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Posts posted by rws
I have a trail that I am working on, however, in addition to a parking spot, I also have several trails heads, and a few other points marked. When I click the icon for parking in the exercise, I get the parking icon ok, but, I also get the parking icon for all other points, I clicked these points, did a MODIFY, TYPE and selected my icons. At this point I am missing something...the map I got, just had the waypoint number, but no icons. The parking spot had the correct icon. Any ideas please? Thanks.
When you initially select all your waypoints for conversion to a point the next window asks you to select a type...click cancel...this will allow you to use the icons you have assigned to your trail in Mapsource. If you select a type at this point you assign the same icon to every point...as happened to you.
email me your .mp file and I will take a look at what you have....
cf-700 at hotmail dot com
Thanks....that seems to work. Next question....is there any way to add tracks, POI's as needed to an already created map without having to work the whole map all over again?
Sure...just open your previous mp file...add to it...save it...recompile it
Change icon back to Mapsource:
Windows Explorer...Tools...Folder Options...File Types...scroll to and select GDB...
if Advaned button is not displayed click Restore...now click Advanced...Change Icon...
Browse to your Garmin dir where Mapsource.exe is located...highlight Mapsource.exe
and click OK...icon should be shown...click OK...click OK...click Change...select Mapsource app
make sure box is check marked to always use this program...click OK...click close.
info is in the latest cGPSMapper manual (version 2.1) starting on page 48
Thanks for the clear and concise explanation for changing the icon back to Mapsource. Is the process for creating custom lines in the TYP file of cGPSMapper very involved? Before I start following the instructions in the cGPSMapper manual I just wanted to be sure I wasn't getting into something that isn't really worth the effort from a practical standpoint.
I have used the custom types to change color and line width in my custom maps. So far I have got it to work when sending the typ and img file to the GPSr with SendMap and am working on how to get it to work in Mapsource.
When I opened GPSMapEdit it changed all of my Mapsource file name icons (.gdb files) that I have saved in "My Documents" from their generic Mapsource icons to the GPSMapEdit waypoint symbol (looks like a golf pin flag), is the normal? If it isn't how do I change them back to the generic Mapsource icon?
When you initially select all your waypoints for conversion to a point in GPSMapEdit the next window asks you to select a type...click cancel...the icons you have assigned to your map in Mapsource (less icons in Marker,Contacts, Letter, Number and Custom...they will show up as a ? mark) will be used. You will see both GPSMapEdits "golf pin flag" and your Mapsource icon for each point...go to Edit...Select...All Waypoints...Delete. You now will have only your Mapsource icons showing.
I appreciate your help. What you have explained is not what I was really asking in my original question above. I am referring only to "File Name Icons" not "Waypoint Name Icons" Before you ever install GPSMapEdit you see a list of Mapsource files with the Mapsource icon in front of your "FILE NAME". After you install and open GPSMapEdit you still see your original file name but the original Mapsource "File Name Icon" is replaced with the GPSMapEdit file name icon (which looks like the golf pin flag) in all of your Mapsource .gdb files. This isn't really a problem, since it doesn't have any affect on your maps. I was just wondering if there was a way to keep it from happening.
New Question
Does anyone have any experience using the "TYP" file for creating Custom Maps in GPSMapEdit? I have been told that by using the "TYP" method you can have a lot more verstility in using colors and graphics in defining tracks and waypoints. My understanding is that this would allow you to make your tracks whatever color you want them to be and also to be able to change the width and apperance of the track "type" line. If anyone has done this I would appreciate an explaination of how to do this using the "TYP" file method in GPSMapEdit. Thanks.
Change icon back to Mapsource:
Windows Explorer...Tools...Folder Options...File Types...scroll to and select GDB...
if Advaned button is not displayed click Restore...now click Advanced...Change Icon...
Browse to your Garmin dir where Mapsource.exe is located...highlight Mapsource.exe
and click OK...icon should be shown...click OK...click OK...click Change...select Mapsource app
make sure box is check marked to always use this program...click OK...click close.
info is in the latest cGPSMapper manual (version 2.1) starting on page 48
When I opened GPSMapEdit it changed all of my Mapsource file name icons (.gdb files) that I have saved in "My Documents" from their generic Mapsource icons to the GPSMapEdit waypoint symbol (looks like a golf pin flag), is the normal? If it isn't how do I change them back to the generic Mapsource icon?
