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Everything posted by PSU Fan

  1. Naomi...congratulations on getting such a nice coin. After reading the posts and seeing the picture of the coin, I had to run out to the lobby of the Embassy Suites hotel to look at some real Koi swimming through the lobby. It is truly a beautifully done coin. Congrats again, PSU Fan
  2. Congrats to Tsun and all that had won, Wrting rhymes for this cointest sure was a lot of fun.
  3. Congratulations Tsun to a job well done, Now that it's over I hope that you can have some fun. Four years of hardwork, and it is finally over, Now it's time to play with your niece & nephew, perhaps Red Rover. Since I am late I know I can't win, But not posting in this cointest would have been quite a sin. I'm sure that you will be successful in anything you do, And you need to know that the Coin Community is very proud of you. Congrats, Stephanie!!!
  4. 1) May 20 2) 3:47 a.m. 3) 7 lbs 11 oz 4) Careful, that's not swag I placed in my diaper
  5. I'd like to see a scratch and sniff Yime! *edited to add.... a scrach and sniff Yime COIN. Wait!! Scratching and sniffing Yime....THAT is Out of Bounds!!!!
  6. Mission #1: 1. Participating - email sent 30-april-08 2. Received Name - 03-May-08 3. Mission Complete 4. Mission Arrived! Mission #2: 1. Participating - email sent 30-april-08 2. Received Name - 03-May-08 3. Mission Complete 4. Mission Arrived!
  7. Mission #1: 1. Participating - email sent 30-april-08 2. Received Name 3. Mission Complete 4. Mission Arrived! Mission #2: 1. Participating - email sent 30-april-08 2. Received Name 3. Mission Complete 4. Mission Arrived!
  8. For such a good attempt and being such a good sport, lol, if you'd like, I'd be happy to send you out one of my trackable nerds You, too, Corey n Joey, Geo, and PSU...what the heck, I'm feeling generous, I'll send a little something to everyone who entered, send me your address! Naomi hannaomikael at gmail dot com Naomi- Thanks for the cointest and your generosity. As you have said many times before...this is a great group of people. Kind regards
  9. It says Mini-Mousekakat in nautical flags
  10. Jim congratulations on receiving your "dream" coin. My top coin desire has a couple of origins of my want for them. Before I met my wife I had always wanted to learn to scuba dive, but never had the time it seemed. When she and I met I found out that she was a diver and was actively involved with a scuba club (The Nittany Divers). The time was now right for me to get certified as I had won a week stay anywhere in the world. I choose to go to Hawaii which was a celebration for my engagement to my wife. In Hawaii, we had the opportunity to swim and dive with the Green Turtles and they became a symbol of the start of our life together (For our wedding, I had my groom's cake done in the shape of a turtle). This combined with living in Hilton Head Island, SC for 5 years and being able to watch and help protect the Loggerhead Turtles as they layed there eggs in the dunes has me REALLY wanting the 2006 Mr.&Mrs. Loggerhead and the Baby Loggerhead Turtle Geocoins.
  11. snip.. snip.. snip.. and no... I'm not volunteering to spearhead this project.. just a random idea.. CHICKEN!! Mmmm.. chicken.. Now I'm hungry.. I'll give a free coin to whoever delivers me a bucket of Popeye's... If not I may have to make a chicken run.. Send me your credit card information and I will see what I can do for you. I will not promise that it will not be pricey...but I will try
  12. I hope that my answers make sense to you.
  13. Today fiabus recieved his goodies from the states. There was a nice personal coin and a Baby Ruth bar and one ButterFinger! I´m sure it is delicious, with lot of peanut and toffeé. I put in a photo later. Thank you very much PSU Fan!! Sorry that it was so late.... I wanted to let you know, but I think the waiting and wondering is part of the fun. I am glad that it arrived safely and I hope that the candy bars were not too crushed. PSU Fan
  14. Mission: Operation Chocolate- 1). ChocoEmail Sent - Yes 4/3 2). ChocoName Received - Yes 4/6 3). ChocoMission Sent - Yes, but late....sorry to my mission person!!! 4). ChocoMission Received - Sometime last week while I was on vacation I returned home from a nice vacation visiting Groundspeak Headquarters....it was AWESOME!!!! and saw a nice envelope from overseas. Since I have been feeling a bit under the weather, I did not want to try this Swedish Chocolate until I had my taste back and enjoy it...hopefully this weekend. Along with 3 chocolate bars was a Chase Your Dreams Geocoin. Thanks to my Operation Chocolate sender...it made my day returing from vacation .... Oh and to my package is on its way overseas....sorry for the delay, but hopefully you will enjoy the chocolate as much as I do and the coin choice as well.
  15. Things have been crazy for me these past couple of weeks, but I wanted to post that I did receive my Nerds, both V1 & V2 ... and they look great. PSU Grad was surprised by hers and made me turn one of them into a keychain for her office keys. All is good in the NERD World!!!!
  16. Generally when I log my "will attend" log, I mention that I will be bringing my coin collection for anyone interested in discovering the coins. Since I always wear something Penn State, I mention that I will be the one wearing the PSU .... (hat, shirt, slippers, sweatpants...whatever). It is an icebreaker for even before I attend the event and it gets those initially interested to come over to me so that I do not feel like I am burdening anyone who is not interested. Good luck at your first event. They are fun!!!!
  17. Email has been sent for invite. Thanks for putting this 3rd installment together. I am looking forward to it. PSU Fan
  18. Mission: Operation Chocoate- 1). ChocoEmail Sent - Yes 4/3 2). ChocoName Received - Yes 4/6 3). ChocoMission Sent 4). ChocoMission Received
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