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Everything posted by ThePolarBear

  1. Don't forget to come to IHO: The Three Musketeers tomorrow (Saturday 6/7) evening!!!
  2. Don't forget to come to IHO: The Three Musketeers tomorrow (Saturday 6/7) evening!!!
  3. Don't forget to come to IHO: The Three Musketeers tomorrow (Saturday 6/7) evening!!!
  4. Ahem . . . umm . . . where do you work? Yes...where do you work....Oh wait....big rock on left hand. Pity. --TT-- Make sure you bring her to an event... - soon!
  5. That is a great picture! It will be good to say hi to you again.. Paul Too keep up with the times... Shouldn't it say "Will Give Hints 4 Gas" instead since it's almost $4.50 gallon
  6. So far about 30 people are coming to IHO: The Three Musketeers event! Please sign up before Friday afternoon (5/30) if you are planning on attending since I have to give the owner a reasonable headcount for reserving the room(s), purchasing supplies (i.e. beer and pizza), etc.
  7. I hate it when you're FTF and the cache was muggled!
  8. Harmon, you need to get out more!!! Seriously... You're deteriorating fast... but I'll have some chocolate chip cookies if that's OK.
  9. Gee...the memory must already be fading. The name of the cache was "La Cucaracha Rio" And it's guaranteed to restore your memory of La Cucaracha Rio! (It sure did the job for me... ) After I did La Cucaracha Rio I was hooked... That's when I created my tagline (Discover more of San Diego - cache underground!) and I decided I wanted to create an "urban cave" cache myself
  10. Anybody interested in going up to White Mountain and bag White top? This is a pretty tough hike but nowhere near as bad as Mt Whitney - this hike has been done in a wheelchair! I'm looking to go there the first Sunday in August (flexible) since the gate to the research station is unlocked for the day which saves about 4 miles round-trip. The idea is to mountain bike as far as possible, ditch the bike and hike the rest. Any takers?
  11. This is additional info that could not be listed on the cache page for event GC1BYWT IHO: The Three Musketeers due to its commercial nature. However, I thought it would be a good idea to include it. NOTE: Due to its commercial nature, this thread will self-destruct within 15 seconds after you've read it... please stand back!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Here’s the deal with Round Table: RT’s pizzas can be a little pricey (and also very tasty), but there are several places you can get coupons – perfect for a cacher on a budget, or to save some money towards your next TB. If you live in University City/No Clairemont, look in the Penny saver about mid-month. In the back of the Yellow Book in section C-5 (not the Yellow Pages) On-line at www.RoundTablePizza.com (you need to sign up to be able to print coupons). The restaurant owner has agreed on giving 20% discount on any Large or X-Large pizza when you mention that you’re part of the Geocaching event.
  12. The long awaited P&B Event is coming soon!!! Mark your calendars for June 7th!!!
  13. Congratulations to FlagMan and devhead for FTF and LLOT for STF!!! Although LLOT could easily been co-FTF with the other guys, he decided to do something other than geocaching - Hmmm... It's the first time I've seen James pass on a FTF - suddenly I got a puzzle idea! or not... Anyhoo - when's the party???? I'm doing my best to have it on Saturday, June 7th; I'll have to work on a suitable location.
  14. Awesome!!! Linda you're on fire!!! Hmmm... That reminds me, has anybody seen here lately...
  15. Teco #20 - Finale! is solved (and it didn't end badly)!!!
  16. I just added a hint to Teco 20 - let's see if anybody is clever enough to figure it out. I also decided to up the ante for the FTF - you get an all day hiking trip in Tecolote Canyon after your pizza and beer
  17. Any chance you can post a map of the area?
  18. Yes, your little plan would have been perfect if it wasn't for them. You would never have had to pay up. But you didn't count on them in your evil little plan, did you? Unsolvable or not, I'll get back to that nasty piece of business just as soon as I solve this other puzzle cache I'm working on... ...speaking of which, I sure could use a hint on Line 37 of Form 6251 where it says: Enter the amount from line 6 of the Qualified Dividend and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet for Form 1040, line 44, or the amount from line 13 of the Schedule D Tax Worksheet for Schedule D (Form 1040), which ever applies (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary). If you are filing Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ, see instructions for the amount to enter Now that's a tough puzzle cache! Dude!!! I'm stumped!!! Who can we ask for hints???
  19. The last we spoke, we decided it would be in Tucson at the next Padres-Diamondbacks game. Beers are a bit more expensive in the ballpark, and the transportation for all of us local team members to the venue might cost Patrick a little bit more, but the entertainment can't be beat! I suspect that this is the reason that we couldn't open the Teco #20 PDF file. It was to buy time in order to replace it with a new PDF file that is unsolvable... Unsolvable?!?! I didn't hear jac20 and bitmap say that...
