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Posts posted by boysnbarrie

  1. Recently, I was minding my own business when a friend and fellow geocacher uttered these shocking words:


    "Barrie, you can't drive a 4WD!"


    :laughing: Hmmm, isn't this how a recent SMACKDOWN Event came about? Didn't it have something to do with a certain geocacher telling me I couldn't do Szar Foyo? (heavy sigh)


    I'm not naming any names here or nuthin like that ... but the culprit is pictured in the photo below and is NOT wearing a pink hat.




    Nothing was said at the time about where, how, or under what conditions I wouldn't be able to drive a 4WD, so I think it might be time to prove someone wrong again.




    The squeeze would prove them wrong. If you are up to it, that is. 000202C7.gif

    The squeeze, eh? Hmmm, I don't know about this ... I don't think anyone should be squeezin' me while I'm driving, Skillet! Have you forgotten ... I'm a professional driver! No distracting! :laughing: Hey, you got a 4WD I can borrow for this latest challenge, Mister Skillet? Hmph, can you believe that silly guy is doubting my abilities AGAIN? Unbelievable, I say!




    Ok,So we are driving in her car Sunday afternoon and she runs over what possibly was a small piece of rubber in the road and it hits her undercarriage...What's that? she shreaks looking in the rear view mirror as she starts to slow down on the hightway..It's nothing...keep going Barrie and remembering the times we have bottomed out and heard rocks hit the bottom of our Jeep I utter..."You never could drive a 4WD". She becomes unglued and begins muttering something about how she can not believe I would say she couldn't do something...I suggested that she buy a Rubicon etc but she didn't go for that...I see...now she wants to borrow someone else's 4wd to prove that she can handle it...hmmm


    Close, but wrong ... she wants to prove you are wrong AGAIN, my dear friend.


    Consider a portion of your last post:

    March 1 by kwvers! (15179 found)


    ...Life brings us many opportunities to learn from our mistakes ...


    Another opportunity is on the horizon!


  2. Recently, I was minding my own business when a friend and fellow geocacher uttered these shocking words:


    "Barrie, you can't drive a 4WD!"


    :laughing: Hmmm, isn't this how a recent SMACKDOWN Event came about? Didn't it have something to do with a certain geocacher telling me I couldn't do Szar Foyo? (heavy sigh)


    I'm not naming any names here or nuthin like that ... but the culprit is pictured in the photo below and is NOT wearing a pink hat.




    Nothing was said at the time about where, how, or under what conditions I wouldn't be able to drive a 4WD, so I think it might be time to prove someone wrong again.




    The squeeze would prove them wrong. If you are up to it, that is. 000202C7.gif

    The squeeze, eh? Hmmm, I don't know about this ... I don't think anyone should be squeezin' me while I'm driving, Skillet! Have you forgotten ... I'm a professional driver! No distracting! :laughing: Hey, you got a 4WD I can borrow for this latest challenge, Mister Skillet? Hmph, can you believe that silly guy is doubting my abilities AGAIN? Unbelievable, I say!



  3. Recently, I was minding my own business when a friend and fellow geocacher uttered these shocking words:


    "Barrie, you can't drive a 4WD!"


    :laughing: Hmmm, isn't this how a recent SMACKDOWN Event came about? Didn't it have something to do with a certain geocacher telling me I couldn't do Szar Foyo? (heavy sigh)


    I'm not naming any names here or nuthin like that ... but the culprit is pictured in the photo below and is NOT wearing a pink hat.




    Nothing was said at the time about where, how, or under what conditions I wouldn't be able to drive a 4WD, so I think it might be time to prove someone wrong again.




    As a self-appointed educator I'm thrilled to see such a high level of interest

    in the Self-absorption expose. If by chance interest increases, say, doubles.

    then I might be encouraged to post my lecture notes for the graduate-level

    course that offers sure-fire strategies for optimizing the benefits of pillow Self

    absorption. I leave it in the hands of readers.

    Dear Harmon,


    I'm afraid I'm somewhat shocked (and concerned) after reading your Self-absorption expose. Perhaps it was a slight oversight, as I know how busy you must be. Was it your intention to leave out the ever growing buckwheat pillow population? I'm curious about the absorption rate as it pertains to buckwheat hulls. Please advise.


    Your PUD source,


    Barrie dear,


    Sleeping on Buckwheat is an entirely different matter.

    That's what makes y' say "Otay" a lot.


    Say, have you noticed that Jodi is more of a grouch

    than usual nowadays? I'm worried about that ol' gal,

    yes I am.


