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Everything posted by Sassquatch

  1. Sassquatch


    Sorry. I'm ok now. I like the test pic. Caching is fun I think.
  2. to create the panavision view. I can't change it. It says I can only edit upto 1440 minutes after I posted before and I was kinda busy today. I guess this is what it would look like at OMSI on the omnimax screen.
  3. HARRASSMENT!!!!! Harrassment is for punks. Does anyone feel that their being harrassed? Do you know what harrassed is? If so then lock your doors and stay inside, and don't you dare ansewer the phone or door. For anyone who thinks OH Whoa is me, someone doesn't love me as much as my mother does. Someone dosn't like my opinion. Well I have a miricle solution. Move to another country where eliminating those people is a way of life. As a side note, has anybody heard of a Iraqi immigrant whose 67 year old father was dragged out and beaten with the butt end of rifles for not joining a political party, as well as his 10 year old brother. Not to worry, his 24 yr. old brother was executed for this crime. Has this happened in your neighborhood? Someone doesn't like your log, or your cache? Kiss my harrASS!!!!! Sorry, I'm a little pissed right now. But remember, saddam doesn't say sorry. I feel blessed. Get back too me when you have something to complain about. Seth, I'm sorry to turn the tide of this but I just don't see it, and I feel for you at the same time. Good caching ahead.
  4. I mean, dang, what a shame. Especialy since I'll be in Texas. Seems like the only way I get to come to these things is when I have a box for everyone to unlock.What the h***. My but your a fickle bunch. Maybe I will have to unleash the power of the spike in order to get a little love around here, sniff, sniff. Truly, sorry to see your plans go south Trafcon. Best of luck.
  5. My head is about to explo................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  6. I was doing a level 2 diagnostic on it and when I set it next to the microwave it started to hum and shake. Next thing I know, the microwave turns on by itself and blows up. So I used the box to heat up some meatloaf. That doesn't sound bad does it?
  7. It's me again. Some of you might have seen evidence of my visits to your great caches in the Dallas, Irving, Arlington, Flower Mound, and Grapevine areas. Well I'm headed back, after my fellow northwest cachers and I foil the evil Dr. Isotope that is. (see the Northwest forum to learn more of Dr.I, and his nemesis Voss Piety, an anagram for soviet spy) ) I'm headed down for a week on March 30th and noticed you folks have somthing big planned. Can anyone clue me in? It would be great to put some faces with the names. If you don't mind a giant creature of unknown origin crashing the party that is. ( Don't worry, you get used to the smell). Don't know my flight time yet but just thought I would touch base. I gotta go now, humans are near and the sqirrels powering my pc are getting tired. After logging this I found the extravaganza page and I see that the awards presentation is at 1500. I doubt I can make it then but while your all out there I'll have to hit some of the more local caches so as not to be spotted by humans. [This message was edited by Sassquatch on March 14, 2003 at 05:32 AM.]
  8. I looked it up and yeah I could probably make it to sassy's. Although I'm sure I wouldn't take my mom there. Does anyone know if they have red snapper on the menu? But now that I think about it wouldn't it be kinda dark and loud in there? I mean I heard that those places can be dark and loud. Never been to one before. [This message was edited by Sassquatch on March 12, 2003 at 11:52 PM.]
  9. I have a 3rd grade B-Ball game to go to at 1300 but after that is good for me. Also I think Helvetia Tavern would be too small for a gathering such as this. Maybe Cornelius Pass Roadhouse would better suit are needs size wise. Nobody has ansewered me about Sassy's, what and where is it?
  10. that it should be on a sat or sun. Sat. Mar 15 is fairly open Sun. 16 is no good Sun. 23 is also good so far I leave for Dallas TX. on the 30th for a week. Decisions, decisions. My first one will be to put that evil box in the garage under a lead blanket till we can coordinate this. I can't believe I nearly had that radioactive punk in my hands but failed. I don't know when we will get another chance like that. I'm sorry. And what is a Sassy's And forget wed,thur, fri and every other sat. If we're not going to try to accomodate then can I vote for a tues.?
  11. The code on my tag read as follows...GJD BNCFM.... LPAKQEIHO. I had to wait till the math was done before I could apply it to my tag. So here's what happened. I jumped in the sassquatch mobile and proceeded to enter the coord's on the fly. I got it all punched in and waited for signal lock. It pointed me right back the way I had come, from my house. I had left my wife and children there alone, unprotected from the evil DR. Isotope. Got back to the driveway ready to call 911 if the need arose. Yet the coord's pointed me behind the sassquatch dwelling. So with a sigh of relief I headed out to the no-mans land that is behind the house, images of Red Dragon playing in my head. I kept the flashlight off as long as possible, but needed it to traverse the final 40 ft. Thats when it happened. As I discovered the object of my hunt I heard the loud SNAP!! of a twig breaking underfoot. I whipped the flashlight in the direction of the sound and saw through the trees a flash of white smock and a bit of a hardhat fleeing from the scene. I snatched my prize and took off after the mysterious image. I was taking my usual 6 to 8 ft. strides but my target proved to be too elusive. By the time I got to the edge of the forest all I saw was the tailights of a industial style van peeling rubber away from the scene of the crime. Only this is not a crime I feel I can report to the authorities. The van reminded me of the one that Doc drove in Back to the future. Thats my story, and every bit of it is true. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But the good news is, I have the box. It is wrapped in a caution radioactive bag and tape. I can see that it has 6 locks on it but I dare not remove the protective wrapping for fear of contamination. Now I guess it's up to the key-holders to figure on a time to meet with all and any interested parties. Let the bidding war ensue.
  12. Ok, here's stating the obvious......It looks as though you each have the clues to each others tags. Mine has no symbols. I just have the letters in a 1 inch by 2 inch block at the bottom of one side of my tag. Once we have the numerical value of these letters I think we're in business. I have 17 letters in that block and it takes 17 letters to write coords ie; N45.22.123 W122.99.123. I am digitaly challenged but then again my letters can't help any of you. I think everyone needs to post or relay the info on their cards to each other to figure each others out. Good luck I'm not a code breaker by trade but I did get a good nights sleep.
  13. Here is what the good Dr.I said in his letter to me....... Greetings Sassquatch, YOU will be the one to obtain the locked box. Work with the other key holders by sharing info in the forums. Let them post the info from their key-tags first. Your key tag will the have the final piece of info. Your key-tag will tell you the coords of the locked box. Once you obtain the box, the ball is in your court. I suggest you create an event cache where all the key-holders, as well as others, can attend. Maybe something on a Tuesday night. If you other key-holders can figure out your tags such as what does P equal, or Q or whatever letters you were told to solve then post your findings I can figure mine out and collect the box-O-evil. I have put the potatos in the garage.....it felt as though they were watching me.
  14. I received a strange item in the mail today. A little package from the EVIL DR. I. It would appear that I am to collect information from 5 other keyholders and use this info along with mine to retrieve a locked box. Unfortunately for all of us is the fact that I suck at solving riddles and codes. I have been told I have the final clue to the location of this locked box. Once the box of EVIL is obtained we can get together, DR.I suggests a Tuesday. I don't think this involves a tour of Wonka's
  16. do when Snoop Dogg gets a hold of the camera. You won't believe some of the action that takes place in the privacy of their own cache.
  17. Sassquatch

