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Everything posted by etarace

  1. The biggest fav points around here for some reason are for purchased style fake bolt in a parking lot things, rather than actual originality. GC295HC drove me insane, I went back several times, and was so amazing. It wasn't in the wilderness but it was at least in a wooded area. When I finally found it I was like "wow, this hider is crafty!" Five miserable favorite points. GC2R41F took me about 20 minutes, more due to "overthinking" because the page tells you repeatedly that it is a "NO BS 4-STAR DIFFICULTY" on the description and the logs. Twenty-five favorite points. Luckily the CO got a find on it too! Fake bolt. With crappy coords. It's hard for new people, but it is by no means original. My area is messed up in the favorites points arena.
  2. Today I found two caches that were very cool because they were both located at or near 19th century structures which I love to explore. Near the steps going to the foundation of an old building I saw this... what is this thing? The photo isn't fantastic, but there are a bunch of leaves all clumped into a ball surrounded by silk like spider-web kind of stuff, but not like tent-worm/moth thickness. Weird. What is this thing? Also, thank you Mr. Yuck, Pork King and niraD for the research on my buried treasure. The soil which surrounded the can was black, not various-stages-of-decomposing-mulch. I'd wager to say that the "depression" it was in was at the very least "helped along" although I did believe it was a legal thing to do in 2006 (when I found it, and when I posted about it). Regardless, I'm not going to NA the cache, it's a nice walk and a cool cache. At this point I would have to get all insane-O scientific on it in order to say it was against the rules (who's to say it didn't sink in eight years?).
  3. If it's truly buried, and not a natural depression, no, that would pretty much be illegal since about 2001. It's that old? I'm no good at these "year they changed the rule about pointy objects touching the ground" thing. It was in a suspiciously ammo-can shaped hole in the ground which was conveniently slightly deeper than ammo can depth. There might have been a naturally occurring something-like-a-hole there (it was by tree roots) but the size and shape lead one to believe that the hole had some help. I'm pretty sure it is still okay to use a hole that is already there. Haven't the rules evolved to be more explicit about not changing the naturally-occurring-depression? What I find weird is that a newer-than-me cacher logged it as "knew right where it was as soon as I was within 100 feet"... what?
  4. Today I found a cache that was in the ground. It had previously been a DNF because I hadn't considered a hole in the ground. It's "legal" because it's from 2006. It was just harder for me than it should have been because I wasn't thinking of that as a possibility.
  5. "Love"? I didn't realize that was love you could see at the end of the tunnel. I'm not sure if the love is more disturbing as partnered or solo. Either way... not something I want to see at the end of a tunnel.
  6. When I hid mine I was constantly staring at the screen, waiting for it to finish review. Then I was constantly staring at the screen waiting for the first finds. It's a great way to consume your life.
  7. That is quite excessive. In the unlikely event that I have a TB, if I get stuck and didn't get to travel as I had planned, I will do some "took to" logs just to let the owner know "yeah, I have it... I know" before dropping it. If I happen to go to caches that I don't think are appropriate drop-sites. I wonder if people put as much consideration into this as I do? I seriously fret over leaving TB's. I will watch the cache page afterwards. I actually emailed a guy who wrote a "found it" log that said something about taking "the cow TB" when he didn't log that he had taken it on the TB's page. And it's not my TB. I've just held it and moved it along at one time.
  8. This is very cool Mrs. I, please let us know as this progresses.
  9. Why not use real tree bark? I've got several containers with tree bark glued to them. It seems to last. What do you use as glue? Hot glue does not seem to have any lasting power.
  10. I went to a cache in a questionable part of town, at a stop-and-rob style store. The cache is located somewhere on or near a public phone. I was looking all over, and began moving any parts I could. A man came along asking me if I was trying to figure out how to take it off? I looked at him as if he were crazy, since he clearly was and asked "Do you really think I look like I go around stealing public phones?" I look like a homeschooler whose mom runs a 4-H group. Then I felt mean, and I told him "I'm looking for a container that is hidden somewhere on this phone." But then he was already muttering and shuffling away from me. My mom's 4-H group was the best though. I have so many blue ribbons.
  11. I read this topic incorrectly, which accounts for my seemingly nonsensical response. In answer to your actual question, this was a topic two years ago, and the answer was http://www.airstash.com/ here's the thread (original question was a garmin, but with an ipad) Since then, I believe the ipad now has SD card slot? Can you put the card in the ipad (load the gpx files onto it) and then into the gps?
  12. Not an iPad, but I have a tablet (android) and it has a built in gps. I don't have mobile (cell) service on it (only wifi ability) but supposedly I can use the gps offline. It could be interesting to attempt this like if I had my tablet for a class but not my gps. But I usually carry my gps in my purse, so it's pretty rare to not have my gps. I've seen photographs of people at caches with their ipads (and not a gps) so I think it is possible. I certainly would never make my tablet my primary tool for caching since it isn't rugged enough. However it would be nice to utilize the functionality that I have paid for rather than just having a toy to play "100 doors" on when I get bored in class.
  13. I worry about this. Only it's usually after I don't need to pee that I think of it.
  14. He just commented on July 10th, and I look forward to him speaking again, as thus has solved all problems. The rest of your post has caused me to think, reconsider perhaps. What would be your stance on a "micro" placed by CO, CO died and family archived it. A year later CO2 places a micro very near (200 ft or less). Would you remove the original micro? It could generate logs of bad coords/NM/NA on the CO2 cache page.
