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Posts posted by Mach2003

  1. We all know that there is a log type for posting corrected coordinates on traditional caches, and that a reviewer would get involved (at least if the move were far enough).


    We know that the position of the cache has a 528 foot radius of no other hides.


    When a puzzle cache is placed, one must inform GC of the real cache location by submitting a hidden waypoint.


    I had to move one of these type caches recently, and changed the coord of the hidden waypoint, but wondered if GC should be notified of the change, and how to notify them. Posting corrected coord would not work, as it would change the posted coord, not the cache coords.


    Any ideas?

  2. I interchange the chargers on Legend CX, Razr v3i, GPS10X, have for quite a while, no problems. In car and at home too.


    USB MUST supply 5vdc, any unit that has mini USB port, MUST be able to use the charger.


    Edit: "Charger" used, but CX can NOT be "charged" only operated on the adaptor, Razr and GPS 10 "Charge".

  3. I have both Topo Canada amd Metro Canada loaded. Three different places my Legend CX self powers off. None of the three places are on either map boundary, none are effected by speed, and all three repeat every time I cross them.


    Computer tech in me says "divide by zero" type of crash causes system to shut down.

  4. I have a Legend CX, and carry 5000+ caches with small descriptions (100 chars max), hints, and child waypoints using POI. Data is fed from a macro in GSAK.


    I also have a Palm that uses bluetooth to connect to a GPS 10x, and it is more accurate than the etrex (SirfIII chip). It uses the same maps as the etrex, and has the same POI. Cachemate has full descriptions (ex photos).

  5. A typical topo map section (using topo Canada) is 228 kb.


    You can load any number of segments, as memory will allow.


    Mapsource is a PC based program, that allows selecting and sending map segments to the GPSr.

  6. OK I just don't get it... We carry cache repair items, including enpty containers, pencils, log books.. all the time.

    Often we replace or add items to a needy cache.


    Why would it matter if it was adopted?


    As long as teh cache is good to go, who cares?


    If, in time, the cache needs maint. again: Fix it.


    Do you need to "own" the cache to keep it alive?

  7. Hey Mach2003. Sorry, I'm not sure I know what you mean. I've read the listing for a moving multi cache, but both parts moved. (GC4411) In your idea something would still be moving, so I'm guessing there would be issues in getting it published. Unless I'm misunderstanding you...


    Just for clarification, I have no idea what a slider cache is. Never heard of it until this thread, so it may be another name for what I'm thinking of, or may be something completely different. Here's a bookmark list of some caches that fit what I'm thinking of. http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.a...65-f7aa2c549617

    I haven't looked at every one on the list, so they may not all be the same idea. The first travelling cache that I saw, and the one that gave us the idea, was GCA0D6.


    Hope that helps clarify what I'm referring to.


    I do not KNOW how this would be accepted, but try this idea on.


    Place a "regular" cashe at a fixed location, that never moves. Create a (hopefully unique) small tag that has the coordinates to the final cache, or a clue to it. Allow the finder to move the clue (not the cache), to a new location (within some bounds). This way the clue would not likely interfere with another cache if it was placed too close to it, and you could set the range of travel so that it does not get moved to a "very" far off place.


    Just a thought of how a reviewer *might* allow it.

  8. ... although I see no mention of the etrex unit when I go to the list of drives ...


    You should not be looking for a drive letter, when using GSAK: Are you using the send to GPSr option within GSAK?

    The USB mass storage option under interfaces in setup, will allow access ONLY to the uSD card and not to the units internal memory.

  9. Your Vista will NOT read GPX or LOC files directly! Access to the card is usefull for placing POI files and maps, that are prepared for the Garmin only, or for storing extra info that can NOT be accessed on the Vista.


    You can download the mapsource update directly from garmin.com. The mis-naming waypoints are somthing I have not experienced.


    I will try and find you a link to the latest version, and post it.

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