  20. Stats!!! Only one more puzzle to go and it's a tight race... 19 f = FM, LLOT, devhead 18 f/v = TT, rjb 13 v = HD_98 Stats by Cache Found: Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? Teco #12 - Acronyms Teco #13 - Stuck! Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe Teco #16 - Numbers Teco #17 - Cubik's Rube Teco #18 - Memories Teco #19 - Riddles Solved but not found: None Unsolved: Teco #20 - Finale! --------------------------------------------- Stats by Cacher lulu499 Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami mmcgr Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #3 - Odd! devhead Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays (Co-FTF) Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? Teco #12 - Acronyms Teco #13 - Stuck! Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe (Co-FTF) Teco #16 - Numbers Teco #17 - Cubik's Rube Teco #18 - Memories Teco #19 - Riddles The Dillon Gang Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays (Co-FTF) Unknown_2_You Teco #1 - Warm-Up Beta Eagle 1 Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi (FTF) Teco #3 - Odd! (FTF) Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? (FTF) Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #11 - ??? Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe QDman Teco #4 - The Wave (FTF) PQGeoTrekkers Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #6 - Brain Teasers (FTF) cache_kid Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe (Co-FTF) Duncan! Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe Let's Look Over Thayer Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking (FTF) Teco #8 - Dominoes (FTF) Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami (FTF) Teco #11 - ??? Teco #12 - Acronyms (Co-FTF) Teco #13 - Stuck! Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe Teco #16 - Numbers Teco #17 - Cubik's Rube (FTF) Teco #18 - Memories (Co-FTF) Teco #19 - Riddles (FTF) Thunder-4 Teco #9 - Birthdays (Co-FTF) trapperjre Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #3 - Odd! rjbloom & co Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? (FTF) Teco #12 - Acronyms Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe Teco #16 - Numbers (FTF) Teco #17 - Cubik's Rube Teco #18 - Memories (Co-FTF) Teco #19 - Riddles jklotch Teco #1 - Warm-Up Triple Crown Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami jac20 Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #10 - Origami Teco #14 - 10 Miles (FTF) warmouse4000 Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #9 - Birthdays SlowWalker Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe FlagMan Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? Teco #12 - Acronyms (Co-FTF) Teco #13 - Stuck! (FTF) Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe Teco #16 - Numbers Teco #17 - Cubik's Rube Teco #18 - Memories (Co-FTF) Teco #19 - Riddles karstenerik Teco #1 - Warm-Up Slowtroll Teco #1 - Warm-Up Wild Chicken Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave stp1972 Teco #1 - Warm-Up cache crop Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi jahoadi and john Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? bitmap Teco #18 - Memories (Co-FTF) ---------------------------------------------------- Virtual Finds This is for cachers that cannot get to the physical cache (out-of-town etc.) but like to solve puzzles. Just send me an e-mail with the correctly solved coordinates and you get a virtual find. Consider it an "honorary" find and you can get FTS. TucsonThompsen Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays (FTS) Teco #10 - Origami (FTS) Teco #11 - ??? Teco #12 - Acronyms Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe Teco #16 - Numbers Teco #17 - Cubik's Rube Teco #18 - Memories Teco #19 - Riddles ZSandmann Teco #1 - Warm-Up HiDude_98 Teco #1 - Warm-Up Teco #2 - Sci-Fi Teco #3 - Odd! Teco #4 - The Wave Teco #5 - Say what?!? Teco #6 - Brain Teasers Teco #7 - Ranking Teco #8 - Dominoes Teco #9 - Birthdays Teco #10 - Origami Teco #11 - ??? (FTS) Teco #14 - 10 Miles Teco #15 - Tic-Tac-Toe NYPaddleCacher Teco #5 - Say what?!?
  21. Subject: Wal-Mart Wine Wal-Mart announced that, sometime in 2008, it will begin offering customers a new discount item ---- Wal-Mart's own brand of wine. The world's largest retail chain is teaming up with Ernest & Julio Gallo Winery of California to produce the spirits at an affordable price, in the $2 - $5 range. Wine connoisseurs may not be inclined to put a bottle of Wal-Mart brand into their shopping carts, but "there is a market for inexpensive wine," said Kathy Micken, professor of marketing at University of Arkansas, Bentonville. "But the right name is important." Customer surveys were conducted to determine the most attractive name for the Wal-Mart wine brand. The top surveyed names in order of popularity were: 10. Chateau Traileur Parc 9. White Trashfindel 8. Big Red Gulp 7. World Championship Riesling 6. NASCARbernet 5. Chef Boyardeaux 4. Peanut Noir 3. I Can't Believe it's not Vinegar ....I like this name!!!! 2. Grape Expectations.....this one is great, too!! 1. Nasti Spumante The beauty of Wal-Mart wine is that it can be served with either white meat (Possum) or red meat (Squirrel).
  22. I Demand Pizza and Beer Party! Maybe we should call it off - Pizza will make us fat and our brain cells sluggish and Beer kills off braincells... compelling reasons why this series is taking so long...
  23. Teco #18 - Memories is solved!!!
  24. I agree, that'll be a mountain of trash and it'll probably look a bad as the one in RSD when they're done. I wasn't going to reply to this, but I kinda wanna bump this thread into the next page. ThePolarBear's face is kinda freakin' me out. No offense, Patrick!! D! None taken... I guess! Geez, What does a guy have to do to get some respect around here... ???
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