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Posts posted by TexasGringo

  1. I Had thought about that but...up here it would be hard in the winter...frozen batteries, snow on the solar panels...etc.


    There were some plug in FM Transmitters being sold and it could have been placed in the home. You could give a waypoint a few blocks away for someone to get the code.


    So, I made the morse code as a Wave file...But according to the new rules (02/2007) the Puzzle has to be solvable on the cache page...and no downloads...so to get around that, you have to make a transcript of the wav file.


    This is a Non-FM Transmitter one I did:



    As far as Ham Radio Fox Hunts...that is usually up on 2 meters (144 mhz) where you could make a small hand-held loop antenna and go triangulate with some others.


    Have Fun

  2. ***Went out for some Geocaching the other day and mostly struck out. The 12 - 15" of snow we have received in the past 2 weeks is making it difficut. The only cache I did find was a good old solid metal ammo can.***


    Are you blaming the Snow for falling on a Cache?


    Hey, there's an IDEA....a Cache Umbrella...stick it in the ground next to the cache to protect it from the elements.....LOL.

  3. I'm sure you already know this but.....just in case.....


    In Google Earth, you use the directions tab then enter "Lancaster, PA" and "Mount Joy, PA".


    Then click the Go buttom. At the bottom of all the route data is the "Route" which is a .KMZ file. Save that to your disk.


    In Geocaching.com go to "Caches along a route" up load that .KMZ, save it then select it for your pocke query. Just using the default pocket query stuff, there is 1 page of caches that show up.




    Google Earth shows the distance between "Lancaster, PA" and "Mount Joy, PA" to be 14.04 miles.

  4. I've had new caches rejected:


    Too close to a government building.

    Too close to another cache.

    Too close to rail road tracks.

    Created a Crazy mystery cache that even I could not solve.


    I had a 9 stage multi that a couple stages had to be moved...what a pain because I had to remake the tags for the next stages and the online maps, then rewalk everything again to make sure it still worked (about 5 miles)...it is archived now.


    The reviewer preferred the wording in the hints to be different than what I had...said I was not required to change it...but I changed it anyway to their suggestion, just to make more sense.


    Sure, when my caches were rejected, I was in varying stages of pissed...but fixed them and they were eventually published.


    I'm sure that when I go to publish a Cache...the review thinks "Oh No!!! Here's One From That Crazy Nut Again"...So I guess it goes both ways. They have to suffer through reviewing my warped idea of a cache and I have to suffer through making it comply.


    None of my rejections were in spite...just errors on my part.


    If you want to play...you have to obey.

  5. Make the stamp a normal stamp size...I hate those large envelope stamps that people use on micro logs, that take up the whole paper, and never think once that there will be others that will try to sign the log.


    There is a Time and Place for those stamps...

  6. Hi:


    When I edit my profile, I put the password at the top and then go enter my web page URL in the "Personal Home Page:" text box.


    example: www.xxxxxx.com


    when I click "Update Account", the message "Your Profile Has Been Updated" displays but the Personal Home Page URL is gone.


    What Am I Doing Wrong?

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