around at the same time?

    Like TB and Geocoins (incl. proxies).


    The thing I mostly like from Geocaching is that you visit places you normaly wouldn't go.

    And the Trackables that you watch moving all over the world.

    I find that funny.


    But I was wondering how many trackables most cachers have traveling at the same time. :)

    Like, I have 5 now. (crafting a 6th)

  9. It was our opinion that niether the owner of the coin nor the owner of the cache took any pride in their supplies which made it too easy for us to have no respect for it either. It is my opinion that if you can't do it right then don't do it at all. In addition if you can't afford to lose that geobug or coin then please do not put it out.




    Please people ... no more proxy Geocoins. They look like heck and I for one hate them. I would rather find only the cache.

    When reading this I was thinking, shall I respond to this or not.

    But I decided to make a respond. :)


    First off, I also have a proxy geocoin traveling around.

    Let me explain to you why I have a proxy traveling around:



    You live in the USA. In my country geocoins cost more, and since I don't make a lot of money right now I can't afford to buy many geocoins. Yes, €14,- (=+/- $20,-) for me for a geocoin is much. Maybe you don't think so, but for me it is.


    I have bought that specific geocoin for an event (a new king) that I wanted a memory of. What memory would be better then one that is also related to my hobby. So I bought this geocoin. With that coin I also have bought a page and a tracking number. It is nowhere in the rules that I can't put that tracking number on another object to let that one travel. So I did put in on another item, and let that travel.



    People that don't like my proxy are free to not move it and ignore it.

    Or can I only release stuff if I have much money to do so?

  10. My brother and I have bought both one for our TB race.


    What I do miss on this TB is the sentence "Do not keep me."

    It does says "Trackable at Geocaching.com" and I will still release this TB tonight.

    But maybe that sentence is good to add in future tags?

  11. I also had some TB visiting caches while it was already dropped somewhere. And I also have found a TB that was still visiting caches while I found that thing 3 days ago. My feeling is that some (not all!) just click a "took it to" automatic. I would rather disable the "visited" option.

    I'm a little confused. If a TB is in your inventory, how is someone else posting "visit" logs?

    Like: Cacher A has a TB from another Cacher. And he "visited" a cache. Now he dropped it in that cache, but didn't click on "dropped" but "visited". Then I found that TB in that cache and I took it. Now Cacher A goes caching the next day again, and automaticly clicks every TB a "visited".


    In the example I told I already found the TB and I was waiting until it got "dropped".

    But it never was "dropped" online, only in real life. :)

    In the mean while Cacher A says he "visited" another cache with the TB, but he doesn't have it anymore.

    So the TB itself never realy "visited" that cache in real life.

  12. I would like Groundspeak to add a function that a TB owner can chose if he/she wants the "visited" option to be used or not.


    I also had some TB visiting caches while it was already dropped somewhere. And I also have found a TB that was still visiting caches while I found that thing 3 days ago. My feeling is that some (not all!) just click a "took it to" automatic. I would rather disable the "visited" option.


    Also there is no way for quickly deleating those logs, you need to do it manualy for every log.

  13. Hi everyone,


    Thanks for all the replies.

    I did yesterdag delete the visited logs. I already got a mail from somebody that was not happy and asked me why I deleated them. So I explained it to her, and I didn't mean to offend her. :( It was just I have a TB (not the same as who mailed me) that had logged some "visits" while it was already dropped somewhere. And I also have found a TB that was still "visiting" caches while I already got the thing for 3 days... (the previeus owner never dropped it).


    So with this I hope to make my TB pages more clear, and I would be fine with only seeing the caches where it was dropped/retrieved/discovered/grabbed.


    Thanks for the answers. :)


    Adding a note:

    I have put on my TB pages that I would like "no visit" logs, in a polite message ofcourse.

  14. Hoi allemaal,


    Ik heb even een vraagje over een bepaalde geocoin in mijn collectie.

    Een tijdje geleden heb ik een geocoin gekocht waarbij stond: Satin gold met aqua. Nu ben ik mijn eigen geocoins in een verzamelmap aan het doen, en houd ik op een blaadje bij waar ik de geocoin heb gekocht, en van welk materiaal deze is. Nu ben ik de tekst allemaal in het Nederlands aan het noteren, omdat ik dit mooier vind staan. Dan heb ik niet de informatie van de ene geocoin in het NL en de volgende in het ENG.


    Maar nu vroeg ik me dus af of dit "Satin gold " hetzelfde is als bladgoud?


    Het gaat om deze geocoin:


    (Hoop dat ik deze link hier mag posten.)




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