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Posts posted by Lyra

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by WVAK47:

    Someone obviously understands this yankee thing. Lyra that was great. Still laughing. I am a big Sam fan and that was perfect.




    Thanks I needed this laugh today


    The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.


    Glad I could help out, y'all!


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  2. I had an ulterior motive in mind, though. I'm only one of three cachers in my area, and the other two are not as "gung-ho" as I am. As a result, I live in a cache-poor area where I'm pretty much the only one hiding any.


    In order to spark some local interest, I hid a micro in the same park as the first cache I ever placed. When the first one went missing, I replaced it with a new cache about two-tenths of a mile from the micro.


    Here are links to the caches:


    Lyra's Lair 1A

    Lyra's Micro 1


    My motive was to offer new and inexperienced local cachers an opportunity for a "two-for-one" deal on their first cache hunt in the hopes that it would spark some lasting interest in the sport.


    And yes...I'm not very creative when it comes to naming caches. icon_frown.gif



    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  3. Many of the other "trading post" threads on other websites I've visited tend to have a certain complimentary theme, regardless of the outrageous prices sellers demand for their cast-off goods. It's all in the spirit of online negotiation and the politeness inherent in such sites tends to avoid the typical "car salesmanship" of the face-to-face world.


    However, we're an ornery lot, here. We geocachers are pretty quick to question the morals and ethics of just about anyone willing to post even the most innocent or innocuous of messages. If that doesn't win an argument, though, we seem to resort to name-calling and insults about each others' intellectual abilities, sometimes questioning another's access to lead-based paint chips during youth. Barring any bull's-eyes with those types of comments, we tend to resort to the stand-by criticism of other cachers' physical features and anatomical characteristics.


    We're just playing, though. At least, I hope so.


    Ignore the shock. We've got an odd little subculture here with our own little sociological and sociopathic cliche'. Someone should do a study.


    Regardless of how abhorred you may be, keep in mind that we really do love each other. We're just a little dysfunctional from time to time.


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!



    [This message was edited by Lyra on January 09, 2003 at 04:42 PM.]


    [This message was edited by Lyra on January 09, 2003 at 04:43 PM.]

  4. Here in Virginia, motorists will periodically see temporary markers in the median strips and on the sides of highways in the form of an X made out of white fabric secured to the ground. It's my understanding that these markers were placed for purposes of distance measuring reference relating to aerial photography for mapping purposes. Yours could be something similar.


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  5. Take a good idea and the critics will swarm (insert mournful sigh here). It's just a game, folks! It's never been done before and it will surely have some glitches, but that can only prove to be a learning experience to be remedied by tweaking the rules for NEXT year's race.


    Since there's some controversy about the interference rule, my suggestion is that it not be listed as a rule at all, thus removing the potential factor of some evildoer arbitrarily holding on to a bug merely because it's suggested. The power of suggestion is sometimes an irresistible temptation for those prone to larceny. I think it should be implicitly accepted as a possible "speedbump" that some of the bugs may hit, without anyone being able to cry foul. To that end, I think the interference factor should not even be mentioned in any of the bug pages or instruction sheets included with the bug. In fact, a prohibition of such mention may be a good rule to be added. This, of course, may be problematic in that some bugs including instructions making reference to the interference factor may have already been mailed, but a simple replacement document e-mailed to the race coordinator may resolve that.


    My bug (and I feel confident in assuring all that it will surely be the winner icon_cool.gif ) will be on its way shortly! Looking forward to an exciting event!


    BTW, I'd second (or third or whatever) the motion for a webpage to track the race, if it's not too much trouble.


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  6. quote:
    Originally posted by AltDotAir:

    Bear in mind the waypoint for my house is very well-established, and I used two different GPSrs made by two manufacturers and they're both off by more than 400' for the first time (ever) in six months of use.


    The posted data for new caches is always suspect, of course, until verified, but it's when well-known waypoints get goofy that I suspect something is awry.


    == Alt Dot Air ==


    Techtonic shift! Your area must've had some sort of gentle, but significant, earthquake activity resulting in your house and the caches moving about 400 feet.


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  7. From this and other posts I've seen by you, I think you may have the impression that this sport is a lot more involved than it really is. I didn't start carrying a pack until I had about 15 or 20 finds, usually just stuffing my pockets with trade items and carrying nothing more than my GPSr.


    Go ahead and try to find a few easy ones so you can get the general "feel" of the sport. Then, once you're up to finding a cache that involves a long hike or some other added degree of difficulty, get whatever gear you think you'll need.


    My pack is usually just crammed full of trade items and maybe a water bottle if it involves a long hike, plus the usual extra batteries. Little, if any, survival gear makes it into my pack.


    Hope this helps! Good Luck and happy hunting!


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  8. I'm not sure about the requirement that they carry the cache description page. I used to print them out, but then started using pocket queries on my PDA, so now I never have the cache page with me. Also, since I've got a bunch of waypoints downloaded to my GPSr, I have, on occasion, been traveling down the road and realized there's a nearby cache. In those situations, I may not have my PDA with me, but will hunt with just the waypoint loaded in the GPSr.


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


  9. Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see if anyone had logged at least one find in all 50 states. CCCooper, of course, came to mind, but I didn't have the patience to go through all the pages and pages and pages...


    Has anyone logged a find in all 50 states? If not, who's got the record for most states in which a cache has been found?


    So far, I've got a big fat 1!


    Always wear proper caching safety equipment!


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