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Posts posted by TexasGringo
So, would you have to create 2 versions of a cartridge for people that had a PPC and people that had a Colorado?
If you created a Wav for the PPC...what happens on the Colorado...would it just beep or do nothing?
There is a new version of "Builder".
Is it necessary to Un-Install the old first ... Or will this just install the new stuff over the old?
***Some people deliberately use wrong coordinates 'to make it tougher'***
Here is one...Read The February 10, 2007 Maintenance Entry by the owner:
I'll probably upgrade to the Garmin Colorado 400t ... as soon as I see some user reviews out there.
I've seen them in trees and bushs...but so far not on a gravestone itself...I wouldn't do that.
Some times the people who place caches don't get good readings...or transpose numbers when publishing the cache.
I NEVER give updated coordinates to a Final of a puzzle cache...because that would give it away...but a regular cache that is found further away...I'll post corrected coordinates.
The cache owner can accept those or move the cache back to its original spot and make a note of that.
Here is one that I made. The original coordinates put you in the middle of a River.
Just Curious....
What Pocket PC did you use for development?
***puzzles make my head hurt and I don't do them***
I have the perfect Puzzle for YOU...If you dare to try.
Never mind...I see it Waaaaaaayyyyyy Down at the bottom.
Unless I am missing it....
Will there be a link to the Wherigo forum from the regular Groundspeak Forums?
To use the builder, it says you need the .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package...file name "DotNetFx.exe".
If you have .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP1 installed, you will get an ERROR saying that the package is not compatible with the curent Framework version.
According to Microsoft Article
Which basically says this:
Uninstall the .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP1
Install the .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package
Reinstall .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP1
Been getting some slowness over the last week...Not all the thime....just Sporatic.
Trying to read a post...
CGI Timeout
The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process.
Both 300 & 400 have Paperless Geocaching Mode
I feel Honored....Two Moderators Responded.
I'm in line...waiting.
I Tried the "Wherigo.com" site and got (I have been Black Listed"):
You are not authorized to view this page
The Web server you are attempting to reach has a list of IP addresses that are not allowed to access the Web site, and the IP address of your browsing computer is on this list.
Please try the following:
Contact the Web site administrator if you believe you should be able to view this directory or page.
HTTP Error 403.6 - Forbidden: IP address of the client has been rejected.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Technical Information (for support personnel)
Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search for the words HTTP and 403.
Open IIS Help, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr), and search for topics titled About Security, Limiting Access by IP Address, IP Address Access Restrictions, and About Custom Error Messages.
Looks good so far with complete geocache info (Hints ... etc.)....but all I see are Blue charts and Topo....nothing that it can use street maps.
I see an automotive mode...but what is that?
I'll have to wait and see user comments before I go get one.
***is that what the thing next to the antennae is? A wheel?????!?!?? why must they put them ontop of the screen, I find that so annoying.....I thought that thing was a speaker, atleast its not that***
Yea, I hate buttons at the top...that is why I bought a 60Csx instead of a 76Csx.
Will it use City Navigator?
Do you see th Bison Tube I Hid Here?
Just Kidding People...
ok...No Problem. I found the old thread (July 2007)....but I'll let it go.
Thanks Keystone.
When I was trying to do my 50/50 cache (GC13PX5)...I had created MP3/wav files to be down loaded to an MP3 player...so someone could listen to instructions for the Mystery Cache.
I was told that was not allowed (this was even a discussion in an old thread)....because of rule changes (I think they said 02/2007) that did not alllow "Required" downloadable files....and in order to do the cache, an "Alternate" method had to be available.
So, I scrapped that PODCACHE idea and just had a readable instruction sheet for someone to follow.
City Navigator are stret maps.
TOPO are for topography...
I use the City Navigator on my GPSMAP60Csx because I use it for driving too.
PPC = Speaker / Colorado = Beeper
in Wherigo
Since it was a question about the Garmin Colorado...
Someone asked if The Colorado could play sound:
Jeremy Replied:
It just has a basic piezo speaker, I'm afraid. It's hard to have audio capabilities on a durable unit. At least that's my understanding of it. We create sounds in Wherigo Player with sequences beeps using frequency and duration values.
I need to find some early game developers to figure out some good tunes to share for these experiences.
So, I am asking:
Since the Colorado can not play sound files...will you have to create 2 versions of a cartridge for people that have a PPC and people that have a Colorado?
If you created a Wav for the PPC...what happens if someone puts it on the Colorado...would it just beep or do nothing...or crater?