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Posts posted by DudleyGrunt
RebelJedi, where are you?
Oh great, yet another new "religion" thread. It's just a matter of time before the geocaching Sith Lords jump all over the geocaching Jedi. Or Han Solo comes on and once again rants that "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side."
It would be nice to see more We'll Never Forget 9/11 caches placed this year.
I see there is not one in MD. I'd love to put one out.
I found a cache recently that was located on library grounds directly adjacent to a middle school and attached to one of those big green electrical boxes. To add to all this, the log was soaking wet because it wasn't actually in a sealed container.
Any of those qualities could be considered outside the guidelines, but my biggest concern was the proximity to the school. It wasn't just adjacent to some rear field, but was directly across from a side entrance and parking lot. Luckily, school was not in session yet, so I went ahead and made the find.
Afterward, I sent the owner an e-mail expressing my concerns in a respectful manner. I will wait and see if any changes are made before considering any further actions.
1. I don't have problem with these memorials and think that if it helps the family deal with their grief, we can make allowances for them.
2. My first impression was that I didn't like the idea of using them as cache locations. After readin the full cache page and the previous posts, I think that as long the cache / multi-stage is located near and not on or directly at the memorial, I wouldn't have a problem with it. The same way, I don't mind virtual cemetary caches or needing to visit a cemetary to get info for a multi or puzzle cache, but wouldn't want physical caches placed there.
3. It definitely appears that the owner of the referenced cache had only the best intentions with this series.
I log them all. I think they are a valuable tool for the the owner and other seekers.
My son doesn't log his, just because he's 10 does all of his caching with me, anyway and it would just magnify what is really a single instance of a DNF. Plus, he's slow enough logging his finds, that I don't push him on these.
I've considered doing what TheManInStripes suggested, but have never really waited longer than necessary. I do find it a shame when won't bother going after a new cache just because they might only be 2nd or 3rd to find.
I love to take pics along my geocaching adventures. Wish folk would take more of TBs along theirs, too.
One of my recent favorites...
I'm visiting family in Sursfide Beach, SC and had noticed a copy of "Winston-Salem Living" laying around. My uncle often works in the W-S area. I hadn't really looked at it, but then my aunt was looking through and said, "Hey, look at this!"
There was a intro article about geocaching. Click Here. Go to page 34 / 56.
My son and I've been staying in Surfside Beach, just south of MB, this week and was down here about the same time last year.
We really haven't been up to MB, but a couple I've done down this way that I liked were...
The Pancake Cam - Our first webcam cache. They even have free wireless, so if you have a laptop you can do it all yourself.
Socastee Stash Cache #2 - Nice nature trail.
Holme on the Hills - If you have a 4x4, you can have some extra fun here. If not, it is basically a C&D.
Hero's Memorial - Special for the memorial it is located near.
Tomorrow morning, I'm planning to do some in MB State Park including Snake Chasing. I haven't done them yet, but it looks like a nice location.
I didn't know what one was either, so tried a forum search, but that was not helpful. Did a Google search and found the following for those also not in the loop.
From GeoLex
Pocket Cache – A pocket cache is a cache carried on one's person, usually to geocaching events. Often these are actual caches that the owner has moved from their assigned location. Since geocaching.com no longer supports Traveling Caches, and the removal of active caches can cause confusion for those seeking them in their posted location, Pocket Caches are not condoned. Using a cache in this manner may cause it to be permanently archived and locked.
All of the above is good advice, but I'd also suggest checking out the Military Association of GeoCachers at www.miltarycache.org. It would be one source for finding someone to adopt your caches and to find fellow cachers at your new assignment.
Not all Muslims are malicious, and Islam is not the only religion that gets used as an excuse for hurting or controlling people.
Some Muslims use religion to justify killing people.
Uh...right. I don't think I said anything different.
Some Southern Baptists (and their lawmaker friends) use religion to justify laws which prevent the citizens of my state (Georgia) from purchasing alcoholic beverages on Sunday.
Same same. The difference between those two examples, while extreme, is only a matter of degree. In each case the rights of good people are being denied in the name of religion.
Not "same same". I don't support blue laws or such, but there is NO comparison. Sorry.
I'm sorry, but I'm with Team Cotati on this. We should "respect" the guys who took out the twin towers and "go on with our lives"? Sorry, I'm not tolerant of other's belief when that leads them to trying to kill me and mine.
this reflects a poor understanding on islam, and attempts to place blame for brutal violence of some people on an entire faith. if you'd like to survey history for atrocities motivated by religion, you have no father to look than your own backyard, in your own era. there are stupid people everywhere willing to go on crusade or jihad and to kill viciously in the name of God.
If this reflects a poor understanding of Islam, the poor understanding is in the minds of the terrorists that use it to justify their violence. I don't see anything from The Jester that shows any misunderstanding of Islam on his part.
i did not see any evidence that he considers them to be different. if in fact he is not making a tie between terrorists who happen to be muslim and muslims, i apologize.
onward christian soldiers...
/ironic humming
Jester, what say you? Did I miss something? I see no reference to Islam / Muslims in your post. You seem to have been refering to specific terrorists that use (their perverted form of) Islam as front.
