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Everything posted by JoenGPS

  1. Will Oak be selling these or are they just for trade?
  2. If you read the above post from Hogwild, you'll see they will be doing a 2 day presale. geeez. All well and good when a website works.... order 2 and and it reports 46 and dumps you?..... The new presale has no LE's.......... Nice for you and I see I am not alone on the order mishaps...full carts suddenly turning up empty...
  3. Well apparently there were no lesson learned from the 2007 Compass coin fiasco. Had the basket filled with two sets and two each of the singles (mandated 10 coins) and the sucker came up with 46 sets.... dumped me out..went back tried 5 each of the singles..too late...negative numbers. Ya know....some coins are just not worth this ........can you learn the word pre-sale? geeez
  4. Candle lit..our thought are with you.
  5. Thanks.....for that info!
  6. If you complete a cartridge, say with 5 historic stops and descriptions and you would like to expand the tour (for instance two more stops at a later date), is that possible? I realize a geocache type of tour would probaby have to be complete but I was thinking more of a history tour without a cache at the end. Thanks.
  7. Add a vote for SJG from us. This is a model geocaching organizations both in the geocaching community and elsewhere. We have never met folks so willing to help out the community and each other in time of need. We are proud to be members of such an outstanding group!
  8. If you google Permithrin for clothes you will find several place to by a liquid you can add to the washer with your geo-clothes. We tries it last year, there is no smell (after it dries) and it works pretty good. I have seen tick jump off my brush pants! It last for about 4-6 washings. We also use deet, pull your socks over your pants give that a spray and avoided the chiggers too.
  9. MY error (not Sue) was visiting the same cache 3 times! We did the cache, forgot to log it. It is a pretty good drive in the middle of the Pine Barons in NJ (4X4) on some of the roads. Several months later it popped up again in a PQ, ...drove all the way out......laughed..signed the log again..and you guessed it forgot to log it AGAIN . Several weeks later, not recognizing the name, we were busy chatting in the geojeep on the way to a "new cache" we arrived at GZ for the third time. I looked out the window....& said "Hey what the,,,????" Laughed again, signed again and made sure we logged it this time. THE CO told me if I go back again I need to bring a new log book!
  10. I see no mistake was made sending a coin for you to do with as you please. You are more a Jedi than I might ever hope to be Wow!!!...our first look at mystery coins! What a unique concept! It's good to know someone is carefully watching the Dark Side for us!
  11. Hands down, these are the most prized coins in our collection. If you have never seen these coins in person, hold on to your hat! If you are, or ever thought about being a "Maine-iac" they capture the spirit of both kayakerinmaine and this beautiful state.
  12. Frogs in my mailbox....Wooohooo! Wow are they are beautiful! Well done StepH!
  13. Wow..a XMAS morning suprise! All the stories collectively prove what a great hobby this is and how it has created a unique extended family of cachers and coiners! Thank you Castleman and Merry XMAS and Happy new Years to all in our great caching community! JoeNSue
  14. Lucky we were home to sign for it...2008 Gold Leaf Alaskan Bear coin....WOW!!!
  15. Geocaching has given us health, both mental and physical. It has allowed us to find and explore places only local's know in each state we traveled to. It has brought us into a family of close friends, some we have never laid eyes on (yet). It allows us to give back by bringing others into this enjoyable sport. Do we need to mention geocoins? Merry XMAS all!
  16. We cache....we sleep...we check the mailbox... A cachers/coiners mantra....
  17. HAD to get a few of these....did not want V1's to miss their realtives...
  18. Sue & I exhausted the thesaurus and dictionary to try to describe these stunning coins.... We came up with "WOOOOOW"....!!!!! ..just "WOOOOOOW".... Thank you for a true work of art!
  19. Have unrolled the sleeping bag and have camped under the mailbox for V1.....wait!!!!!!....was that the mailman..???? nuts..... ....tomorrow...maybe tomorow!!!!!
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