Glad you successfully made a map. If I may ask, what area?
I find the high-res NHD overkill. I modify the dbf files in excel and make it so things with names get one "type" and things without names get another. Then when i load the shapefile into mapedit I just delete the ones without names and assume they're not that important. Granted, I'm in arizona were 95% of the time 99% of the "streams" and "washes" don't have water anyway.
Champaign County, east central Illinois. There is a hig-res NHD area on the very west edge of the map I did, but the rest is all medium. I actually had to combine four different sub-areas from NHD because I'm on a high spot that is the source of several different rivers going in every direction. The medium res isn't too bad around here because a lot of the streams have been straightened into drainage ditches so there are lots of straight lines and lots of streams that definitely exist, but have no names.