    Your pal,


    <_< I had no idea I said "Otay" a lot due to my pillow ... no one ever told me! Maybe twice a day, or so I say it ... Otay Lakes Road and Otay Ranch High. But what does that have to do with pillows and absorption?? What about Euro pillows? What about pillow shams? Ohhhhh, I just got the Otay thing ... LOL. Wow, I'm laughing now! That was funny!


    I haven't noticed Jodi being "more of a grouch" lately ... quite the opposite, in fact, she's always a real gem whenever I talk with her. Hmmm, ya think it might have something to do with you calling her "that ol' gal", Harmon?


    Looking for my pillow,


  5. By the way, some of you probably don't understand what

    is meant when I say that "my pillow whispered to me." If

    there is a wide-spread interest in the matter then I'll post

    a technical brief on the issue. For now just accept that

    pillows are the least understood factor in maintaining a

    a balanced state of mental health.


    You're welcome,


    <_< Your pillow whispers? Mine cries out to me...please do tell!

    By popular acclaim, here it is as requested -


    Start with what we know, that Self is centered in our mind, yes? That is to say

    that Self is of the form of neurological activities of the mind; you know, the

    electrical and chemical processes that link the neurons of the mind. Yes?


    We know as well that neurological activities can be sensed using electrodes

    placed on the scalp, yes? So one can surmise that one's Self is leaking through

    and escaping from the skull and scalp, yes? Of course.


    When awake and about there's nothing whatever except perchance cap, hat, or

    a hood in contact with the scalp. However, during hours of sleep it is common

    for scalp and skull to be in close association with a pillow, in fact a good chance

    to be in close contact with the very same personal pillow night on night, week on

    week, month on month, and year on year. Can you not see that pillow feathers

    or fibers are exposed regularly to the neurological signals that are the essence

    of your Self?


    Well then, here it is in simple form … as you lie on your pillow night after night

    an increasing measure of Self exits your skull and is absorbed by the feathers or

    fibers of your pillow.


    Know also that as you lie down on your pillow the dark and dreary aspects of Self

    settle downward in your skull and the light, happy aspects of Self separate upward

    as oil is to water. See then that a pillow must absorb the nearby darker aspects of

    Self at expense of the lighter aspects of Self that float above. Thus it is that the

    portion of Self absorbed by your pillow tends toward the dark and dreary aspects

    of life. Yes?


    So it is that when awakened during the peeing hours and lying there awake on the

    pillow then the pillow's darker aspects of Self will reconnect from your pillow into

    your consciousness in the fashion of a wireless hot-spot … should have, could have,

    would have, why didn't I, and so on come to fore you see. In my own case I

    settled on a simple phrase of reference, saying for simplicity that "My pillow

    whispers to me."


    There are important other findings -


    A. Senility and Alzsheimer's; you guessed it, a result of an entire lifetime lying on

    the very same pillow. This condition comes when the portion of Self absorbed into

    the pillow exceeds the portion of Self retained in the skull.


    B. Loss of memory as an old man grows old; simple that his wife keeps replacing his



    C. Old couples so alike that they can complete the other's sentences; indeed, a result

    of swapping pillows too often during change of sheets.


    D. Family pets that start to look and behave like their owners; you guessed it, a result

    of the pet sleeping too long on the owner's pillows.


    E. Really grouchy old timers … a more complicated issue. You see there's a different

    absorption rate for different sorts of pillows. In the olden days pillows were stuffed

    with goose down. Goose down has the very highest absorption rate followed in order

    by duck down, chicken down, chicken feathers, cotton, and synthetic fibers. Old

    geezers lived in the days of hay-stuffed pillows and so suffer and effect known as

    absorption reversal wherein the lighter parts of Self soak entirely into their pillow

    leaving only the dark aspects of their nature behind. In medical terms this condition

    is referred to as GOB.


    All this I know because I made it up,



    Note to Jodi: A pillow that screams indicates that you Munch your pillow at night.


    You had me worried there for awhile.


    I think the [my] wife swaps pillows to often, she always knows what I'm thinking. 000203DD.gif

    As a self-appointed educator I'm thrilled to see such a high level of interest

    in the Self-absorption expose. If by chance interest increases, say, doubles.

    then I might be encouraged to post my lecture notes for the graduate-level

    course that offers sure-fire strategies for optimizing the benefits of pillow Self

    absorption. I leave it in the hands of readers.

