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Everything posted by chizu

  1. Sounds like caching crossed with The Crystal Maze - I like it
  2. Thanks - My A-level maths teacher drilled into us "always show your working" and I still can't help it! Next question - What were the full names of Doctor Who's original 3 companions back in 1963 (one of the names is an alias)?
  3. I've never complained about PM caches. People are free to set whatever they like, within the guidelines. Allowing a non PM to log a PM cache is within the capabilities of the owner, if they wish to allow it. No need to bother Jeremy with it Isn't this thread about PM caches though? Discussing the rights and wrongs of paying fro premium membership in general is a bit off-topic?
  4. 1200 miles/hour = (1200/60) = 120/6 = 20 miles/minute =20/60 = 1/3 miles/second 1 mile =1760 yards = 1760 * 3 feet = 5280 feet. 5280/3 = 1760 feet/second
  5. Similarly, it is quite clear when you sign up that there are members-only caches that only premium members can see. If you don't like that, write to Jeremy. He's the only one who can change it
  6. We like DNFs as, even though they're annoying and frustrating at the time they're fun to look back on and laugh about when you've actually gone back and found it!
  7. Yup that's a DING for that list, I wondered if anyone might get confused with Sir Cliff.
  8. Ok, given tonight's Eurovision Contest, which5 UK entrants have won it?
  9. Of course, its La Louvre, we were there last December for my birthday.
  10. Good plan guys. I wondered why D seemed to be reviewing all the new caches in this area just recently!
  11. makes me wonder how long until someone in the US tries to sue Tom Tom / Garmin for not warning them about oncoming traffic/juggernauts etc
  12. Given it's the best selling UK album ever I'll go for Queen's Greatest Hits by Queen.
  13. The same as it is every saturday: the bonus ball number is the number you need to boost your winnings if you can match that and another 5 out of 6 numbers.
  14. For a wallpaper: 1) make sure your picture is uploaded onto a webpage somewhere. If it is not you can upload it to the cache page that you wish to put it on. When you've done that find hte uploaded picture and find it's location, usually by write clicking and choosing "copy image location. Then on the edit cache page there is a box for entering the URL of the image you want as a background. Paste in the link that you previously copied (it should start http:// and end .jpg or .gif typically). Then submit hte changes to the cache page and it should work!
  15. Just checking my edit TB options, you seem to be able to edit everything about the TB including the name so you can launch as something completely new and exciting However, the travel log for it won't change so will still carry the previous TB's mileage, I guess.
  16. Two words - Fife & Perthshire !!
  17. I have ratings showing for my 7-digit caches so it's not that.
  18. One man, one woman and one rabbit (although the rabbit stays at home he is with us in spirit!)
  19. Wow! It was the date that made me wonder that, combined with it once being called "New Amsterdam". Sticking with history, who is the only UK Prime Minister to be assassinated?
  20. I'll have a random guess at the land that New York now stands on?
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