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Posts posted by Mach2003

  1. I like to look at the find counts of cachers I am familiar with, in the logs. Not just the "friends" list ones. I know how these cachers keep their personal score (what "rules" they use) and as such the numbers have meaning. Removing the numbers, just cause of a few who play differently that I do seems silly, I can just ignore those numbers.

  2. Where I live, the "micro spew" is not evident (16.8%, remember), and I am glad for that. I use a palm, and GASK, and my BRAIN, occasionally, and although I quoted some examples above, overall I am having FUN playing this addiction.


    Would it be better if all hiders, placed my fovorite kinds of caches, yes.

    Would it be better if hiders told me I would NOT like their cache, yes.


    Would this EVER happen?, NO!

  3. ...2) Since there are many more caches available now, do the complainers say that there are LESS caches that they can find and enjoy than there was a few years ago?...


    Most of them freely admit that there are more of every kind of cache including the ones they enjoy. Ok maybe only the ones with brains. However the gripe is that they have to work harder to sort out the wheat from the chaff. That resembles work and work is what they are trying not to do when caching because when you add work to caching, it's no longer so much fun as it is work.


    Now I have to go read that post you reference...


    So let me see if I understand this:


    On day One there was One cache in Portland.

    On Day X there was Y caches, mostly few and far between, mostly in the woods.

    Today there are 45 million caches all over the world, and the complainers want to eliminate all the ones that they don't like, by some mystery, so that they are sure to have FUN without any chance of disapointment.


    Good Luck, and HAPPY caching.

    We just want to eliminate them from our GPSs. Feel free to have them on yours. I think my last post summarizes one win-win idea that could accomplish this. :P


    I see your point, and I like it too.

    Lets see what this would do in the real world:

    How many cache hiders would click off the "this cache sticks, use a nose plug" attribute?

    For that matter, how many would ckick on "Placed just so numbers counters can find it easy" attribute?


    Do you realy think this is a solution?

  4. ...2) Since there are many more caches available now, do the complainers say that there are LESS caches that they can find and enjoy than there was a few years ago?...


    Most of them freely admit that there are more of every kind of cache including the ones they enjoy. Ok maybe only the ones with brains. However the gripe is that they have to work harder to sort out the wheat from the chaff. That resembles work and work is what they are trying not to do when caching because when you add work to caching, it's no longer so much fun as it is work.


    Now I have to go read that post you reference...


    So let me see if I understand this:


    On day One there was One cache in Portland.

    On Day X there was Y caches, mostly few and far between, mostly in the woods.

    Today there are 45 million caches all over the world, and the complainers want to eliminate all the ones that they don't like, by some mystery, so that they are sure to have FUN without any chance of disapointment.


    Good Luck, and HAPPY caching.

  5. We have cached for a short time, We have found less than a "lot" of caches. We have placed a few, and some are micros. The micros we have placed are either interesting in themselfs, or are in interesting areas. IMHO (and the loggers too).


    Here is a few points from this thread, having read it all (poor me), and many like it.

    Before 1) On post #108 Sbell agreed with TrailGators

    1) Micro or not, hiding an ammo can at a parking lot is still the same.

    2) Since there are many more caches available now, do the complainers say that there are LESS caches that they can find and enjoy than there was a few years ago?

    3) In my GSAK list 16.8% are micros out of about 7000 caches. Most of these, that I have found, (not that I have found most of these), I have enjoyed.

    4) I have spent a day traveling the woods, finding un-intersting, to me, full size caches. I have traveled through urban areas, and found nothing but un-interesting caches. I have traveled on decent hikes to find nothing but a cache, not even a view, after a great hike.

    5) I have found many very interesting urban caches, most of them are mico size.

    6) I have found many very interesting waterfalls, views, and hikes in the woods, because of caching.

    7) Some of my best experiences caching, resluted in a DNF.

    8) on POST#108 Sbell Agreed with TrailGators

    9) Of the caches we placed, we get many more logs on the urban ones. The caches we have placed in farther off places, seldom get logged, and even then, the loggers seem to miss the point.


    Folks, there are many things we find that we do not care for, when we depend on others to provide us with entertainment. Some of these things we will have to just accept. Disapointment comes with hiding and with finding, that is life.


    Perhaps the reason cachers hide "lame" caches, is that cashers, by numbers, FIND "lame" caches. How can anyone call a cache "LAME" when more cachers LOG the lame caches?



  6. I have 2.70 in my Legend. I also have a Gps10X (Sirf3 chip). I have used both at the same time a number of times since the 2.70 upgrade (as I mentioned above and in another thread). Other than the obvoius tree cover and canyon issues, the two units are both resonably the same, within a few meters. In open sky conditions, the two units are ALWAYS within a meter of each other (0.001 mins).

  7. Don't forget that a lot of folks do not DNF, and this would effect the D rating of a cache, if only the logged finders score is used.

    We have a D4, that has a few "I found it easy" logs. When we last checked on the cache, it had a million foot steps near it, but no DNF logs (it is in an area, where a million foot steps are not a problem).

  8. Ventiure, Legend, and Vista (all CX) are the same unit, with added features as you go up the line. Venture = Base, Legend comes with an SD card (Venture + card = Legend), Vista has Magnetic compass and barometric altitude (works without use of SATS).


    New (yet to be released ) Etrex series "H" for high sensitivity GPS system.


    Mono Etrex units without the sd slot have no letters after the name (legend vs legend cx)


    60 Series: C = Color Display, S = Sensor (see Vista), X = External Memory Slot. Unit is sold with CS CSX CX ...

  9. After you unzip cachemate, you will have to double click, the cachemate.prc, and mathlib.prc to have them "setup" for installation. Also if you want any of the add-ins, do the same with them. At least last time I did it, just unzipping the files are not quite enough.

  10. I once logged a find, on a micro, and had discovered that I lost my pen on the way to the cache.

    I once logged a find on a cache, that the owner had moved to another city, and was thinking of archiving, but it was such a great spot, I replaced it (as best I could at the time, another cacher did a better job a little later). I offered for my log to be deleted, it was not.

    I often replace needed cache items, including soggy log books (even containers).

    Other than the two above (398 others) LOG=FIND, NO LOG=DNF

    I guess CR will think of me as a cheater, who cares!

    I do check my cache's logs against the online logs, and give the cacher ample room to explain.


    Edit: Can't count

  11. I have an interesting story to tell here: I have the Legend CX, same firmware as the Vista.


    I used Webupdater to update to 2.70, then the unit was most often in "Week GPS signal mode", and had no or poor coverage and bad position.


    I reverted back to 2.60 using the file downloaded from the link above. Reception was still bad.


    Went back to 2.70 using Webupdater, but this time, when presented with the second option, that seemed to be the same update, I did not check it off.


    2.70 works great now, except the compass page sticks, when goto geocache, off road. I have to menu, menu or click STOP to get it to allow page switches. EPE are as good or better than before the upgrade, and compare position accuracy to another unit is right on.


    I HAVE sent this info off to Garmin.

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