    Dear Harmon,


    I'm afraid I'm somewhat shocked (and concerned) after reading your Self-absorption expose. Perhaps it was a slight oversight, as I know how busy you must be. Was it your intention to leave out the ever growing buckwheat pillow population? I'm curious about the absorption rate as it pertains to buckwheat hulls. Please advise.


    Your PUD source,


  6. Hey everybody! Our good friend boysnbarrie just found her 2000th cache! PUD cake for everybody!


    Yay!! Congrats, Barrie!!! :huh::)

    WoooooHoooooooooo!!!! And where is this imaginary PUD cake?!? I've never gotten any!!! ;)



    Please forgive the delay in the PUD cake delivery. I've been otherwise preoccupied (with geocaching & getting over yet another cold bug), so I made the PUD as quickly as possible late this morning, and just finished dropping it off at Harmon's place. He assured me that it would be safe there, and would give FlagMan a nice sized piece while it was still fresh and warm. I did think it'd be wise for me to snap a quick picture - so FlagMan could see what he'll be getting from Harmon ... so there ya go FlagMan!


    Aint Harmon, that ol' buddy of mine, a real gem! Pick up your PUD at Harmon's place ... I"m sure none of you wanted my crummy old cold. See how much I care for all of my geo-buddies? Enjoy the PUD!



    aka: boysnbarrie

  7. Everybody had a great time, :ph34r: except Harmon of course... because he wasn't there... ;)

    He sure must have had something better to do than risk his life - again! ;)

    He was under orders in support of the needs of grandchildren.


    Delighted that your adventure was so rewarding. Once upon a

    time I saw a side-show woman that had a long, black beard and

    a mustache but seeing babes in Hazmat suites and Brogans surely

    would have topped (or bottomed) my previous experience. The

    bearded lady set me back a couple of years in school and I still

    have horrible nightmares, gosh knows what seeing the Hazmat

    babes might have done to me.


    So let me be the first to say that all of you Glowsticks are expected

    to suite up the same way for Event Night. The rest of us will come

    as we were as well.


    What next?


    SD Rowdies

    Okay, now that you've declared the appropriate attire for the Feb. 6th event, I guess I'll forget all about showing up in my cha cha dress. :huh: Oh fiddlesticks, I had planned on really surprising you, ol' buddy! Your idea does make more sense, tho ... so I just really want to thank you for setting me straight! I'll be sure to recreate my Szar Foyo outfit!!


    Thanks, Harmon!


  8. I've been doing a little bit of research, and I've discovered that some people actually enjoy mud more than others! So, try to picture this lil' video with our dear geo-buddes, glowsticks, and lots of bushes, trees, and a few slippery elevation changes - how fun! :D



    Note to Self: Sure hope that angry property owner has moved.


    I'm picturing that ol' game Twister ... in the mud! My ohh my!! Did he say they're going to be changing clothes afterward? That outta be quite a sight for those nearby residents. Maybe I'll pass on the Glowstick Twister Stripdown Mudbath ... yeah, I need to think this through a bit more. Maybe I could donate a PUD or something ... hmmm.

    As we remember it not everyone who originally promised to join our adventure, made it that night. Not to mention anyone by name, but we did notice atleast one of the "no shows" is instigating this latest effort. Could it be they really didn't believe the first smackdown was possible, and are only willing now that some brave souls (or is it soles?) accomplished it? Guess we will never know, and it is not for us tom say. (er)

    Note to self; check for typos before posting


    :) I feel it's my duty as an inaugural, original, true, plankowner of the SMACKDOWN Crew to accompany these hoodlums to see if they do it right! :D

    Say, I hear that the one-true, original Smackdown team members

    will each receive a carton of Moon Pies at the awards ceremony.

    Ain't that sweet?


    Good idea to serve as an experienced observer and guide Jodi,

    kind of strips away the honors from that misguided Glowstick

    Smackdown band of lost souls. I've seen most of them in action

    and what I learned from that is that they will need all the help

    they can get. We know who they are, there's a Deep-Throat

    on their team if you can call them that. :ph34r:

    Well, then, Harmon, you betta join us, too!! I really have serious doubts as to whether ANY of us could do it without you, you know... I'm sure the "inaugural, original, true, plankowners of the SMACKDOWN Crew" would say the same thing. The only reason "they all didn't die" was 'cause you were there to save their sorry souls!!! :D

    Oboy, I guess he told me off huh? Did I deserve it?

    Of course I did, you know, always trying to stir up

    trouble of the silly kind. Ain't Geocaching grand?

