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Posts posted by rws

  1. All i wanted to do was to be able to add one track i saved to another track in the same riding area and save it all under one name for the entire riding area. I don't want to retrace the entire track nor do i want a line going from the end of one track to the beginning of another. It is just clutter. I guess Garmin needs a little work on their software, it seems very primitive for such a great GPS device such as the Rino 530. Not enough features for all aspects of its use. Thanks for all the help !


    To me it sounds like you want to add tracks from one ride to another ride to make a master file of all your rides.


    Open two instances of Mapsource...


    Mapsource one....open previous tracks


    Mapsource two...open tracks you want to add to previous tracks. Copy and paste to Mapsource one.

  2. Is there a way to get the track name (557 in example below) in a kml file to transfer to the gpx file? I'm using GPSBabel 1.3.4 and when I run the conversion the resulting gpx file will show up as Track 001 instead of 557 when opened in Mapsource.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">



    <name>SENTIERS_l Drawing</name>













    <coordinates>-69.721405, 47.447838, 0.000000 -69.721009, 47.446889, 0.000000 -69.718406, 47.445057, 0.000000 -69.717590, 47.443711, 0.000000 -69.713210, 47.440922, 0.000000 -69.712409, 47.439820, 0.000000 -69.709596, 47.438480, 0.000000 -69.708504, 47.437325, 0.000000 -69.707725, 47.436867, 0.000000 -69.707078, 47.436912, 0.000000 -69.703248, 47.434334, 0.000000 -69.700440, 47.431622, 0.000000 -69.695694, 47.428432, 0.000000 -69.692857, 47.426769, 0.000000 -69.690094, 47.425812, 0.000000 -69.684998, 47.422389, 0.000000 -69.685020, 47.421024, 0.000000 -69.683143, 47.421136, 0.000000 -69.675080, 47.415795, 0.000000 -69.673217, 47.416439, 0.000000 -69.671654, 47.416031, 0.000000 -69.668763, 47.415912, 0.000000 -69.667206, 47.415356, 0.000000 -69.665786, 47.413453, 0.000000 -69.659782, 47.413117, 0.000000 -69.658775, 47.412838, 0.000000 -69.657174, 47.410332, 0.000000 -69.654823, 47.410172, 0.000000 -69.653748, 47.411258, 0.000000 -69.653168, 47.410904, 0.000000 </coordinates>

    ----cut for brevity----

  3. I understand that for more than one Garmin Map to be visible they need to be loaded to the card together. But I was wondering if an SD card is already loaded with a non garmin transparent topo map like the OZtopo Tracks4Australia maps, and then the garmin folder with the .img map file is copied to the sd card, will both be visible on the unit at the same time?


    You have to upload both maps together in one shot. The transparent map will overlay the Garmin map allowing it to show through.

  4. I've been trying to edit some 4-wheeler trails using Mapsource. The problem I am having is I have a bunch of trails that loop back to another intersection of trail. What I've been trying to do is clean these trails up so they will look nice on my GPS and on Everytrail.com. I'm wanting to have one nice line, instead of having multiple lines running over each other. But in order to do this I need to make intersection. I can only do this if I break the trail up into a name by itself. But I don't want to have to turn on multiple names on my gps to get a section to appear.


    My question is, is there a way to make intersections, and keep the trail under one name? Or is there another program out there that is more editor friendly?


    Send me your track files and how you want them labeled...I'll make a custom map out of the tracks that you can upload to your GPS. The map will have a transparent background so your base map or any Garmin detailed maps will show through.


    email: cf-700 at hotmail dot com

  5. I have a Garmin Qwest with City Select v7 software. I just bought a Garmin gpsmap 60cx with trip & waypoint manager v4. Then my very small pea brain got a head of it’s self. I own the City Select v7 software so I used the map tool and sent it to the 60cx, that map is locked. Opps I think Garmin is going to make me pay to unlock the City Select v7 for my 60cx. Now when I turn on gps I get a maps are locked, press enter.


    How do I remove this locked map?





    I would imagine if you were to upload a new mapset from an unlocked map it would take care of your problem...or insert the card in a reader and delete the GMAPSUPP.IMG file.

  6. Ever had a need to indicate direction of travel on custom maps for your Garmin GPS? Here's a way I came up with...I created a 32x13 pixel arrow in a graphics program...saved file as bmp...used the Add/Edit Image feature of genTYP to custom TYP the polylines.


    Here's a screenshot sample from a Garmin 276c showing directional tracks/trails.




    BMP arrow file shown at 800%






    Thank you! But how did you do it? What converter did you use?




    Here's a link to the custom map I made from the tracks. It installs into Mapsource where you can then select it for upload to your GPS along with TOPO maps etc. The map is transparent so your basemap or other detailed maps will show through. The boundaries will show up on your GPS as a white line with red border just like in my screenshot above (can be made other colors and thicknesses if desired). Give it a try and let me know if you like it.


