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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. Am I too late? Can I get my IBTL in in time?
  2. No. No, you don't need to.
  3. My toe broke today. Now, some things are supposed to break, like fevers and wishbones, but my toe is not a fever or a wishbone. It was hit by a falling metal chair. Now, I'm sure some things are supposed to be hit by metal chairs, though for the life of me, I can't think what, but I'm pretty sure my toe isn't one of those things. