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Everything posted by housefamily

  1. It was a spectacular moment. In the middle of a field after a fiendlishly hard cache. Well except that we only found out it was their 300th after the event! Well done! And thanks for taking us out caching to witness the occasion.
  2. ... what he said! Basically there are two main groups of pdas - based on the OS (operating system) they use. These are: 1) PocketPC - based on Windows mobile - more powerful - colour screen - can play video and audio - more expensive - often has builtin wifi + bluetooth (internet connectability) 2) Palm - use PalmOS - usually black and white - more expensive models are colour screen - simpler to use (allegedly) - usually come with less memory - cheaper (usually) It all comes down to what you want out of it. If you just want to use it for caching and possibly for calendar and contacts, then people will tell you to use a Palm. They're cheap - off eBay - are available second hand - and therefore it doesn't matter so much if you drop it! Personally I use an HP Ipaq h2210. But I use it for a lot more than Geocaching - I can surf the web, view contacts, calendar, movies and listen to MP3s. I'd go into your nearest PC World and have a play with a few of them. But DON'T buy it from there! Type the model number into Froogle and find an internet supplier. Hope that helps!
  3. I can almost see that cache from my office window! Please don't get rid of it - it's a great way for me to show colleauges how geocaching works during their lunch hour!! The one in the garden did make you look a bit conspicuous when retrieving - even if you pretended to sit down for a rest - I always worried that people would wonder what you were doing in the garden in the first place!!! Geoff
  4. Well done Bob! Let's hope the next 200 cows caches don't cause you too much of a problem!!
  5. [anorak] Weeeeelll. According to 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves' by Lynne Truss (a brilliant book) putting full stops in the middle of acronyms and abbreviations is no longer considered necessary!! [/anorak] But I agree - abbrevations are simply a way of making postings more colourful - just like smilies - Geoff
  6. It was on the Google Videos link that was either posted in here, or maybe in the chatroom? I did mention it in the chat rooms once - I can't remember who was around. I hate it when you've seen something but can't remember where!!
  7. Er yes. We hadn't really gone prepared (despite taking a camera along to film it!!!) - but to be fair we didn't take anything - it was more for comic effect!! The thing most people notice is that I say 'adult treasure hunting' - ooer - I just ad-libbed all of that section, and was kind-of expecting to do it again - we just didn't get around to it!!
  8. Thanks for all the kind comments - it was just a bit of fun... thanks to the unique way a certain broadcaster is paid for We were in Torquay covering the NUT conference - my friends were quite keen to come geocaching. I think they enjoyed it but I'm not sure whether they've tried since - I haven't seen them for a bit. Sorry about that - I didn't know esnips had a bandwidth limit (I can't find any mention of it in their T&Cs) If you really want to view it, I've put the videos on another website for the next week or so: Hi res version Low res version Geoff
  9. ... all your friends are tired of hearing about geocaching ... you spend journeys trying to spot a cache POI on your TomTom as you drive along ... you keep checking your email to see if anyone's visited your caches (or moved your TBs) ... you're up till 12:20 in the morning replying to a post on the forum er... (goodnight)
  10. Funny that - a similar thing happened to us on the way to the CITO event in Reading....
  11. Well done DRC!! If someone can manage that many caches without even being able to drive... it puts us all to shame !!! Great stuff - and keep the new caches coming - we'll get an FTF on one of them one day! Geoff & Gill
  12. D'oh I've now spotted the line at the bottom of the page that tells me so!! It just seemed a bit more logical to use html as it's something an owner would design rather than something someone would log. I haven't really looket at UBB yet - so I'll get cracking... Many thanks!
  13. This may have been asked before but I've had a good look around... Would it be possible for the description field in bookmarks to be able to accept html? I have a list of caches around a walk, and have a map that I've created. I've also got a couple of handy documents I could do with linking to. I realise I could do this on each cache page, but it'd make more send to put it in one place. Thanks!!! Geoff
  14. <naive mode on> So does that mean you could put food in caches in the olden days? Mmmmm. Chocolate. </naive mode>
  15. What the...??? It seems like only yesterday you were 100 caches lighter! Seriously guys, well done - and it was great to meet you (Gary) in at the CITO in Reading. Hope to see you soon!
  16. I hear there's a chat patch available for those trying to give up...
  17. Well done on finding your 100th cache! The Knights introduced us to geocaching - think of all the things we could have accomplished with all that time we've spent searching for plastic lunchboxes!!! They had a bit of a slow spell due to illness but are now back on top caching form. Hopefully we'll catch you up soon!!
  18. I had a phone call from my mum because she'd seen my legs on the news. Bizarrely she was right - I'd walked past one of our live cameras - and if you know me you'll know I wear shorts from March -> November I've also had the side of my head shown a few times on rival news channels (Sky, ITN etc) as cutaways of the news camera crews. Does that count? - Geoff
  19. I agree with Birders. I've had my old ipaq repaired by www.ipaqrepair.co.uk and they had it back to me in 2 days!!! Very friendly and helpful service.
  20. Unfortunately we're both busy tomorrow - but it looks like you've got offers anyway! [] If you want to go out caching another time we'd be more than happy to have you along - the more pairs of eyes the better!!
  21. Just spotted this entry on a cache log: Took tea strainer, left wallet Depending on the contents of the wallet this could be a serious trade-up! http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...91-836e89c6ba5d
  22. What does 'bumped' mean anyway? (Deja vu?)
  23. I agree. I think that's good advice. Buy a Garmin Etrex or similar to start. I bought mine from Expansys for about £65 and it's brilliant. Easy to use and robust (so far!!). I have got a pda that I use with GPXSonar to store information on caches, but I could just as easily use a piece of paper!
  24. Nah. All sounds perfectly normal to me. My job takes me around the country (and sometimes abroad) - one of the first things I do is find out where the nearest caches are. In fact I'm off to find some this afternoon in Torquay - and to introduce another of my colleagues to the joys of caching!!!
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