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Posts posted by Solkongen

  1. I would also like to see this feature returned as well as search by keyword instead of first word. first word is totally useless because most of the time you can't remember the exact first word


    That would be brilliant as well. Much more useful - I have the same problem. Thanks for the input!

  2. Following my previous comment...


    If you particularly like a log use the existing feature to drop a note to the person who wrote it. I've had that happen a couple of times and to be honest the implied statement of "I liked your log enough to take the time to write a few words to thank for you it" means so much more than "I liked your log enough to click a button next to it".


    I`ve had that happen a few times as well, and I must say I did enjoy getting a response from the COs to my log entries. Much more so than I would a "like" button. If I can, I will try to make my entry more enjoyable to read than just posting "TFTC", and if something funny happened during the search or en route, I will try to give a summary of those events. Animal encounters, beautiful views or something completely different. After all, before going hunting I read logs to check if there is something special about the cache or the journey to it. So I will try to give readers of my log an impression of the overall experience I had. And I know it will generate more visits for the CO if you post a good, humourous log. Being a little creative goes a long way. :)

  3. Hi! I`m a new geocacher and new to the forum, so please treat me gently. :) I was looking through the forums but couldn`t find one that answered my question. Which simply is: When searching for a cache by name on Geocaching.com, (because I sometimes can`t remember the CO`s name or the excact location), I would like it if the return for my search came back with the closest one first, then the next and so on. An example: Searching for a cache that starts with "Under" gives 2334 records; and the first entry is 13132.2 km from my home location. I can`t find a way to sort by distance on the website. At home using Gsak is no problem, this only applies when using the work computer or my ipad. Maybe it`s just me that would like this feature, but I`d like to get your opinion. I`m sure there are some.

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