    Good Letter

    because I could use some dam film and some dam beer as well for that matter. Hope the dam caches are doing well.
  18. has anyone noticed that in this day and age we are just lazy? I don't mean to make anyone feel bad but I think It's true. Back in the day our ancestors busted butt all day and night. Feeding family, chopping wood, candles, soap, livestock. Now I go to Home Depot, pick up a Papa Mupheys, do a load of laundry and I need a nap. Let's hope that eventualy Iraq and Afganistan can do the same.My beer is in the other room. I've never done that many caches in one day but I know what you mean. It is a good kind of tired isn't it? Can everyone join me at wishing it on others. How do I measure myself against other cachers, By height of course
  19. I too am from oregon. Spent 12 years in califonia terrorizing campers for the NAVY. But other than that stint I have been here the whole time. Went all over the world and couldn't find anyplace more beautiful. SHH.... listen.... do you smell that?
  20. I swore off speed and am alergic to vigor. I will have to leave this up to my geo-commrades. I'm completely lost but I'm makin good time.
  21. The website locked up on me when I posted before and would tell me that the website was not responding so I would go back and try again with the same results, many, many times. Sorry for the rant, thought I would try to be funny. You'll never connect if you don't swing the bat. Did anyone else notice that DR.I called me Mr. Young? Why would he do that? My name is Sassquatch after all. My, but these mints are curiously strong? A sure sign of mental illness, is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result each time. If that is true I am precipitously close to the edge. A sure sign of mental illness, is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result each time. If that is true I am precipitously close to the hedge. Oh good, Im safe.
  22. This is going way to easy. Where is all the change of plans and begging for different dates? I'll kick things off by saying I work that night. Mon the 7th would be cool cause that's my b-day and...... h***...... it's bowling night. OH forget it ..... Tuesdays work for me an Q.M. but we're starting to get the hint. We are on odd schedules compared to other humans. I'm so glad we're thick skinned and don't give a dadgum what everyone else thinks of us. I'm taking my GPS'r and going home to cry myself to sleep. dadgum those zen khones. Them strippers in Dallas is friendly.
  23. This is going way to easy. Where is all the change of plans and begging for different dates? I'll kick things off by saying I work that night. Mon the 7th would be cool cause that's my b-day and...... h***...... it's bowling night. OH forget it ..... Tuesdays work for me an Q.M. but we're starting to get the hint. We are on odd schedules compared to other humans. I'm so glad we're thick skinned and don't give a dadgum what everyone else thinks of us. I'm taking my GPS'r and going home to cry myself to sleep. dadgum those zen khones.
  24. I was supposed to go to work that night but to h*** with tha... Oh wait a minute, through military habit I show up for work even if I'm bleeding through my eyes. Can we do it on a Monday because that's bowling night and to h*** with tha... Oh wait, we're in first place and I need to be there with my misplaced sense of obligation to my teamates. Hey, can we do it on , oh to h*** with it. Have a good time everyone. I'll just look forward to seeing you all at Champoeg on MAY 31st.
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