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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. Hey! Looks like the thread has been kidnapped! This is a conspiracy!
  2. Now, that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Why do people let you post such drivel? It's demeaning to the nth degree. You could get in serious hot water with the PTB* for this... ... you know full well that they're not gray, they're ORANGE. *heavy sigh of patience* * aka, alien orange overlords
  3. Actually, I think we're a nano.
  4. I thwought I thaw a thmilie.
  5. Aha, so THAT's one of the benefits of Platinum-level membership: ignore-list immunity! Like Area 51, it's shrouded in secrecy but the observant mind can piece together the dropped clues. Oh, but you missed the other benefit that Vinny inadvertantly let slip... a special relationship with ME! I mean, come on, who wouldn't want that? (Above reply has been struck out because otherwise I'd be acknowledging that I saw your post, and I can't do that.)
  6. Just nod if you can hear me! Is there anyone home? .
  7. They're not... they all say "Ringbone"!
  8. Who are you talking to? The only posts in this thread are by you. *evil cackle* That's right! You're alllll figments of my imagination! And my imagination must be truly out of control, to have dreamed up Vinny!
  9. Ghosts... they put the "G" in GPS!
  10. Awwww....! sigh!!! I am truly sorry that our relationship has reached the point that you feel the need to place me on your ignore list. However, it cannot be done. Sorry! I cannot see the post above, of course. It doesn't exist. I'm not really quoting it. But I'm sure the poster is expressing his sorrow and remorse at the fact that his last check to me bounced, and is agonizing over what it will take to get back into my good graces and off my ignore list. $1,000,000 in bearer bonds, please, delivered to my Nigerian address. You know what it is! Also, the solutions to some of your blasted puzzle caches, since I'll be in MD at the end of the week, for a day or two. No, I don't take payment in goats.
  11. ... but how do you place a poster on the ignore list, so you no longer see their posts at all? I've never done it before, and I can't seem to locate the option.
  12. I have seen plenty of snakes geocaching, they seem to like finding ammo cans the most, but I have never met one canoeing... how do they row with no arms?
  13. Went up to Lincoln yesterday to meet a friend and do some caching. We had a string of DNFs, and were getting frustrated, so we went after a typical guardrail cache. That was when we started hearing voices. Well, *a* voice. "Further down! It's on the other end!" Sure enough, it was further down, on the other end... I'm not even sure who was calling, but he evidently knew what he was talking about!
  14. Try this one... It started as an inocent drive to church in a new town (I'd just moved.) I wasn't sure where the church was, exactly, so I missed the turn-off without knowing it, and kept on driving... panicked when I realized that there was a tollbridge over to Iowa just ahead... and it looked like a rickety toolbridge at that. I absolutely hate driving over bridges, so I turned right into a camping ground/park at the last possible minute. Sat there in the car, pulled out the GPS for some reason, and thought... "Hey, neat, there's a cache 400 feet away... and I still have ten minutes!" So I got out of the car, leaving my purse inside, and hurried off to find the cache - the coords led me to what looked like a miniature lake with a pole sticking up in the very center. Being dressed for church, in leaky shoes, I decided not to go for it, went back to the car. The keys were in the ignition still, laughing at me. The nearest phone was a quarter mile down the road. Pay phone, of course, and me with no change... managed to contact roadside assistance. Waited in the increasing dark and cold for the locksmith. Oh, and the cache in question? Turned out to be the first stage of a 5 part, 10 mile multi.
  15. "I have ten minutes to spare before church, and there's a cache right over there!"
  16. Reviving a very old thread to try to get recommendations for caches in the Emerald Isle area now. I'll be visiting on vacation from May 11-17, mostly to lie around teh beach, but I want to get some caching in, too. What are the most fun ones in that area? Thanks!
  17. I just about spit out my coffee at work!
  18. I'd like to register a complaint that Keystone is too fast to approve caches. I mean, 20 minutes for a cache listing? Honestly! Slow down! Especially since it seemed to activate someone's sense of entitlement.
  19. I thought you were going to get your psychic meter checked... how could you have failed to know there was a cache awaiting your attention! Shocking!
  20. Nothing justifies what reads to me as attempted rape. I don't care where they were or what they said.
  21. I have a habit of not finding my own caches. I've stopped disabling them when this happens, because invariably, if I stay quiet and not breathe a word about it, someone will find the 'missing' cache a day or two later. Cuts down on the public embarrassment factor... though I still don't know where the blasted thing IS now. But as long as people keep finding it, hey, that's what counts! And there have been times when I've been tempted to log a 'found it' on my own cache, for these reasons. But I never do.
  22. I was looking at my first finds just yesterday and remarked to my wife how far we traveled for those early caches. When a new one showed up it drew folks from 50 or 60 miles - not anymore in this neck of the woods. Did they have to walk uphill in the snow to find it? Both ways?
  23. You think not? Try reading through the logs on this cache... my log in here doesn't mention falling in the creek, but I was one of about seven people who have!
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