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Everything posted by chuckwagon101
Ya mean ya ain't sposed to use your real name???? DAYYYYYYYY-YUMMMMMMM!
Its lame, but still looks like fun. I love the way the ammo can camo blends with the lamp pole skirt! And the way the contours blend together for concealment!! Pure GENIUS!!
If I get "into" this couch surfing thing...is it ok if I bring my Arm Chair caching supplies along? Ya see, I got this Lazy Boy 2000 with Rapid Shift handle thwarts and velcro stickies for upgrade notes. I really love it. On a more serious note, I hadduhh couch surfer person in my domicile once......showed up wearing a sock on their ear! Didn't bother me too much but got to haranging me for steel cut oatmeal! WTF!???? I told him I didn't take him to raise and he still got all "huffy". Oh well. Couch Surfing.......Hmmmmmmmmmmm...Kinda reminds me of the hippie communes back in the 60s. Excuse me, I feel my arteries beginning to harden up again.....and it's time for my morning nap!
**Voice of Hector Elizondo in "Valdez is Coming"** "What is all this talk of container size? You want me to clear up the problem? I go. First you get a big pile of sticks for WHATEVER container you choose. Next you SHUN all containers that do not have the Big Pile of Sticks. Then you plow salt into the ground of all caches that do not meet the criteria of The Big Pile Of Sticks. Now.....let us go look for some suitable branches...and bits of bark....and chunks of lovely blowdown!"
I don't want no electronic geeks toting hand-held witching devices running all over my property! I had enough of that with the hippies back in the 60s tromping all through my begonias! Hadda buncha paint sniffin' hoodlums just last week making a big fairy circle of huffin' stuff down to my pecan orchard! Now take all that super science stuff and.....GIT!! ***If you can convince this open minded old buzzard, then I will personally point you to some of my fav Big Pile of Sticks!***
I think it would be TOTALLY reprehensible, undefendable, unexcusable, and downright DASTARDLY to mark a cache with a Big Red X! Where is the fun in that???? JeeeeeeeeSHHHH!! Give me a break! Give it a rest!! Now....on the otherhand....if a person should mark each and every cache with a BIG PILE OF STICKS, preferably measuring at least two foot high and a four foot diameter....well then......now ya TALKIN'!!!!!! Gooooooooo Big Piles Of Sticks!! We love you!!
who else caches/hikes barefoot!
chuckwagon101 replied to BareFeat's topic in General geocaching topics
Sounds like lots of excitement........dodging horse hockey! -
who else caches/hikes barefoot!
chuckwagon101 replied to BareFeat's topic in General geocaching topics
Sounds great! I heard that playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded six shooter was awesome also!! -
Dealing With a Cache Thief
chuckwagon101 replied to Road Rabbit's topic in General geocaching topics
What do the logs say? tftc took ammo box left lock n lock. Now THATS funny! That is NOT funny! That is..............FREEEEEEKIN' HILARIOUS!! LOL! LOL! LOL! My sides are hurting!!! LOL! -
something I'd like to see in the hiding guidelines
chuckwagon101 replied to Hope13's topic in General geocaching topics
Difficulty is in the eye of the beholder. I think I read that somewhere! Anything that does not have a Big Pile Of Sticks in a Big Field under a Big Tree......is difficult for me! Some cachers don't see it that way. I wonder why? Maybe it's because of......my opening sentence! -
DayyyyyyyyyyYUmmmmmmmmmm! I don't care much for the left lane 45 MPH stuff but..........the other two scenarios are just the greatest sort of amusement where I live........down to the Shady Palms Trailer Court..Row 7, Lot #3! And not just crab legs but jumbo fried shrimp too! Now if you will excuse me I got to pick out some bluegrass on my banjo. And that elevator thang? There ain't nothin' more clever than a SBD and watchin' the shuffling, eye-rolling and such that goes on! It's a real study in psychology. I always wanted to take that up...that psychology stuff!
Where do you get your containers?
chuckwagon101 replied to MasterAlthalus's topic in General geocaching topics
LOL! LOL! That's funny Bruce!! LOL! LOL! However, we have to remember that old saying......."Many a true word is spoken in jest!" -
Great post sbell, GREAT post!! A cache hidden in a rock crevice after a 2000 foot climb through mountain laurel, perched on the edge of a cliff with a 50 mile view of Rhodendrons, Hemlocks and Mountain Laurel elicits only a .........TFTC, SL, TNLN THAT'S IT, for that cache! But let me find a SUUUWEEEEET Big Pile of Sticks next to a big tree alongside a dirt road not more than 5 minutes from a McDonalds or Burger King snack and ............OHHHH BAYYYYBEEEEEEE! I am leaving that cacher some good smacks about how much the cache meant to me, how uplifting it was when I sighted it from 150 yards as I came around the last curve in the road, how there was not much poison ivy due to heavy traffic of other cachers reaching through the fence and grabbing the lovely pieces of pine bark, oak gall limbs and the smattering of cottonwood branches off the top of the Ammo Can! I think your polarity is reversed. For an individual, I'm sure that the continuum always runs in the opposite direction. A person who 'TFTCs' your hypothetical 'great' cache will likely always 'TFTC' your hypothetical 'Big Pile O' Sticks' cache. However, the reverse doesn't hold to be true. A person who isn't inspired to write a glowing custom log on the mundane cache may certainly write one for the great cache, or not. I KNEW I should have put more goofy little icon hooties in my post!!
