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Posts posted by lazeedaze

  1. 12 hours ago, NanCycle said:

    If your COPY tag says "KEEP ME" you might not want to send it out into the world.

    Ah, yes, good point.  I think I will try writing the code on a keychain and sending that out as a TB.  That way, if the TB gets lost, I can just use the code angain on some other item.  Saves replacing the TB tags themselves.

  2. I've been out of the geocaching scene for four years now but now that I'm back at it, I'd like to get a few TB's and possibly geocoins out there.  The last two TB's I placed went missing rather quickly and I wondered if it was that their goals were too ambitious.  Are there typical goals that are more likely to end in successful travel for the hitchhiker?  

  3. I could be wrong but I believe they removed that functionality with one of their upgrades. You used to be able to add a background by adding a HTML string in the right place in the description but all of my bugs that used to have a custom background no longer have one. dry.gif






    Oh, too bad.


    thanks for explaining.

  4. So one other newbie question, when I clear old the old cache info before adding the new pocket query info, do I have to delete the GPX's one at a time from the GPX folder or can I just select all and delete? I'm not sure if there's some files in that folder that need to stay? Thanks for holding my hand through this, guys! :rolleyes:

  5. Thanks for your suggestions and thanks for the welcome, 6NoisyHikers. :)


    Gitchee-Gummee, I just signed up for a Premium membership earlier today so maybe the software hasn't updated all the details yet. :o


    Yes, indeed, it does look like Markwell's suggestion of using the geocache.com seek function is exactly what I need. Shesh, why didn't I see that first! D'oh! :P


    Gitchee-Gummee, thanks for pointing out that data can get stale and that I may as well not have too many caches stored on my device at any one time. I wanted to have some handy so that if I found myself with extra time while in a certain part of town I could just grab the GPS and go for a quick cache hunt. I guess I could just refresh my data bank now and then, eh? Maybe that's where the Pocket Query will come in handy - is that part of its beauty, that it can refresh the info on a regular basis? :unsure:

    I'll have to take a closer look at that now....

  6. I'm new to the geocache scene. I now have a whopping five geocaches logged. All my 'finds' have been in my own neighbourhood here in Vancouver BC. Next month I'll be spending four days in San Francisco and would like to try to hunt for a few caches there. How do I look up what is available close to where I'll be staying in SF? Can I add the possible sites into some sort of a separate folder on my Garmin Oregon 450 so that they don't get mixed up with my local caches?

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