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Everything posted by Ambrosia

  1. That's okay. I didn't realize that there is a new airport still under construction in Dubai (but opened in 2010) and there's already a cache near it. Apparently it's part of "Dubai World Central" and has a goal to be the worlds busiest airport in the world. Currently Hartfield-Jackson in Atlanta holds that distinction with about 22.7 million passengers a year. The Dubai World Central airport is being designed to accommodate up to 160 million passengers a year. Dubai seems to be incensed to create the biggest, busiest, most expensive everything in the world. And they seem to be getting there. I haven't seen so much construction in one place. It's quite the thing. Kind of scary, understanding how unstable the area is. I don't care how many precautions they put in place. I think someone needs to make a disaster movie that takes place in Dubai.
  2. Yeah. Sorry. I meant to say "coke bottle cap". You know, from a root beer or some other coke.
  3. I dislike having so much space that I'm forced to scroll down just to see "TFTC" or somesuch.
  4. It's funny how everyone is different. It wouldn't occur to me to regret a fun evening spent with fellow cachers. I would have stopped returning to that cache by myself because it would have made me so mad. There are dnf'd caches that I've put in a list, "will only go back again if I bring another person to help me". I would have welcomed the event find.
  5. If I were to come across a cache where there are needles/syringes I'd just turn around and walk away. The same goes for "dark corners" people use as toilets. I don't "need" a smiley that much Fortunately we filter the caches we want to do in such a way we don't end up in places like that. Hm, the only two times that I found a syringe at a cache site were at nice city parks. I guess I would have to only cache in the country to avoid them, then.
  6. Well, the wipes at grocery stores are there because there is e coli on the cart handles from children. The handles are dirtier than toilets. I understand that washing hands with soap and water is far superior to using antibacterial stuff, but I'll sure use it in a pinch. As long as it's just the kind with alcohol, it's not as bad. But of course it doesn't really destroy all bacteria as it dries in less than a minute to two.
  7. You can get large wide mouth jars at Costco. Not sure how well they would do as caches, I hadn't thought of that before. I reuse them to put stored food items in.
  8. I love everything about geocaching, except for the finding part. I'm certainly not in it for the numbers, my piddly numbers speak to that. I get very frustrated if I can't find a cache right away. If I'm caching with someone else, I let them do most of the searching while I tend to take pictures. But caching is such an integral part of my life that I couldn't imagine what life would be without it. I guess it's just a personality quirk. I can get quite vocal and emotional at cache finds that go bad. Lol. My worst experience was caching up by the Hollywood sign. I was on a long road trip, had a long hot hike up to it, was not feeling good physically at all, and that darn cache wouldn't show up after crawling around under pokey bushes for a while. I just sat down under a tree and cried. But overall, I would still count that day as a good one. What a weirdo.
  9. Groundspeak was promoting a geocaching song for GIFF this year, so a group of us got together and recorded our own version. It's a bit silly, and I don't think that I'd cache to it - but it was fun to do.
  10. I've actually been to Canada five times, twice to British Columbia (as far north as Port Alberni), twice to Ontario, and once to Newfoundland but all before I started geocaching. I've been to Mexico three times, once to Cancun and twice to Mexico City. The last time was after I started geocaching but it was a short enough layover that I didn't feel comfortable leaving the airport and getting back in time for my flight to Costa Rica. Sorry, I meant to say since you started caching. Half my trips to Mexico have been since I started caching, and almost all of my trips to Canada have been been since I started caching. The last two times into Mexico were just over the border and there were no caches around, so I've only cached in Mexico once. Canada is the my second most cached country, for obvious reasons.
  11. Unlike NYPaddleCacher, I've been to Canada more times than I can count, and I've been to Mexico six times. We live less than three hours from the Canadian border, so we pop up there every so often. My first visit there was when I was 12 for the '86 World Expo. This December is my 20th wedding anniversary. We have a weird schedule this year because of my husband's coaching, so we're going to break up the anniversary into two sections. We honeymooned in Whistler, so we always said we wanted to go back for our 20th. So we're going to run up there for a couple days. Then, in the first part of January, we hope to head down to Mexico for a week, maybe Mazatlan or Puerto Vallarta. Two extremes!
  12. I've never found a cache on New Year's day. The first four days of January are empty on my statistics. And the only reason there's any finds after that is because I've attended two CM's in January (both in more moderate climes than mine). It's just too dang cold in January.