    Soooooooooooooo?!?!?! R U gunna join us or not?!?!?

    I'm in negotiations with an ex-nun. More at eleven.


    Well, I don't know if I ever could have made it outta there without Harmon ... tis true. I s'pose if I knew he was going ... uh, I might show up. Hmmm. Our Smackdown Team could never be put to shame by any other group, tho - because we were the original ones to take on the challenge; nothing will ever change that. We proved it could indeed be done. What a great time we all had, too! Even that group of sailors were living it up ... oh wait, that was Sue (I keep forgetting).


    As I write this, I'm sitting in my bus (not far from Szar Foyo) looking at the sky. It is looking like rain is coming soon. Is that GlowStick team really wanting to play Twister in the mud ... without Harmon? Wow, that's a fun game n' all ... but, YIKES!

  10. You are all cordially invited to join a few psychos for:




    Current list of operatives is highly confidential but available upon request.


    We will insert on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at N 32 39.330 W 117 01.117. Our primary target will be Szar Fôyô.

    Equipment list is as follows:


    Glowsticks (some will be provided, but mo' be betta...)

    HazMat Suits (or at least long pants and long sleeves)

    Boots (cleats?)

    Change of clothes (yes, you will probably want to strip down before making contact with the plush velour of your vehicle seats)

    M*A*S*H Triage kit

    Liquor, hard and lots of it!!


    Things NOT to bring:


    Senses or sensibilities


    High heels (except maybe for the photo opp at the end)

    Anything cashmere, lace or suede




    Yeah, I know, Harmon, y'all gunna die!!! But at least we'll be having fun doing it!!!


    See y'all there!!


    The mud will make the climb out far more interesting! Wow, this sounds like something I might want to do ... hey, Harmon? If you go ... I'll watch you're back, JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME!




    Yes, Barrie, I never got that follow-up exam from you.


    Get a load of this new Smackdown challenge, shoot, if

    they want braggin' rights then do it while there's some

    serious rain coming down so's you can rival the mess

    that Passing Wind and his pal got into during a rain-



    Ain't no way that ditch will dry out before th' 27th. Mud

    is going to be their middle name.


    Say! wait just a darned minute ... now I get it, they're

    going to horn-in on our Smackdown celebration and try

    t' steal our thunder. Why I oughta ....


    Y'all gonna die!


    Wow, That's all I can say...Sure wish I wasn't working that night..but I'll be thinking about the mysterious crew..Looking forward to the celebration and what the original crew will do to smack down the new crew..But if any of the original Smackdown Crew goes for seconds then I guess they will need to receive double recognition for their accomplishment...To date, I don't know of anyone who has gone into the abyss twice.

    Yeah, what he said ... and we'll go in using Mason jars full

    of fire flies. And another thang, we ain't afraid of showing

    our smiling faces.


    The one, the only Smackdown Crew


    So here's a question for th' GlowStick Gang (snicker) ...

    what do you suppose it was that hollowed out that dreaded

    Chamber of Horrors? Hmm?


    Note to Self: Sure hope that angry property owner has moved.


    I'm picturing that ol' game Twister ... in the mud! My ohh my!! Did he say they're going to be changing clothes afterward? That outta be quite a sight for those nearby residents. Maybe I'll pass on the Glowstick Twister Stripdown Mudbath ... yeah, I need to think this through a bit more. Maybe I could donate a PUD or something ... hmmm.

  11. You are all cordially invited to join a few psychos for:




    Current list of operatives is highly confidential but available upon request.


    We will insert on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at N 32 39.330 W 117 01.117. Our primary target will be Szar Fôyô.

    Equipment list is as follows:


    Glowsticks (some will be provided, but mo' be betta...)

    HazMat Suits (or at least long pants and long sleeves)

    Boots (cleats?)

    Change of clothes (yes, you will probably want to strip down before making contact with the plush velour of your vehicle seats)

    M*A*S*H Triage kit

    Liquor, hard and lots of it!!


    Things NOT to bring:


    Senses or sensibilities


    High heels (except maybe for the photo opp at the end)

    Anything cashmere, lace or suede




    Yeah, I know, Harmon, y'all gunna die!!! But at least we'll be having fun doing it!!!


    See y'all there!!


    The mud will make the climb out far more interesting! Wow, this sounds like something I might want to do ... hey, Harmon? If you go ... I'll watch you're back, JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME!




