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Posts posted by thrillseeker69

  1. With the exception of urban areas where space is at a premium, it just seems that many of the "micro" or "nano" caches are just done by users to lazy to put forth the effort into a traditional cache.

    Recently found one surrounded by thousands of acres, no other caches nearby, and they installed a microcache, and couldn't even get the wet logbook out anyway. What a waste.

    I feel there should be stricter standards on micro caches.

  2. Night time geocaching is great. It adds another element of challenge, and as longs as its legal, no problem.

    Unfortunately, some anal retentative type geocachers are more concerned about arbitrary things such as hours day/night, registration, etc, that they are lost of the spirit of the game. The same types that complain about muggles during the day.

    Good luck to you on your adventures.

    P.S.- I like to use a tactical light, or a long baton style light to check out places before I reach in to where a cache may be.

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by bigredmed


    The comments about apathy are right. We need to stop tolerating this as tolerance of self-destructive behavior is not a good thing. Its called Enabling. It violates the only rule worth following (the golden rule). AIDS, syphilis, and other STDs are increasingly common in the gay community because of these type of activities that the larger society (and more shamefully, the larger gay community) refuses to do anything about it for fear of seeming "insensitive".


    By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.

    Right on! Not to mention they want to lead the Scouts, adopt kids, and teach them in our classrooms, and somehow try and tell us they are not recruiting them.

    Now, they are politicaly attacking our religious Freedoms, any religion that doesnt condone this behaivior could become a "hate group" if this type of legislation is passed.


  4. We used to play a game called CB tag. (Basically hide and seek). One person (usually in a vehicle) would hide within pre-determined boundaries, and others would try to track them down, using clues the "hider" provided, and signal strength obtained on the radios' signal meter. Once the hider was found, the finder got to go hide. Its a blast! And in many ways, geacaching is a lot like it, which is why I immediatly enjoyed it. Anyone ever tried it or heard of it?

    Anyone out there?

  5. Solo- An answer to your original question-

    Stay away from small-of-the-back type holsters, as injury to tha back may occur if one falls and lands on whatever you may have in there.

    A strong-side hip holster (I like inside-the-pant type) is probably the best way to go, concealed or not, depending on your laws, and quick accsess should the need occur. Fanny pack type holsters are also great.

    A belly-band (thunderwear) or ankle type would be other good consideration.

    Where are you? City or Country? What are you most likely to be facing? Bears or hooligans? This may also be a factor in which way to carry.

    Keep fatigue in mind when considering the weapon of choice, and comfort. Heavy weapons increase fatigue, but there are plenty of lightweights that pack plenty of punch without being overbearing.

  6. The fact that crime has been succesfully reduced in over 33 states that allow responsible citizens to carry firearms has me truly thankful. (Facts can be found through the FBI & other sources) I cant imagine being dependant on someone else for my safety, or being at the mercy of a druggie, drunk, mugger, rabid or vicious dog, etc. If I carry, it is not accessable to a child, nor easily obtained by theft.

    My right to carry one does not infringe upon your right not to. It wouldn't work the other way around.

    A .22 in the pocket is a more effective defense than a 10mmm left at home.

    Think about it. cops don't get robbed, raped, mugged or carjacked. Its not because they carry a badge. Why should we be any different because we dont wear a badge?

    I respect your choice not to carry one, but dont diss those who do responsibly. Be safe & have fun

  7. You also might try to reset the update rate to update more/less frequently. Mine is set to update every 3 sec.

    Sometimes I will lose the signal in dense cover, depending on satellite postion, other factors. An external antenna would be a welcome addition under these circumstances.

  8. Kat, next time you try searchin' with the Globallmap, try this: once you get into the general vicinity of the cache, zoom in if you havent already done so by that time. The closer you get, keep zooming in. The first cache I found, it pinpointed down to 1 foot! Good luck!

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