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Everything posted by rws

  1. an example of a simple map customized with TYP...showing ATV tracks color coded (you can choose any color and width for lines/borders) by ride difficulty... green - easy cyan - moderate yellow - difficult red - extreme lines, points and polygons can be customized adding a new dimension to your maps Mapsource Screenshot GPSr Screenshot
  2. windshield mount works on the desktop...as well as in the vehicle
  3. "We can make all the simple maps we want, but I find it much easier to retain existing Garmin maps and upload all the information I have collected in the field whenever I go out to a particular area." you said it all right there...retain existing Garmin maps, but instead of uploading all information collected which will not fit in Garmin's limited storage capacity (if you have any amount at all) go ahead and make those simple transparent overlays. What else are you gonna do? And yes...I believe there are SOME people that would like to learn how to make a simple transparent background map from their saved tracks...customizing them with different colors and/or widths and then overlaying US Topo (or other Garmin maps) with them. Therefore the various video tutorials I have created for making transparent overlay maps and using TYP files to customize them are very basic and are intended only to get a beginner going....using all free programs to do it.
  4. I have created a video showing the basic use of TYP to modify your custom Garmin map polylines. The zip file contains the video (plays in Windows Media Player) with step by step text instructions and sample files. Download Video Tutorial Zip file Change polylines like this.... to this...
  5. might be a topic to do one of my famous video tutorials on...
  6. your question #1. there is no need to open a .typ file...the file is created with your typ source file and cGPSMapper...tip...use cyphermans MapSetToolKit http://cypherman1.googlepages.com/home your question #2. custom maps that you want the typ file to modify have to be uploaded with SendMap20.exe to your GPSr....won't work through Mapsource as Mapsource will only upload your custom map and has no provision to upload your typ file. The only purpose of having your custom map with your typ installed into Mapsource is for viewing your work...much easier than uploading the map and typ with SendMap everytime you want to see what you have created. your question #3. creating your source typ file and then compiling the typ file is covered starting on page 46 in the latest cGPSMapper manual...I think I gave you a link (in a previous post) to the CustomTypes.zip file that also has the instructions and sample files.
  7. He got a mount in his bundled purchase...it's a suction cup windshield mount with cradle with the snap in port for the cable.
  8. If you noticed the track was actually laid out backwards...watch the video as the track is built you''ll see the point numbers decreasing to 1. When I was making the video I didn't notice this...if this had been an actual track to be saved/used and was backwards and you didn't want to do it over, all you'd have to do is reverse the track in the Track Log menu on your GPSr.
  9. MapSend does not have a Track creation tool so here's a tutorial with video and step by step text instructions to make your own tracks. Although you can create Routes in MapSend you are limited to 50 points per route (can't make a very detailed route with only 50 points) and the resulting route image on the GPSr screen is cluttered with waypoint icons. Tracks can be made very detailed and they show up on the GPSr screen as a line with no waypoint icons to obstruct the maps view. Feedback is welcome on this and any other of my video tutorials. MapSend Track Tutorial
  10. Did you get it figured out? I installed your map in Mapsource and can select it...and upload it.
  11. you didn't send me the control file for making the preview map...but from what you did send me I need to ask you this: When you export your map in GPSMapEdit are you naming/saving the .img file as a hex I048F1F32.img or a decimal 45678901.img? It needs to be a unique 8 digit decimal number and the same .img file name must be used in the control file when you create the preview file.
  12. email me (or attach files to a message on this board) your map XXX.mp file created in GPSMapEdit and your preview XXX.mp file and I'll try figure out what your problem is email: cf-700 at hotmail dot com
  13. email me the bitmap and the raw .gdb file before you did any editing and also the .gdb file that you edited email: cf-700 at hotmail dot com
  14. I purchased a couple of Explorist 500's from different sellers....one packge was bundled with DirectRoute NA v3 and the other was just the 500 GPSr from a local retailer. The retailer had a Magellan display ad on the counter offering the 3D Topo software for $9.99 to Expolrist purchasers, but when I got home the box did not have the DVD or coupon code. I called Magellan customer service and they gave me a fax number to fax my purchase receipt to. A few days later I recieved the DVD and coupon code from Magellan...I now have the Topo 3D installed.
  15. Better yet...take my zip file and host it on your site...then I won't have to worry about my bandwidth. I would appreciate a notation of credit on your site for creating the video.
  16. Having only owned Garmin GPS receivers in the past I thought I would check out Magellan. I just recently purchased an Explorist 500 Traveler Bundle online at a great price of $209 delivered...the package included MapSend DirectRoute NA V3, vehicle mount, Li-Ion battery, USB and battery charger cables and a cig power cord. Now I have to say that Magellan sure has a different way of getting detailed maps loaded into the Explorist series as compared to the ease of loading maps into a Garmin. So I made up a video showing the process that may help someone struggling with getting maps into their Explorist series. Actually I created two videos (play in Windows Media Player)...one showing how to get the maps onto your data card and the other how to enable the maps on the GPSr. I also wrote up step by step text instructions found in the READ_ME_FIRST.txt file (print the instructions out to follow along with video) MagellanMapDemo.zip video
  17. Thanks Cypherman...I just tried your new version...works great!
  18. griker has an excellent manual with sample files showing how to use custom TYP files to alter polylines, points and polygons in maps produced with GPSMapEdit/cGPSMapper. Get his manual HERE His email address is griker98121 (at) yahoo (dot) com cypherman has a nice application for installing TYP and mapsets into Mapsource. Get his application HERE His email address is cypherman1 (at) gmail (dot) com Here is a Mapsource screenshot of a custom map I made using GIS data downloaded from USGS and NHD Geodatabase for roads, rivers, towns, lakes, railroads plus GPS tracks from an ATV park in TN. I used a TYP file to edit the color and width of the ATV trails to better help distinguish trail types north (purple/green) and south (yellow/cyan) of Highway 116. Sure looks good on the GPSr too!
