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Everything posted by ThePolarBear

  1. Since the CO is back, please archive this thread!
  2. Shoot for 5 hrs including rest/food/water breaks. All waypoints are off streets in urban areas - if your GPSr has street maps it shouldn't be a problem. You do need a set of wheels to get to the different WPs.
  3. Try IHO: Eric and Hill - Crazy Adventures... if you dare...
  4. Instead of archiving them, let them run its course... Then Marko will for sure archive them...
  5. Cache guardian at GC224A5
  6. Don't you mean fireworks???
  7. Once upon a time there was a young man who wanted to become a great writer. "I want to write things the whole world will read," he declared. "Stuff that will elicit strong emotions from people in every walk of life. I want my writing to make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger." ... He now lives happily ever after in Redmond, Wash., writing error messages for Microsoft
  8. Bubba's pregnant sister was in a bad car accident, which caused her to fall into a deep coma. After nearly six months, she awoke and saw that she was no longer pregnant. Frantically, she asked the doctor about her baby. The doctor replied, "Ma'am, you had twins - a boy and a girl." The babies are fine. Your brother came in and named them. The woman thought to herself, "Oh, no! Not Bubba; he's an idiot!" Expecting the worst, she asks the doctor, "Well, what's the girl's name?" "Denise," the doctor answers. The new mother says, "Wow! That's a beautiful name; maybe I was wrong about my brother. I really like the name 'Denise.'" What's the boy's name?" The doctor replies, "Denephew."
  9. HONK! HONK! HONK! I've actually done it 3 times... Congratulations on finishing it... Looking at the picture, methinks that you were thinking too much while plodding around. Reminds me of "My parents are in the iron and steel business! My mom irons and my dad steals..." Well, now I can archive IMC and move the WP's around a little and create a new cache.
  10. We have a hardcore winner - loookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer??? Congrats to loookin4u for FTF honors!! If anyone else is interested, Thunder-4, deniel3 and his son and I will be making an assault hoping for single day completion of both challenges this Sunday, 4/17 starting at 0600 from the main parking lot staging area... FlagMan is also hardcore!!! I literally caught him with his hand in the cookie jar (i.e. cache), but he didn't look guilty... More like he had earned it. Another hardcore finder - deniel3 with family. I've promised that the first 10 hardcore finders will get a memento to hang on the wall at the next M*A*S*H Event, so get out there and earn it... Congratulation to denielschick - the first hardcore Iron Mountain Woman to log it!!! Ol' Mossback did the hardcore thing... Still 5 more certs up for grabs at the M*A*S*H event.
  11. We have a hardcore winner - loookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer??? Congrats to loookin4u for FTF honors!! If anyone else is interested, Thunder-4, deniel3 and his son and I will be making an assault hoping for single day completion of both challenges this Sunday, 4/17 starting at 0600 from the main parking lot staging area... FlagMan is also hardcore!!! I literally caught him with his hand in the cookie jar (i.e. cache), but he didn't look guilty... More like he had earned it. Another hardcore finder - deniel3 with family. I've promised that the first 10 hardcore finders will get a memento to hang on the wall at the next M*A*S*H Event, so get out there and earn it... Congratulation to denielschick - the first hardcore Iron Mountain Woman to log it!!!
  12. We have a hardcore winner - lookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer??? Congrats to loookin4u for FTF honors!! If anyone else is interested, Thunder-4, deniel3 and his son and I will be making an assault hoping for single day completion of both challenges this Sunday, 4/17 starting at 0600 from the main parking lot staging area... FlagMan is also hardcore!!! I literally caught him with his hand in the cookie jar (i.e. cache), but he didn't look guilty... More like he had earned it. Another hardcore finder - deniel3 with family. I've promised that the first 10 hardcore finders will get a memento to hang on the wall at the next M*A*S*H Event, so get out there and earn it...
  13. We have a hardcore winner - lookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer??? Congrats to loookin4u for FTF honors!! If anyone else is interested, Thunder-4, deniel3 and his son and I will be making an assault hoping for single day completion of both challenges this Sunday, 4/17 starting at 0600 from the main parking lot staging area... FlagMan is also hardcore!!! I literally caught him with his hand in the cookie jar (i.e. cache), but he didn't look guilty... More like he had earned it.
  14. We have a hardcore winner - lookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer??? Congrats to loookin4u for FTF honors!! If anyone else is interested, Thunder-4, deniel3 and his son and I will be making an assault hoping for single day completion of both challenges this Sunday, 4/17 starting at 0600 from the main parking lot staging area... O sure, so where were you guys when I needed you yesterday? Poor ol' man trudging along all by himself .... Your comments are way too soft nowadays... Whatever happened to "Y'all gonna die!"
  15. HONK! Yeah, well, you're the wiseguy that caused me to trudge way out here to see a big stone. Thanks for the entertainment fella! Besides, you could have placed IMC No. 2 at this fallen rock; but no, you placed it way down, down, down the hill past the fallen rock. Stop laughing! No need to thank me for the fresh air and exercise... Sounds like you made it half-way yesterday - WP6?
  16. We have a hardcore winner - lookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer??? Well, uhm ... my momma taught me to be polite so I always leave first-honors to others. Yeah, that's it ... second-honors too by the way. Harmon, you da' man!!!
  17. We have a hardcore winner - lookin4u Read the log! Harmon, where were you? Sitting in front of your computer???
  18. Here's a new challenge for you and a reason to go back to Iron Mountain: Iron Mountain Challenge (GC2RJRN) Iron Mountain Challenge Part 2 (GC2RJVC) Who will be first to make it???
  19. ... and I'm going to plant a dozen puzzle caches this weekend.
  20. Don't forget Iron Mountain. Roundtrip is ~6 miles with lots of caches on a well defined trail.
  21. Anything can happen when you're out in nature. Had a few calls myself with rattlers in the past and recently a couple of Canadian cachers had a scary moment at one of my caches in Tecolote Canyon. Read the log. I wish for a full and speedy recovery for rscaensd.
  22. RIP General. You will be missed...
  23. Hmmmm... Looks like this topic took a turn somewhere...
  24. The Logic of the Great Whites Two great white sharks, swimming in the ocean, spied a ship in distress. "Follow me, son," the father shark said to the son shark, and they swam to the ship. "First we swim around the people in the water with just the tip of our fins showing." And they did. "Well done, son! Now we swim around them a few times with all of our fins showing." And they did. "Now we eat everybody." And they did. When they were both gorged, the son asked, "Dad, why didn't we just eat them all at first? Why did we swim around and around them?" His wise father replied, "Because they taste better without the crap inside."
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