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Posts posted by TM331

  1. thanks for the walking stick tips, guys. We don't have REI here unfortunately, I checked a couple sporting goods places and one only had wooden ones, the other one had a leki one but it was 80 bux! that's an expensive spider web killer, it's not like I am fighting spiderman! :laughing:


    I'll check Walmart today, there is a cache right by it too.....two birds, one stone and all that

  2. I went out today and bought a lot of those items and put them into a backpack too. Can't be too safe!


    I also carry a collapsable aluminum hiking stick, not only for walking, but for poking under things for caches, snakes, large bugs.


    where can I find one? I looked at a couple places but couldn't find one. I definitely need one at least for spider webs, they give me the heebie jeebies!

  3. After about 5 mins one guy gets out of his car, drops trou and openly starts to "pleasure himself", I never left a parking lot so fast in my life. According to the police its been a problem in that park for a while.


    you should have gone up to him and said "ahh, a micro cache!"


    he wouldn't have gotten it but it woulda made a great story for here! <_<

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