Great post sbell, GREAT post!! A cache hidden in a rock crevice after a 2000 foot climb through mountain laurel, perched on the edge of a cliff with a 50 mile view of Rhodendrons, Hemlocks and Mountain Laurel elicits only a .........TFTC, SL, TNLN THAT'S IT, for that cache! But let me find a SUUUWEEEEET Big Pile of Sticks next to a big tree alongside a dirt road not more than 5 minutes from a McDonalds or Burger King snack and ............OHHHH BAYYYYBEEEEEEE! I am leaving that cacher some good smacks about how much the cache meant to me, how uplifting it was when I sighted it from 150 yards as I came around the last curve in the road, how there was not much poison ivy due to heavy traffic of other cachers reaching through the fence and grabbing the lovely pieces of pine bark, oak gall limbs and the smattering of cottonwood branches off the top of the Ammo Can! Hey, that sounds like some of my caches... except I have a couple that are 7 minutes from a McDonalds... and I make a big pile of rocks, not sticks. (thank you very much). 'Cause let's face it, if Unkle Fester's going to hide, it's gotta have a rock involved... LOL! Funny stuff Uncle!!!! I LUVVVVES me some Big Pile Of Rocks...............when I can't get Big Piles Of Sticks!!!
Great post sbell, GREAT post!! A cache hidden in a rock crevice after a 2000 foot climb through mountain laurel, perched on the edge of a cliff with a 50 mile view of Rhodendrons, Hemlocks and Mountain Laurel elicits only a .........TFTC, SL, TNLN THAT'S IT, for that cache! But let me find a SUUUWEEEEET Big Pile of Sticks next to a big tree alongside a dirt road not more than 5 minutes from a McDonalds or Burger King snack and ............OHHHH BAYYYYBEEEEEEE! I am leaving that cacher some good smacks about how much the cache meant to me, how uplifting it was when I sighted it from 150 yards as I came around the last curve in the road, how there was not much poison ivy due to heavy traffic of other cachers reaching through the fence and grabbing the lovely pieces of pine bark, oak gall limbs and the smattering of cottonwood branches off the top of the Ammo Can!
I am on your side Fiesty Midgets! I personally think that hiding a micro in a forest is like Flying a Colorful Kite........AT NIGHT! I have grandkids! We don't get out often, just 31 finds since we started.....but those kids get TOTALLY excited about finding an Ammo Can full of tradeables! My grandkids can spot a Big Pile Of Sticks from a hundred yards or more! Maybe. Well, almost. Not really!
I think that is the same couple that bought the used Aero-Cline EZZZY Bouy Rocker from me about that time! It was LOADED! Dual controls, automatic bushwhacker sensors, Big Pile Of Sticks audio alert.......like I say....it was the deluxe model! Used, but very functional! Why, I could tell you of some of my armchair adventures in that chair that would cause hyperventilation in a novice! One time, when I first got the chair...........but, oh well. Some other time!
A long scenic walk through a cool green woods to get there? YOU NAILED IT!!!
QUESTIONS.......Can a cacher have thousands of smilies and be a "LOSER"? ........................Can a cacher be surrounded by hundreds of fellow cachers and be.......ALL ALONE? DON'T ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS!!!! Just answer this question....... What could be more BEAUTIFUL than a BIG PILE OF STICKS at the end of the geocaching Rainbow? NOW YA TALKIN'!!!
You people need EDUCATING! It is EASY to find geocaces in 6 or 8 states...IN ONE DAY! All you have to do is own your own Lazy Boy Jet Recliner! Ready for takeoff captain! Roger! Power lever UP! Roger! Vibration damper ON! Roger! And AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY we GOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOOK! Up in the sky! I'ts ............Lazy Boy Man!! HEY!! It could HAPPEN!!!!
Oh so now your saying that just because cachers get high numbers they must be claiming finds they didn't actually make????? what a idiot. Ooh, looks like we hit a nerve! I didn't say all high numbers cachers claim finds they didn't make. Just a higher percentage than the general population. Not surprising, since high numbers cachers tend to value their find counts very highly, while normal people don't really care all that much. The only "normal" people in geocaching are the ones that revere the BIG PILE OF STICKS!! People like....well.....LIKE ME! If your find count smilies are not at LEAST 99 percent BIG PILE OF STICK finds, then you are just spinning your wheels in the quagmires of geocachdom!! And everybody is free to play the game how THEY want to play it.......as long as it includes the BIG PILE OF STICKS!!
I think it is a SAD day for geocaching when some rude cache owner deletes a log just because they think it was ARM CHAIRED! I mean, where is the compassion any more in this game??? Just because one of the caches I found was 300 miles away on the side of a 17,000 foot mountain doesn't mean I didn't find it!!!! I DID find it that day, along with 638 more caches. So........HRUMMMMPH! Now, all you cachers start giving a poor Arm Chair cacher a break! I FOUND all those caches! Well........IT COULD HAPPEN!! And don't try to "make up" with me by leaving a BIG PILE OF STICKS!! It WON'T work! Not this time. Well..........maybe it would!
[ You stated in your own hint 'the clue is the name'. This person basically wrote in the log the same thing. What's the difference? They did not give away any extra hints you had not given away yourself. As for the location reference... just let it go. Try not to let the logs bother you so much as everyone has their own opinion. Kudos to mfamilee! What a perfectly outstanding bit of advice!! Perfecto!
GPS Accuracy Could Start Dropping in 2010
chuckwagon101 replied to TheAlabamaRambler's topic in General geocaching topics
WHEN SATELLITES ARE OUTLAWED......ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE SATELLITES!! I saw this on a bumper sticker one time. I think. Maybe not. -
WHAT!!? Log a DNF and look like a LOOOOOOOOOOOZZZZZER!!!? I log all my DNF. The only thing is........I have never had to do that. You see, I am STILL LOOKING!! Ya gotta play the game the way YOU wanna play the game! (I heard somebody say that one time! ) But enough of this DNF discussion, I have to go sign up for my "Armchair Cachers Society" meeting!