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Everything posted by Prothos

  1. Well i support wifi for a major airlines i could fill in the info they need as i have various software on my laptop for detecting and trouble shooting. Most of the info they are asking for is not needed. The the only reason you would need a lot of the info would be for hacking. If its a true free wifi all you really need is the ssid and xp will detect that for you.
  2. I use a magellan explorist 210. It comes with software designsd for geocaching but i still use GSAK. the explorist i have seems to hold signal batter than a friends garmin in thick tree cover. I too have heard the horror stories but have not had to contact them. I have also heard of good stories just as i have heard good and bad about garmin. I bought a 4 year extended warrenty from the store. They provide free in house repalcements.
  3. Yikes. i hope the store lets me exchange it. The store clerk said it would so tha may help with the exchange.
  4. Glad to hear its not just me. Not to happy thats its the entire database. I'm sure they will resolve the issue within a timely manner.
  5. yes it was. Since no one has looked for the cache and its been posted for about 5 days i removed member only from it. Thank you.
  6. I bought the explorist 210 about 2 months new. I just recently bought mapsend topo for north america i belive it the newst version 4.2. when i try to send regions to the gps i get a message that my background map needst to be upgrade to insert the upgrade cd. Well i don't have a upgrade cd and as far as i cne tell i'm running the most recent background map. I have yet been able to contact the magellan techless suport by phone or email. Has anyone else seen this issue.
  7. i placed a new cache a few days ago. no one has found it yet. This morning i had a option on the cache page to see who has viewed the page. Went to look at it this after noon and now its gone. Is there another way to get this info. Is this normal for this feature to disapear.
  8. i log them all no matter for what reason i dnf.
  9. you drag the wife and kids out of the house with gps in hand and cast on ankle with torn muscles and a fracture.
  10. There is a local multipart cache in my area that seems to be missing its 2 and 3rd markers. No one has found it since nov of 2005. There ahs been some tree clearing in the are plus local flooding. I have tried to contact user but he/she does not reply. I have heard from a few other local chachers that this person is bad about performing maintance on thier caches and responding to e-mails. How could i go about getting this cache placed offline untill user checks it or someone that has completed it can check. It seems like it would be a fun one to do.
  11. I just bought the advance outdoorsman on sunday 06/4/06. seemd to work great for all insects except horseflys. we had a few in the are we cached that seemd to be drawn to the repellent.
  12. i don't drink coffee, or soda's with caffeine in them. I drink about 2 to 3 glasses of tea in the afternoon/evening. I get headaches if ingest cafeine in large doses. I have never cared for the taste of coffee or that fact any drink you drink while its hot.
  13. i have had a 210 for over a month now and no issues. sounds like some flakey units or maybe bad sat day
  14. I have heard of other horror stories about thier support. I still bought a magellan gps. I love the unit. It works great. i bought a 4 year extended warrenty from the place i bought the unit from. If it breaks they replace it in store with the same unit or one of eqaul value and features. When the warrenty runs out after 4 years if it breaks i guess i will just buy a new unit.
  15. I have several pokect quarrys setup. i break them down by distances from home normaly start at a 20 mile radius. Ore if traveling with it i break them down by location. I know ths is just a work around but it seems to function well for me.
  16. Prothos


    i cache with my kids. They don't much care for the mctoys as we get enough of those on our own. The worst i have found left in a cache was a couple of tampons. We have been leaving the smal led keychain flashlight in the ones we take stuff from. I liked the themed cache i found in the area that had various militry patches and ribons in it.
  17. would it be totally wrong to post the same cache on both sites for all to enjoy if you have a good location.
  18. I just strated cacheing 3 weeks ago. it seem like for every 1 traditional cache there is 10 micro in my area.
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