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Posts posted by F0NIX

  1. Oh!

    Plutselig begynt å bli stille her?


    Ser at Finland har fått eget "landsforum" her på Groundspeak. Så da er det vel bare oss Nordmenn og Svensker igjen her. Og en og annen litauer og danske :)


    For meg hadde det vært greit at Norge, Sverige og Danmark hadde hatt ett felles "Scandinavisk" område, da jeg forstår alle de språkene helt greit, og både Svenskene og Danskene kan forstå Norsk og hverandre... (av og til iallefall).


    Jeg har helt gitt opp de "lokale" forumene som flytter rundt og popper opp som paddehatter rundtomkring. Helt umulig å bruke dem som en kunskapsbase for ettertiden da de plutselig bare forsvinner og alle meldinger med dem...


    Håper folket etterhvert begynner å lage litt mer diskusjoner her.

  2. Hei folkens,

    Da er det vel på tide å dra i gang litt diskusjon her.

    Jeg lurer på om folket driver med caching hele året, uansett vær og vindforhold eller om det blir til bare sommerstid?


    Dette vil sikkert variere alt etter hvor man bor og hvilke værforhold man blir utsatt for på vintertid. Selv så bor jeg jo i kalde nord Norge og er vel litt pingle siden jeg er bare en "sommer-cacher" :)


    Men jeg har nok av hobbyer å fordrive tida med på vinterstid. Og I år har tilfeldighetene med både vær/sykdom og andre uhumskheter gjort det til at det ikke ble noe som helst caching i vinterhalvåret for meg iallefall. Men ser jo at det er noen "galninger" som trosser vær og vind her nord og likevel er ute å leiter etter en forblåst og nedsnedd cache (selv om det er fånyttes).


    Har jo forsøkt å lage NOEN cacher som er mulig å finne på vinterstid selv så folk ikke skal være HELT uten noe å leite etter selv på svarteste vintern :(


    Men for meg så starter cache sesongen når sneen begynner å smelte og sommerdekkene kommer på den nyervervede cachebilen. La også merke til at i fjor så omtrent eksploderte aktiviteten her i Tromsø straks vi kom inn i mai måned og været ble bra.


    Hvordan er aktiviteten ellers i landet? Har den en tendens til å avta på vinterhalvåret?

    Hva med deg selv? Hva er grunnen til at du eventuelt ikke er så aktiv deler av året? Eventuelt hvorfor øker aktiviteten i deler av året? (to sider av samme sak, men er som "halvt fullt glass vs halvt tomt glass")



    en etterhvert pysete nordlending ;)

  3. Siden det kom ett så kjapt svar så ser det jo ut som at det er en del folk fra Norge som faktisk sitter å følger med på dette forumet. Det er bra. Kansje vi kan vise styret i Groundspeak at vi faktisk er her og ønsker oss ett eget Norskspråklig forum...

  4. Have you tried with another USB cable?


    Does the computer shut down when you put the cable in and the GPS is not connected to the other end? I have experienced a USB cable that was "attacked" by one of my cats, and had a short circuit in it. The USB hub I was connecting it to went dark each time I connected that cable, I also first thought it was the equipment in the other end of that cable...

  5. First of we had a nice time on forum.kart.no and after som arguing there people moved to starte.no another Norwegian geocaching forum. I followed the crowd and went to starte.no myself.


    A week ago suddely the start.no forum was gone to. Now we have gcinfo.no forum.


    But this time I'm not moving after. I going to stay here at forum.Groundspeak.com.


    My only hope for the future is that we got our own Norwegian speaking part in this forum as I and others have asked for before.


    I hope other will follow me and come to this forum instead.



    Øyvind Steinnes

    Tromsø, Norway

  6. First of all, there may be a reason to the fact that Norway is not a member of EU? ;)

    Maybe we are some strange people that do not like to mingle with others? And maybe we dont like to be compared all the time to others? We like it where we are and like to talk in our own language between us in our fine little (but long) country.


    I think the reason for almost none of the norwegian geoachers are discussing here is the fact that they dont feel like they have their "own space" to talk in. And when you have other alternatives, the Norwegian offcourse choose to do their talking in a Norwegian only forum. And since we now have a numerous forums popping up around in Norway in addition to the two big ones mentioned earlier, it is time to reunite Norway as viking king Harald Hårfagre did in his days, and get a common place for all Norwegian geocachers.


    And as HundenHera says, we are starting that prosess now and it would be nice if the common place could be here at Groundspeak as it should have been from the start. But if that is not possible a big common norwegian forum will come forth either here or on its own server. To bad for foreigners if it should not be here.


    The exact reason of why it is like it is today is hard to say, I am probably guilty myself since I discovered both this forum and the norwegian forums at the same time, and I choosed the Norwegian because it felt right at that time. The language was the main reason for me.

  7. Hello can you make a


    Norwegian forum, and one for the danes and the swedes also ?


    Since this trad is manly used by finnish.


    Kind regards




    At least Norwegians and Swedes (maybe also Danes) have their own forums on some other server (not run by Groundspeak). I don't think there would be any traffic on the non-Finnish boards here.


    90%+ of the threads here which are about Norway, Sweden or Denmark (or Iceland) are started by foreigners planning a visit to one of those countries.

    Well, I'm Norwegian and I think most of us Norwegian does not talk here because they feel they have to do it in English. And with lots of Finish talks already here, it is not easy to get a good overview of what happening in Norway. And that has led to numerous norwegian forums where there are only norwegian (or those who understand Norwegian and Norwegians understand, like Swedish and Danish people).


    I think we (Norwegians) now feel that we need a common place for the Norwegian language.


    I think the Swedish have already found their common place, unfortunaly not on Groundspeak.



    F0NIX (Tromsø, Norway)

  8. How do people react on the new term where you have to give away your copyright of your own photos?


    If this rule still persist, I will remove all pictures I've taken so far (that is not much) and will never put up any new either (and that could have been many...)

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