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Posts posted by WoffoDave

  1. I agree with "Team Microdot" about not implementing the TB auto-visit option. There have been multiple complaints by TO's about seeing pages and pages of visit logs for their trackables, without any indication that the TB was actually at the location of the visited cache.


    I would also agree with not implementing AUTO-posting to social networking sites. There is already an option to share a specific cache page, so a cacher can do it if they want, but do they really need it to be automatically posted for them? I mean, is it really that much extra effort to click Share and then select FB/Twitter?


    Noncentric - I haven't seen a 'share' option on the new app. I'll have a look and that may be my solution. If not, then I'll come back for advice.

  2. Thats a shame microdot, how about an opt-out or even opt-in option?

    You still get control of your info (fair enough) and those that want to get to post. Right now we cant even if we want to.




    Please don't implement either of the above - I like having control of what does and does not get posted and where it does and does not get posted.

  3. Team,

    this may be somewhere else so pse redirect me if needed.


    Improve suggestion in 2 parts:

    1. Re-establish the autopost to facebook (and perhaps twitter?), it was a great way to show where I had cached and spread the geocaching message.


    2. Setup an auto-visit function for travel bugs in the users inventory. Would be great if the app prompted me or auto logged a visit when I grabbed a proper cache.


    Otherwise - I'm really enjoying the new app and (subject to Spidey-senses) have been using it to great effect.



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