  13. This is one of the few promotional souvenirs that I thought I might get. There's a GIFF event less than a mile from home. Unfortunately, I'll be over 6600 miles from there this weekend. That's too bad about the event. Hopefully the videos will be put up on youtube after this weekend. Is there a list of GIFF events somewhere? Here's the map of GIFF events: map
  14. This is one of the few promotional souvenirs that I thought I might get. There's a GIFF event less than a mile from home. Unfortunately, I'll be over 6600 miles from there this weekend. That's too bad about the event. Hopefully the videos will be put up on youtube after this weekend. Is there a list of GIFF events somewhere? There is a bookmark list: http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=ffa9accc-ad91-46ee-926f-b88ac82115c0 There was a map that you could look at, but now it seems that the link is broken. I don't know if there's a new one out there somewhere. I guess premium members can make a pocket query out of the bookmark list and then look at the map there.
  15. It's hurting my eyes a lot. And turning down the screen brightness doesn't help much, because then it's harder to read the words. I spend a lot of time on these forums, and more so being a mod, and this isn't going to be easy for me.
  16. This is one of the few promotional souvenirs that I thought I might get. There's a GIFF event less than a mile from home. Unfortunately, I'll be over 6600 miles from there this weekend. That's too bad about the event. Hopefully the videos will be put up on youtube after this weekend.
  17. The most up and coming souvenir is this weekend. If you attend a GIFF event this weekend, you'll get a souvenir for it.
  18. If you use the yogurt method, it speeds things along if you take some moss and blend it up with the yogurt.
  19. Ack, I've never found that cache, even though I drive by it all the time. But we're always in a hurry. I've been up the hill twice - once before caching, and once to dnf the cache that existed just before this one when it had gone missing before being archived. It calls to me, but never calls to my driving companions, unfortunately.
  20. Yeah, I have had far more problems just being out in public or on public transit than I have ever had while geocaching. I think with geocaching, men are more likely to encounter law enforcement or threats of law enforcement. But women get hassled by randoms, everywhere, all the time. It's just the baseline state of existence as a woman. So, you didn't respond to my last comment where I said that this doesn't happen to me. I don't mean to be pushy, but your comments are kinda making me wonder. Am I in an alternative universe than you? It has not been my experience that "women get hassled by randoms, everywhere, all the time. It's just the baseline state of existence as a woman." Everywhere, all the time? That's a lot. I do not get hassled. Why am I so different than other women?
  21. Was that ever taught, really? For my entire life it's pretty much been open season on any woman out in public alone. It's rare that a week goes by where I'm not hassled in some way while I'm trying to mind my own business. Hm, I wonder if it's regional. I can't remember an instance when I've been hassled, although I know it's happened a handful of times. It's very rare.
  22. Well, since I am a physicist, I can do it via information theory. I would say that "meaningful" == "high information density" TFTC conveys one bit of information in 4 bytes, or an information density of about .25 bits/byte. A long log conveys more information, but cut-and-paste logs reduce that information by the number of times they are cut-and-pasted. Probably the best indicator of the information content of a log would be the Kolmogorov complexity. A cacher in my area generates long logs that would be trivial to auto-generate on a computer; my estimate is that the information content (as described by the entropy between messages) is roughly 8-12 bits per log, with log lengths that regularly exceed 500 characters. That is an information density of around .02 bits/byte, less than a tenth that of the TFTC log. My own logs tend to be about 100 characters or so. Since each is unique, I will use the average information density of English, which is described to be between 0.6 and 1.3 bits per character. Since many of my logs contain common information (albeit expressed differently) let's be conservative and say that I have an information content of 0.2 bits per character, or an information density approximately equal to that of the TFTC log. That still gives me about 20 bits of information per log. Now let's assume that one of these cut-and-paste entries contains twice the amount of information that I would put into a log. If the logger finds 40 caches in a day, then the information content is about 1 bit per log, on a par with the TFTC log, but at a much lower density. So who am I to say what is or is not meaningful? Somebody who knows math, that's who. *Shia surprise*
  23. Well, that was the extent of my computer skills, sorry.
  24. Also, have you tried right clicking it and selecting "open in a new tab"?
  25. I use my cache pages, but I don't put it in a reviewer note, I upload it to the page. I don't mind it staying on the listing.
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