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Everything posted by 2happy2gether
Heh, the reason I didn't include GD was that I didn't want to have to ask the next question... Oh well, here's a quick one off the top of my head. We'll stick to the Ammo Can theme... assuming you have a standard M2A1 ammo can (often referred to as a .50 cal) which measures somewhere in the neighborhood of 7.25" high... How many would you have to stack (round to the nearest 10) to make a pile as tall as the CN Tower? TOMTEC 3000
1. Industries Valcartier? Incorporated & Canadian Arsenals Limited 2. SNC-Lavalin 3. Uh, I think they only bought SNC Technologies, not the entire company. I'll let someone else take a stab at this one... he he. TOMTEC Here's the technical answer. 1. IVI = Industries Valcartier Industries (bilingual) CAL (more commonly CA-) = Canadian Arsenals Limited 2. Correct 3. SNC-TEC (IVI, CA-, HFI...) was bought out by General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS) in 2007. It has made the receipts off contract a complete nightmare. Lot numbers are read as follows: e.g. IVI90F01-10 - IVI (mfrs monogram), 90 (year of mfr), F (month of mfr - A-M excluding I), 01-10 (run number)
1. Santa Claus 2. NORAD 3. 1981
I use a Magellan 500 as well, and love it. Magellan has released the Triton 200 in Canada with the higher end models coming soon.
That goofy hotel that looks like a sailboat is the Burj al Arab...and that is the correct answer. The clue had to do with the World Wide Flash Mob event on 10 Nov from 12:00 to 12:15. Theoretically, if you attended the event, and looked west, towards the Persian Gulf you would see this landmark. Link to the WWFM in Dubai. Over to you Couparangus, and Merry Christmas everyone.
It's neither of the Palm communities, and I suppose there could be a man eating lunch in this loaction, but I'm looking for an extremely famous landmark. We've determined that it's not the Burj Dubai, it is a burj though, and it's often associated with gold, marble, and seven stars....hint, hint.
That sounds about the time and location that some building under construction surpassed the CN Tower. So you would be looking at the world's tallest man-made structure. Right location, wrong landmark.
If you were standing at N25 08.015 E055 11.093 on 10 Nov this year, at approximately noonish, and looked to the west, what would you see?
Ishpatina Ridge Where is that? Curious minds want to know more! We did a winter ex up near Timmins back in '92, and if I'm not mistaken we bivouaced in and around this area. That name was deep in the vaults for some reason. Plus I developed a website years back. It was all on useless Canadiana. Provincial high points were one of those list items in the site. If I had the capital I would restart the whole thing.
Ishpatina Ridge
I'm going to say Allumette Lake. Mostly because it's the only lake in Quebec I know. But, it's not really just in Quebec and it really is part of the Ottawa River. That is my final answer.
Troops are on foot...
If I'm not mistaken, it's 8 - 10 inches of good ice. There are different qualities of ice and most are not stable. I know that we've done ice bridges with 2 feet and more, but that was for moving a lot of troops and equipment across large areas.
I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say Whistler Mountain.
Also avoid any areas that contain the phrase, "beaver activity," whether in the listing or logs. There's a really good story behind this.
Message for Mort25 WRT Mono Cliffhanger REV B
2happy2gether replied to Couparangus's topic in Canada
(4) Juicepig (5) CouparAngus and his companion Mr. Shotgun (6) 2happy2gether I haven't found this cache yet, so my assistance will be for the experience as well. I just hope that you can wait until I reach the 1000 mark because this is a milestone in so many regards. -
It was technically a beaver lodge (as i was in the middle of the lake), but yeah LMAO...sorry...I decided to walk around so I only saw the frozen jean effect.
For next season? I am planning Spring Fling 4, which will hopefully be close to Mega-status.. But between meetings and waiting for callbacks, I go caching with snowshoes and some hefty winter gear. which reminds me, I would just like to thank 2happy2gether for saving my life last year. Much appreciated! Only in retrospect does it really stand out how stupid winter caching can be (1) on your own, (2) 30km from the nearest road can be. Sometimes that ice looks solid.. When you fall through the ice people, make yourself a fire IMMEDIATELY About 30 minutes later I was a pigscicle, but only lost a toenail... Thanks but I don't remember starting the fire. I think Malevolent Monkey and Flat Rapids Gang(?) did that. Did you also learn to recognize beaver dams through 4 feet of snow?
Message for Mort25 WRT Mono Cliffhanger REV B
2happy2gether replied to Couparangus's topic in Canada
Ok, now I'm really confused. Most of this guy's caches, found and hidden, are in an area that is specifically designated as protected...as discussed earlier. I won't open up a can of worms about the Bruce Trail, because if it weren't for geocaching I wouldn't have hiked the darn thing. Now, unless the Big Old Pipes are sacred in some way, I see no difference. C-A, you have my support because I want to complete Mono Cliff Hanger before it's untimely archival. -
Message for Mort25 WRT Mono Cliffhanger REV B
2happy2gether replied to Couparangus's topic in Canada
Two instances that I can think of where I've run into a problem. One was simple, the cache was destroyed, I phoned the owner and told him I was pulling the container. Cut and dry. The second was with a local maple syrup business. The owner approached me as I was coming out of the woods and pretty much had me explain myself to him. I did, there was a misunderstanding and I vowed to contact the cache owner; which I did. Again, very simple and non-confrontational. I don't understsand how anyone besides the owner, someone the owner has given permission to, or a land owner can blatantly pull a cache. I haven't completed the Mono cache yet, although I have been in the park. What I do know about the cache though is that it meets/met the guidelines for approval by all parties and therefore should be left as-is. Removing a cache that is clearly not yours without the owner's permission is showing a seriously large set of cajones. Just because I don't like a micro in a playground I'm not going to pull the cache based on my beliefs. I assume that Parks Ontario is aware of the cache and that all is fine and well with all of the stages. Afterall it is theirs and your decisions alone whether or not a stage should stay. They have people who get paid big bucks to do environmental surveys of these places. my two cents -
Bring extra sets of gloves just in case you have to dig around for caches buried in the snow. I also bring the dog along, she's pretty good at digging them out if I get her going enough.
I like that. I know that if I got one of those in my cache log, I'd e-mail the author and ask why. This type of entry is both inoffensive and effective.
Question 1 - Yes. Question 2 - No. I dealt with the issue as politely as I could. All was well with the result. I have also run into situations where a caher has logged saying they were with so-and-so, but didn't sign at the time. To deal with that I asked that they please revisit and sign the log; problem solved.
Is it bigger than a breadbox?