When you initially select all your waypoints for conversion to a point in GPSMapEdit the next window asks you to select a type...click cancel...the icons you have assigned to your map in Mapsource (less icons in Marker,Contacts, Letter, Number and Custom...they will show up as a ? mark) will be used. You will see both GPSMapEdits "golf pin flag" and your Mapsource icon for each point...go to Edit...Select...All Waypoints...Delete. You now will have only your Mapsource icons showing.
The only way to figure out which file is which map is to open the files in GPSMapedit and view the properties (ALT-Enter). The map name then is visible. It is a bunch of work finding the file you want.
Thanks, Red,
Well.... is there another way of checking this?
To go and open each map one by one is possible, in theory, at least. Topo Canada has 7,317 img files. I can't see myself opening every single one until I find what I need.
What about selecting a few maps in Mapsource, saving the file into a format then checking with another program to see which img files are there? Is there a way of doing this?
Then I can go and change the files, as you suggested.
Thanks again,
This will pull the img files and put them in a directory so you can edit them...
use Mapsource and upload only the maps you want to edit to your GPSr
get a copy of GPSDaemon http://www.geocities.com/swan_gps/gpsdaemon.zip
start GPSDaemon...have GPSr turned on and connected to computer
under Map Source select GPS
under Map List click Create
once it has pulled the file listing click Select All under Map Select
click Start under Map Extract...this will extract the img files to the directory you specify in "Directory to save files:" at bottom of program.
I have a trail that I am working on, however, in addition to a parking spot, I also have several trails heads, and a few other points marked. When I click the icon for parking in the exercise, I get the parking icon ok, but, I also get the parking icon for all other points, I clicked these points, did a MODIFY, TYPE and selected my icons. At this point I am missing something...the map I got, just had the waypoint number, but no icons. The parking spot had the correct icon. Any ideas please? Thanks.
When you initially select all your waypoints for conversion to a point the next window asks you to select a type...click cancel...this will allow you to use the icons you have assigned to your trail in Mapsource. If you select a type at this point you assign the same icon to every point...as happened to you.
email me your .mp file and I will take a look at what you have....
cf_700 at hotmail dot com
At the DOS prompt after I enter the "cgpsmapper pv map_pv.mp" line and hit enter I get a message that cgpsmapper is not a recognized command or batch file. I put a copy of "cgpsmapper.exe" in the gps folder. Ideas? Thanks.
Opps, found my error.... I had "cgpsmapper" in the root folder and not in the sub folder of MAPS. Looking at the top of the directions, it states to put a copy of "cgpsmapper in this folder", which I read as GPS..but the command has me in MAPS...that was my clue. Am I correct?
correct...put it in the maps folder
cGPSMapper tab is missing in the GPSmap Edit ??
GPSMapEdit...open, add or import a file
go to Map Properties...Header...Type Set...select Garmin click OK
go to Map Properties again cGPSMapper tab should be there
Thanks for putting this together RWS. I just got my first Garmin GPSr and have lots of data I use for work in Shapefile format. Didn't know I could transfer that to my GPSr. I will definately be playing with it soon..
and here is software to convert GeoTiff elevation data...
I have created a couple of videos (plays in Windows Media Player) showing how to make maps for your Garmin GPSr. Depending how you want to upload your maps to your GPSr...either directly or making a custom installer for Mapsource...use the method shown just after compiling your map from the appropriate video.
The first video shows how to make a transparent map from a track file...also includes a script for Inno Setup that will install your maps into Mapsource where you can pick the map from the dropdown list and upload to your GPSr. Please read/print the READ_ME_FIRST.txt file in the zip file.
The second video shows how to download data from USGS and create a map and then upload directly to your GPSr. Please read/print the READ_ME_FIRST.txt file in the zip file.
Both videos are guides to making basic maps...when you make your own maps you can make them as complex as you want using additional data from various GIS data sources.
Creating Garmin Custom Maps
in GPS technology and devices