  12. GC22dxj..our friend wrote an interesting post and has returned to his old ways in calling Mrs.K a cheapskate...The first time he did this we kinda let it go thinking that it must of been an age thing. Jodi will probaby remember when he said it...We would like everyone to save their M&M tubes for us...


    January 15 by SD Rowdies (4710 found)

    Some cheapskate, not a single M&M left for me.

    Thanks anyway,


    SD Rowdies


    when we he ever learn...and just when Jodi was thinking that she would take it easy this year on him...did he really think that Mrs.K's girl friends would put up with this? hmmm :)





    Has that old man gone stark raving mad? I just don't know what I'm gonna do ( oh yes I do) It's one thing to mess with Old Jodi. She's a ex-Navy Wave. She's used to giving better than she receives. There is no sweet in Jodi..her skin is as tough as it comes. But dear sweet Denice KWVERS! ? Mrs. KWVERs! is all sugar and lace and frills. She's the most gentle, kind, even tempered lady in this sport. And talented? Haven't you seen her quillows? Cheapskate? Why..she would give you the sweater off her dainty little shoulders if you even looked in need. And Harmon is gonna bad-mouth her about not leaving him a mini M&M? That just ain't right! Jim is right...it's time for her girlfriends to rise to the occasion and defend her honor. It just so happens I bought a bigger wheelbarrow! Watch out Harmon! Now I know it's gonna rain soon and I'm off to Tulsa OK next week and I am a little distracted tomorrow ( El Cap), but rest assured this is just the calm before the "Defend Denice's Honor Onslaught!


    Harmon...will you EVER learn???



    Hmmm, well I've been away from the forums for a bit ... so imagine my shock and horror when I read that Harmon called Denice a CHEAPSKATE ;) . WOAH! Funny thing is, I'd been driving around in my lil' yellow limo today ... thinking about if I should make dear ol Harmon a PUD cake for the SMACKDOWN Event :unsure: . I even made up a list of all the fixin's I'd need. Yep I was gonna surprise my ol' buddy! Hmmm, I suppose now I'll just bring him a mini M & M since that's what he seems to want. Go figure :D


    Mini M&Ms


    ;) boysnbarrie

  13. Hot off the Press! Look at this! December 31, 2009 by halftrack guy (700 found)


    Last cache of 2009, and my 700th cache. Wow, it took me a long time to make 700, but I'm finally here.


    Yowza Yowza!!!!!!


    Congratulations, HTG! :) But watch out for that ol' Mr. k!...he'll get you into trouble for sure!!! :)


    Conga Rats, halftrack guy! You're well on your way to 1K now!! Wahoo!!

  14. micky%20mouse%20animation%20happy%20new%20year%20card.gif


    A happy New Year! Grant that I

    May bring no tear to any eye

    When this New Year in time shall end

    Let it be said I've played the friend,

    Have lived and loved and labored here,

    And made of it a happy year.

    ~ Edgar A. Guest


    See y'all next year!



    Hold on here ... let's get back to the high heels and the cha-cha dress issue.


    It was a year ago just before Christmas while I was walking through a shopping

    mall and caught sight of a woman that was pushing a baby stroller and wearing

    a simple but attractive black dress. Not a skirt, ... an actual dress. I stopped in

    my tracks as she passed by, astonished ... at first I thought that I was having a

    hallucination. Could it be, a woman wearing a dress rather than jeans and tee?


    I sat down on a nearby bench and searched my memories, when last had I seen

    a woman wearing a dress? It came to me, it was back in seventy-three, I'm sure

    it was, one of those brown and orange and yellow mini-skirt ensembles like on

    Sonny & Cher. My gawd, time sure flies, those were th' days my friend.


    So, please ... the high heels and the cha-cha dress ... th-i-i-s close but K' had to

    be a do-gooder and spoil my chance to see a photo of Barrie all decked out in high

    heels and cha-cha dress. Why I oughta ...!


    Images of Woman in Dress


    Hmmm. Well, when I go out for my Yrium cards ... I always try to be super stealth. You and Tom go to such great lengths to make these amazing cards; I certainly wouldn't want to compromise the integrity of the card location. This is the only picture I could find that even comes close to my Yrium Hunt Attire; so far, I don't think anyone has every photographed me there ... and I plan to keep it that way.





  16. Rats! no pictures of the high heels and the cha-cha dress?


    Just wait 'til I find out who picked-up for you. K', was that you?

    "Why hush my puppy! Would I do a thing like that?"