    Download the zip file....read the READ_ME_FIRST.txt file for installation and use instructions.

    Custom Garmin KY WMA Boundary Map

  8. I converted the kml file to .gdb and it displays the boundaries in Mapsource for me.


    Here's my .gdb file...download it and open it in Mapsource and see if it works for you.

    Note: there are 1618 tracks so you are not gonna be able to load very many of them in your GPS...best bet would be to create a custom map from those tracks.


    KY.gdb file


    Here's a screenshot from a Garmin 276c showing a custom map I made from the track files...borders can be made any color.



  9. I can open the single routes on gps tracker ,but cannot open the custom maps at all.So I merged all the routes in one ,but gps tracker cannot get the product ID from my gps,acts like its not even connecting.


    You can't use the custom maps...they're Garmin.


    Try this instead:

    plug your USB cable in...put your Magellan in File Transfer mode...selecting either Internal Memory or SD Card

    when the pop-up window opens on your computer screen copy the file you converted to the Track Logs folder

  10. Yes ,routes,track logs and or maps. http://www.tommyrhea.com/gps.htm

    heres the link Im trying to get any or all onto my magellan 500.I really need these,any Help?


    The Garmin Mapsource Overlays (custom maps) listed near the bottom on that site I made from the track files listed at the top.


    Being you have a Magellan you'll need to convert those .gtm track files to Magellan .log files...as suggested on that site use GPS TrackMaker.

  11. RWS, what is the instructions for adding new tracks to an exisiting img. file?


    open the .mp file that you originally compiled your .img file from

    click File...Add...point to your new track(s) file

    click Edit...Select...All Tracks

    rightclick highlighted track...Convert to...Polyline...Select the level(s) you want track to appear...OK...select type...OK

    click View...Attachments...Detach...Close

    if you want to (re)name new polyline(s)...rightclick polyline...Modify...Label...enter text...press Enter

    click File...Save Map

    click File...Export...Garmin Img...select your previous .img file...click OK to overwrite...click Run

    you will now have an updated img file with the changes you made






    How did you convert the shape file? I want to find a solution for when I get more shape files in the future.




    Global Mapper


    If you are using a Garmin and your end result is to get these shapefile trails onto your GPS it is fairly easy to make a custom map. Here's a screenshot of the map I made from the shapefiles...zoomed in to show trails over Garmin US Topo.


  13. I have delat with many shapefiles from the Forest Service to make Garmin Maps. All FS shape files are in UTM and NAD83 datum. Use a file viewer to look at the file with the prj extenstion to see what UTM Zone to use. ExpertGPS with the GIS pack will open and convert to gpx the files from the FS.


    ...his .prj file



  14. All the files associated with trail.shp were in the same folder when I tried GPS TrackMaker.


    ArcGIS Explorer will load and display trail.shp which suggests it’s not a corrupt file issue. Other than verifying that file will load, this is not very useful to me.


    I tried DNRGarmin 5.2.25. It will not load the trail.shp file. I get “Error5, Invalid procedure call or argument”


    I tried the Demo version of OziExplorer. The Import ESRI Shape file dialog prompts for track number to import. It appears it will only import one track at a time and the trails file has many, so it appears to be not very helpful. It does say it imported a Track, but nothing shows on the screen.


    I welcome more suggestions.






    Thanks for sending the additional files...I can load the trail map in other GIS software packages but for some reason I get the error in GPS TrackMaker.


    I converted the shapefile to .gpx for you and emailed it to you...you will receive a Trails.zip file attached to the message.

  15. I downloaded GPS TrackMaker. It opened one .shp file fine. Another one I got the error message: "Datatype 23 not supported, please contact the author" and it locked up. The author's web site says the free version is not supported. Suggestions?




    The lone trail.shp file you sent me produced the same error you got. GPS TrackMaker probably needs one of the other files that was included in the Trail shapefile package. Be sure these other files are in the same folder as the trail.shp file when you open it in TrackMaker. If you have all the files in the same folder and it still comes up with the error try downloading the Trail shapefiles again from the source...they could have been corrupted.


    After trying the above and you still have trouble email me all the files from the Trail Shapefile package

    cf-700 at hotmail dot com


    That error is most likely because the shapefile is probably using UTM coords.




    I can open shapefiles using UTM coordinates in GPS TrackMaker without error.

  16. I downloaded GPS TrackMaker. It opened one .shp file fine. Another one I got the error message: "Datatype 23 not supported, please contact the author" and it locked up. The author's web site says the free version is not supported. Suggestions?




    The lone trail.shp file you sent me produced the same error you got. GPS TrackMaker probably needs one of the other files that was included in the Trail shapefile package. Be sure these other files are in the same folder as the trail.shp file when you open it in TrackMaker. If you have all the files in the same folder and it still comes up with the error try downloading the Trail shapefiles again from the source...they could have been corrupted.


    After trying the above and you still have trouble email me all the files from the Trail Shapefile package

    cf-700 at hotmail dot com

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