I'm sorry, but I'm with Team Cotati on this. We should "respect" the guys who took out the twin towers and "go on with our lives"? Sorry, I'm not tolerant of other's belief when that leads them to trying to kill me and mine.
this reflects a poor understanding on islam, and attempts to place blame for brutal violence of some people on an entire faith. if you'd like to survey history for atrocities motivated by religion, you have no father to look than your own backyard, in your own era. there are stupid people everywhere willing to go on crusade or jihad and to kill viciously in the name of God.
If this reflects a poor understanding of Islam, the poor understanding is in the minds of the terrorists that use it to justify their violence. I don't see anything from The Jester that shows any misunderstanding of Islam on his part.
"Offensive" is when people make remarks about your skin colour, your handicap, your relative who just passed away, etc. The line is crossed, I think, when it's about something you can't do anything about. We can all become religious, or un-religious, tomorrow, so our status as believers or not is just our current opinion.
This is an interesting definition of the word. So you can't offend someone by denigrating their belief system? Hmm...
In relation to this topic, though they don't use the word, it seems that certain people (the radically non-religious*) are offended by the faith others as represented by items left in caches.
* Those that think any religiously themed item should be banned from caches.
As for my problem with religious items it just funny to me that when I take or add somthing to a cache I log it as being left by me or taken by me. I have yet to see anyone claiming that they left religious items, why is that? It must be a miracle!
Usually, I recored exactly what I left and sometimes I don't specify. Depends on my mood at the time.
Guess I was too slow, but since I already typed it out, here you go...
**I didn't see this topic anywhere else yet, if it already exists then I will move this post over to it.**
I had sent in a couple of suggestions to Geocaching and they said to post a forum thread, so here it is.
1. Ability to search for a user and then be able to submit request for "friendship" after locating them
You can do this now when you use the "find another player" link. Once you choose a name from the list, you have three options when you send them a note. One of the options is "Send Friend Request".
2. Ability to have more than one home location to watch and receive immediate updates on new caches. For example, my girlfriend and I cache a lot now and we live in different locations and also work in different locations, but we both use my account. It would be nice to be able to receive an email for several zip codes whenever a new cache pops up.
As a Premium Member, you can set up multiple notication rules. I get notifications for caches near home and near work.
3. This one ties into the one above, the ability to have more than one email address the can receive an email on new cache listings.
You could either set up an autoforward rule in your e-mail client or have your girlfriend create her own account, even if she doesn't necessarily plan to log caches under that name.
Not knowing the area, I can't say for sure, but you seem to have posted appropriate warnings. You are right. No one needs to do the cache. If they arrive at the park and don't have a god feeling, they don't need to get out of the car. Some folks, though, seem to not be able to walk away from an unfound cache.
Perhaps the difficulty should be raised if it is potentially that dangerous. I agree with khome that places like this can use all the positive life they can get.
We have noticed more religious items in South Jersey (which I personally don't agree with) I discreetly trade the item and note that I have moved it to a more appropriate place. It has been my understanding religious and advertising are not allowed unless the cache is listed as being religious in it's description.
scbo, you don't agree with South Jersey? On what issues?
It never ceases to amaze me at how strong a negative reaction to religious (Christian?) items. I'm not talking about those that only find stacks of track and such to be inappropriate, but to folks that think that anything of a religious (Christian?) nature should be forbidden and the assumption that they are left to convert fellow cachers. I occassionally leave Christian items in caches, such as crosses or other small trinkets. I have even (gasp) left a small Bible or New Testament. In none of these cases have I had conversion in mind, but thought they might be of interest to fellow Cristians.
Without - 30, 7/15 to 8/15 2006
With - 14, 7/30 to 8/12 2007
Previously, my longest streak was 8 days, which I'd done 3 times. I was glad to set a new streak during the same period of time when I was in my drought last year.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a find on Monday, but have had one each day since. We stopped at an overlook where I was sure there should have been a cache, though we didn't have any info. Looked around a bit, but didn't find one. Checked later and there was one. Wish I'd looked a little longer. Ah well, I'm working on a new streak.
So are they suggesting not to use ammo cans?
Sounds like it. Ammo boxes are scary.
Agree with briansnat, that it is only a tip or guideline as stated. Wonder if they'll start asking about the container when reviewing new caches. I've only done one (an ammo can), but don't recall any questions on the form about the container.
Nope. Too busy caching to write emails.
But not to post in the forums?
The recently revived "Why do cachers quit?" topic has got me thinking.
I have a lot of caches on my watchlist and often notice people will comment that a particular cache is their very first (or second, or third). I try to make a point of dropping them a note welcoming them to this crazy hobby and suggesting they check out the Maryland Geocaching Society (or their local group) or. sometimes, the Military Association of Geocaches since it is now a global group. I've found that getting to know other cachers has definitely added to my enjoyment of the hobby. Perhaps if folks get involved in the social aspect of geocaching, they'd be less likely to drop out after a short time.
Does anyone else do this?
<edit - wow, this is my 100th non-OT post>
Religous website addresses on Geocahing.com?
in General geocaching topics
Yeah, I'd like to see that rule implemented. I don't have mine here, but as you can see, link to Geocachers4Christ.com. There, I include my church and Emmaus sites.