    Ohh no! Maybe after all you did for me today, I could try to help YOU by finding you one ;) ! I really appreciate how you helped me out today, mister kwvers! :D Whoops! Did I just spill the beans? Uh oh :rolleyes:

  17. Introducing the Yrium TNG #13 Card - Geo Ocotillio Campout:




    A decent supply (with the inevitable misprints) has been dropped in Max's Favorite Park.


    Also, some very unique misprints (all different cards) seem to have made their way into Pink Panther.

    Attaboy Tom, drop an Yrium-card on Sunday ... that should

    trigger a mad dash to Max's Favorite Park. I can see it now,

    BoysnBarrie rushing there after church services wearing her

    finest Sunday-go-to-meeting high-heels and cha-cha dress.


    One thing missing at Max's Favorite Park is an online Webcam.


    There's a misprint in this set that seems an appropriate finale

    to this year of zany San Diego Geocaching. Pretty much it

    reveals what sort of minds are drawn to Geocaching. Don't

    miss this misprint ... y'all will understand when y' see it.


    It has been a great year for the Yrium cards, thanks ever-so

    much to FlagMan's devotion and dedication. For my part it is

    an honor to help keep Yrium's memory with us.

    We are continually amazed at how both of you find the time and artistic fervor to complete these cards, such effort would gobble up almost all available caching time for normal folks. This is another great effort and so uniquely part of the San Diego community, thanks for all the hard work.

    Hey everybody, look ... artistic fervor.


    Does this mean that I've finally hit the big-time with my pal FlagMan?

    To be honest it isn't work nor is it hard ... once your fingers learn all

    about Photoshop then the rest is easy. Well, almost easy, the actual

    hard part is discovering an appropriate concept for each Yrium-card.

    You da man, Harmon!!

    You da man, Tom!!!


    I actually drove to get my cards today...They look real nice!



    00020110.gifCan you believe next year will be #8 0002011B.gif

    I was all dressed up in my Sunday best, high heels and cha cha dress, so that after church I could head to Max's on my way to Temecula. Imagine my surprise when I got a call on my cell informing me that 'someone' was on their way to Max's to pick up a card for me :rolleyes: . I am so thankful for my geo-buddies ... simply the best!


    :D boysnbarrie

  18. thank%20you.jpg


    I wanted to take a moment to extend my heart felt thanks to those of you who made a point of wishing me a Happy Birthday. Reading your wishes really brightened my day, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness! One of the wishes, in particular, was somewhat :laughing: mesmerizing. Thank you all very much!


    :laughing: boysnbarrie

  19. I sure was relieved today when I found out why I didn't get a shirt or a jacket. Oh boy, I tell ya, I was starting to think I was missin' out on everything ... but then the kwvers! drove up to my house today in THIS!



    boysnbarrie's NEW Smack Down Jeep

    I'm still in shock, to tell ya the truth ... isn't that amazing, Harmon? Woah! It's even a real nice color n' all!!


    While they were visiting, I happened to have some freshly baked PUD cake. I served some refreshments and was informed I needed to catch up on the forums ... apparently someone called my dear friend Mrs. Kwvers! a naughty naughty thing. I still find that hard to believe. If anyone here could help me by telling me which post # it is, that sure would help me out. I'm kinda busy with all of my holiday prep, shopping, baking, n' all that kinda thing. If someone really said something naughty about my dear sweet kind friend ... well, that just ain't gonna be a good thing now is it. I might have to scroll ..


    :) uh oh, there goes my oven timer! I made a PUD cake for all those nice school bus mechanics at work ... I can hardly wait to see their faces in the morning!! I'll have to check back here later ...



  20. Congratulations to Jahoadi and John for their cache-a-day streak of 3 years and 9 months. :) Sadly it came to an end on November 7th, but instead of lamenting the end of the streak, I choose to celebrate the streak's duration for it had a life of its own - it was quite an accomplishment. :)


    Congrats guys!


    Edit, streak actualy ended on the 7th - the 9th was the date of their log entry after the streak ended.

    I remember when I set a personal goal for myself to find at least one cache a day for 30 days. Now, that was awhile ago but I remember it vividly. By the end of the month I could hardly wait for the ordeal to be over ... it was as tho I could see my "freedom" off in the distance. I was relieved when it finally ended, and I really don't have any desire to do it again. I have the utmost respect and admiration for Jahoadi and John ... to persevere as they had for as long as they had simply amazes me. I feel honored to know them, and to have been blessed with opportunities to cache with them.


    I'm sending you both a round of applause for an amazing cache streak ... BRAVO!



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