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Posts posted by santagrandpa

  1. Our profile says we have X finds, but only X-4 "Distinct" finds. I'm guessing this means we've mistakenly logged 4 caches twice - maybe both Santagrandpa from his laptop at home and Mrs. Santagrandpa on her smart phone in the field. Anyone know how we can find the duplicates? We'd like to eliminate them to get our count accurate. THANKS!

  2. I just logged a Found It for a cache, and I logged that we dropped off one TB in our inventory. However, I clicked on the wrong TB. So I tried to edit the drop off and it said that since it indicated an action, it could not be edited. So then I tried to log a retrieve to get the TB back into my inventory, but I can't do that because I do not have the tracking code - I dropped it off yesterday, but not in the cache that I just logged, it's in a different cache. How do I get this corrected? Thanks!

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