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Posts posted by x10u8tr

  1. I've noticed that the watchlist no longer appears on the website with the new dashboard and it is not available on the iPhone app but if I hunt around enough on the web I can usually find it if I remember to switch to the old dashboard.  What's up with that?  I use the watchlist for two reasons:


    1) After I find a cache I like to add it to my watchlist to make sure others are able to find it to make sure it was replaced correctly and that it hasn't been muggled.   The last thing you want to see is a bunch of DNF's and you were the last person who logged a Find but it may be possibly that I rehid it too well.


    2) Add caches that I am interested in especially if it involves a puzzle or requires multiple locations.  


    I was recently having lunch in an area where I knew there was a puzzle cache nearby but I couldn't find it in the app because the posted location is several miles away and I couldn't remember the name of the cache and couldn't find my watchlist on either the app or on the browser on the smartphone.  


    Another request is be able to use the app to automatically add the cache to my watchlist - possibly a check box when I create the log entry. 

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  2. On 7/5/2020 at 8:58 PM, Max and 99 said:

    At the bottom of every geocache page is a link to "contact us'. 

    Got an inappropriate message from a fake user as well.  Don't see how to delete the message or way to report other than contacting support via email.

  3. Just got a WAP enabled cell phone and was able to use http://geocaching.com/wap and the initial description and hint but I could not see a way to read the log entries.


    As I'm sure others have done, I've wasted lots of time searching for a cache only to find out after I get back from vacation that others have had problems locating the cache and it might be missing. A few times, I even called a friend at home to look it up for me. So when my wife and I finally replaced our ancient cell phones (circa 2000), I opted for an internet enabled phone (Nokia 6820) so I could check the cache status while out in the field. A friend suggested I look for a WAP page and sure enough I found it.


    The first test was yesterday but we were not able to find the cache. I was able to reread the description, confirm the coordinates and even read the hint but i didn't see an option to read the other logs.


    After looking around the forums, I saw the references to http://rtr.ca/geo/ and I like how it gives the waypoint name, distance and direction on the search results page and then allow you to see the first few log entries (with log type!) and retrieve more logs.


    Another suggestions - what about placing all search options (coordinate, zipcode or waypoint) on the initial page and allow the user to fill in the appropriate field(s) and select a search method. That would eliminate one extra set of transactions w/o using that much more text. Or maybe it's not possible to put all that on a single WAP page? I'll have to review my notes, I didn't have a WAP enabled phone when i took a refresher perl/cgi class last year.


    thanks for a great site!

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