  19. The only way I know of how to do it is you would have to calibrate the map photo and then trace (creating polylines, points and polygons in GPSMapEdit and compiling a map image in cGPSMapper) the features of the sat photo you would want to display on your GPSr.
  20. Here is a real basic example of using TYP. The polyline shown in the screenshot was defined in GPSMapEdit as a 0x0016 Walkway/trail which normally would show up as a fairly thin dashed green line...but using a custom TYP file you can edit it to whatever you want...in my example a thick yellow line with a thinner red border. With TYP you can assign colors and line/border thickness. You can also edit points and polygons. The vertical black line to the right is a state highway from the 276c's basemap. Screenshot from a 276c
  21. Cypherman: Does your application eliminate the need to use GPSMapEdit and cGPSmapper? Do you still have to run the registry each time you create a new custom map? Can you give me more details on how the application works. I've been waiting for someone to come up with one program that will do the entire process of making transparent custom maps that are compatible with Mapsource. Any additional info. will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Ed Yes and no. You make your own maps with GPSmapedit, after your take my application to generate TDB file, reg file (to add mapset in mapsource) and global map. My application use cgpsmapper in background. With my application, any peaple, can make your own maps, because your don't learn to make a pv file and make REG file. Plus, my application convert TDB files make with cgpsmapper (Product TDB) to Families TDB. After this convert, you can use TYP file in mapsource or GPS. In the next version of the application, I will add the compilation of TYP file. a+ Cypherman Cypherman I tried your application...I got everything to work except the custom TYP does not work when map is uploaded to GPSr through Mapsource...it does modify my map in Mapsource but not when I upload to GPSr. To test the TYP and img file I loaded them directly to my GPSr with Sendmap20 and it modifies my map so I know the TYP works in my GPSr...now I need to figure out why it doesn't work whem uploaded through Mapsource. Can you help me figure out what's wrong? Hi rws! Mapsource don't tranfert TYP file in GPS. Use sendmap20.exe to tranfert your maps and TYP files in your GPs. Next week, a new version will be available. (More validation, show Product code and ID for each mapset, compile TYP file) Cypherman I was hoping TYP would upload to GPSr through Mapsource. I got the impression it would by your previous statement: "Plus, my application convert TDB files make with cgpsmapper (Product TDB) to Families TDB. After this convert, you can use TYP file in mapsource or GPS." I'm wondering what is the point of having a TYP modified map in Mapsource when it can't be uploaded to a GPSr through Mapsource?
  22. Cypherman: Does your application eliminate the need to use GPSMapEdit and cGPSmapper? Do you still have to run the registry each time you create a new custom map? Can you give me more details on how the application works. I've been waiting for someone to come up with one program that will do the entire process of making transparent custom maps that are compatible with Mapsource. Any additional info. will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Ed Yes and no. You make your own maps with GPSmapedit, after your take my application to generate TDB file, reg file (to add mapset in mapsource) and global map. My application use cgpsmapper in background. With my application, any peaple, can make your own maps, because your don't learn to make a pv file and make REG file. Plus, my application convert TDB files make with cgpsmapper (Product TDB) to Families TDB. After this convert, you can use TYP file in mapsource or GPS. In the next version of the application, I will add the compilation of TYP file. a+ Cypherman Cypherman I tried your application...I got everything to work except the custom TYP does not work when map is uploaded to GPSr through Mapsource...it does modify my map in Mapsource but not when I upload to GPSr. To test the TYP and img file I loaded them directly to my GPSr with Sendmap20 and it modifies my map so I know the TYP works in my GPSr...now I need to figure out why it doesn't work whem uploaded through Mapsource. Can you help me figure out what's wrong?
  23. Remove your current Topo installation using Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel. Create a directory on your harddrive and copy the folders/files from the TOPO cd's to it...run setup.
  24. When you initially select all your waypoints for conversion to a point the next window asks you to select a type...click cancel...this will allow you to use the icons you have assigned to your trail in Mapsource. If you select a type at this point you assign the same icon to every point...as happened to you. email me your .mp file and I will take a look at what you have.... cf-700 at hotmail dot com Um, when you say "add to it" is it that simple, just bring in the poi's and tracks...and re-complie? I do not have to click the tracks and convert to polyline, then the poi's etc? I just tried the simple adding, but it did not work, thanks. Thanks! Thanks....that seems to work. Next question....is there any way to add tracks, POI's as needed to an already created map without having to work the whole map all over again? Sure...just open your previous mp file...add to it...save it...recompile it Um, when you say "add to it" is it that simple, just bring in the poi's and tracks...and re-complie? I do not have to click the tracks and convert to polyline, then the poi's etc? I just tried the simple adding, but it did not work, thanks. Yes you have to convert the newly added tracks/waypoints to polylines/points....plus any other editing you desire...but nothing more has to be done with your previous stuff.
  25. I have ver. of MapSource and I see Save As only with .gdb, .mps and .txt - no .gpx You need to have a file opened in Mapsource first then the .gpx option will show up in the Save As pulldown. You can view your .gdb or .gpx files on Google right from Mapsource....click View...then View in Google Earth.
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