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Foothills Drifter

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Posts posted by Foothills Drifter

  1. Howdy......

    I ain't new to GC. I have been at it sense 2006. I haven't done it sense 2011.

    I am starting up new PQ's and the one thing I can't remember (or find in/on the site is.....

    How many PQ's can I run in a week???? I have look and I just can't remember (I retired a year and a half ago and lot my memory)


    Please help...



    Vern / Foothills Drifter... :unsure:

  2. It is a tube in a Bisons ear behind the ear drum in which sound travels


    Why would you respond to a legitimate question in this manner? The OP apparently is relatively new to our hobby and to this forum and asked a simple question. Granted, a Google search would have answered his question, but isn't that what this forum is all about, helping someone with a question?


    Remember, we all started out with little knowledge of geocaching, and either learned on our own, or read this forum to learn.


    Remember, you only get one chance at a first impression.


    +1 <_<

    I'm french speaking Belgian, pretty new to Geocaching, and also asked myself where does that term come from.



    Looks like some folks ain't got no sense of humor...


    Vern / Foothills Drifter... B)

  3. Howdy......

    This is what I found......


    Most Groundspeak and Geocaching logo-related questions are answered at our page that details Logo Usage and Trademark Information: http://www.geocaching.com/about/logousage.aspx


    Please email logo@Groundspeak.com for assistance if your concerns are still not answered.


    There is also a public domain logo which was independently produced. Groundspeak does not manage this at all. It is used widely and is often seen with some small variation such as color, or a graphic background. More information on the public domain logo is available at: http://bytethebullet.com/geologo/


    Vern / Foothills Drifter...

  4. I am making a forum section for people in San Diego who want to give info on caches that they are hiding.


    For example (DTN29129 and bitman posted a note in the San Diego Thread that they where hiding 33 new caches in Black mtn area.)


    I making a series right now called Hike-N-Bike San Diego County. It is a series of hiking and biking caches through out San Diego county canyons or open areas. I will hide 5 per canyon and post 2 or 3 at a time unless I hide all 5 the same day.


    Hope you like the idea.





    I am planing on a new hide on Shelter Island this week...and another next week.


    Vern / Foothills Drifter... :anitongue:

  5. I am new to geocaching and need to get a GPS. I want to get one that is small, easy to use and preferably doesn't cost a lot. Any suggestions?



    Garmin Vista HCX

    Now you gotta do a little research to find the best price......


    Vern / Foothills Drifter... :)

  6. I need something with streets maps (topo would be nice), something that can download straight from this site and has removable storage. Any ideas?





    Vern / Foothills Drifter... :)

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