  15. I don't think they're using the intro app, because one of their two finds was a micro, which I believe won't show up in the intro app. ...their logs also don't say "That's one more find for me! Thanks so much for hiding this geocache.". Pretty sure they recently changed the app to where users are forced to type in something. I thought there was a topic on that recently, although I might be having dreams about the Groundspeak Forums. Which would be weird. And I think micros can be Intro hides. I think it has to do with D/T rating. I like thus comment for the incorrect use of the word "thus" like I just did, too. I also like it because it's pretty true.
  16. This is so obviously untrue that it should not count towards your credit. I just did a pretty grueling multi-post. I had to abandon it partway in because of work, but I came back and finished it off with only one allusion to a swear word. The final was a magnetic key holder on a guardrail at a curve at the bottom of a hill. One of the magnets was missing, it was raining, and a truck was coming down the hill right when I made the find.
  17. By the way, that's seven more posts for me! Thank you for the topic!
  18. Maybe the family wished OldTimeGeocacher to remove the containers? Nothing you've written here would make me think the family were giving permission for a free-for-all. The exact log comment by OldTimeCacher is "Found this one and removed it since the CO has passed away and the family wants it gone." Nothing she has written or done in the 15 months since the death of the CO would lead me to believe she was personally responsible for collecting and bronzing the cache containers. If so, I'm leaving comments on the caches I collect. OldTimeCacher is free to contact me. I will willingly hand over the caches. Perhaps understandable. They might be thinking the same thing about the fact you've helped yourself to the containers without the family's permission. I highly doubt they have seen my dastardly deeds, despite them being in the open. If they choose to feel that way about my removal of abandoned geo-trash (not caches, as they are not active), then they can just rainbow* themselves. *rainbow
  19. At the risk of repeating myself - I have no great issue with the idea of those caches being recycled into new caches - especially if the alternative is that they instead become geolitter. What I question is the idea that had someone other than the poster making the original tacky comment decided to perpetuate those caches as they were - in good order - NOT, for the avoidance of doubt / confusion, leaving them to rust - then that person's actions - also beneficial to the community - would have been branded as TACKY Hopefully that clears things up Since I am the original archived-cache-collector I will attempt to clear this up. The CO died, somebody (I assume family) wrote "Deceased, archive" and archived every single cache he owns (65 of them). I still had some loaded on my GPS and was finding them because they are better than the ones that have come to replace them and ... yay another smiley. One day I saw the comment from OldTimeGeocacher to the effect of "found this one today and removed the container as I know the family and this is their wishes" ... This, in addition to the fact that the caches are now "litter" played into my choice to collect them. Had OldTimeGeocacher instead decided to take over (unofficially adopt) the caches, and say something about tribute to CO or whatever, I am certain that everyone would have been okay with it. For many it would have been a free smiley where they had smileyed before. Which I find kind of tacky too. There's quite a few archived-and-revived caches here that people multi-smiley. But I'm getting myself off my own topic. The point is: if somebody who knew the CO and/or is an OldTimeCacher then it would be perfectly okay to take over the caches. I never knew the CO. I am not a Real Geocacher in the prevailing opinion of my community. If I had taken over the caches there would be a sense of "who the #%&* does this etarace person think he is? he never even knew CO! that noob could never do such a good hide on his own. the audacity!" Yes, this is the language that the loud minority would use, right in the log section. And to some degree, I agree with the sentiment. It would seem a little like stealing. And I'm a girl. And I don't want to give the loud minority free seconds on caches they've found before. Also, there was only the one ammo can. I am pretty sure the rest of the caches are "small" or "micro" sized. Yesterday I collected a bunch of keyholders and matchstick containers. And other caches have already invaded the 528ft zone. And I have to leave for work four minutes ago. HA!
  20. Why not leave them there and copy the old cache page into a new listing, providing they were good caches? The original owner has passed away, and I did not know that person (other than having done a few of their caches). It seemed a little tacky to me to do that. There are quite a few cachers in my area who seem to have known the CO, and these caches were archived well over a year ago. If any of them had any desire to give these caches new life, and felt good about doing it, they had plenty of time. I will definitely re-use good containers, interesting techniques (like the inside the tunnel thing) and the general locations. Some of them I can't go exactly where they had been because there are new, active caches within 528 feet of the original locations. I collected a few more today. Cool locations, unimpressive containers.
  21. Yesterday I collected caches and took them home with me. They were in very nice condition, and in nice locations (I think the two often go hand-in-hand). Sadly, the caches were archived (my understanding is the CO passed away). I claimed Last To Find on three of them yesterday, and will be recycling them into new caches.
  22. I was just thinking of this, using the exact same words. If those badges were out this year I think I would only get curmudgeon. But I'm pretty sure that by next year, if I work hard, I can get the grump badge too!
  23. The one with bird noises and the my-face one too. All social media tends to enable people who you don't necessarily want to know about your where-abouts to know about your where-abouts. I kind of like the Geocaching-tracker. If I look something up on my phone, it will automatically show on the website on my "Recently Viewed Caches" list. Sometimes I don't plan my geocaching adventure and get myself out in the woods where nobody knows I am; I will text my husband, but signal is spotty so he might not get it. My husband can go on the website, logged onto my account, and see what general area I probably am based on the geocaches I recently viewed.
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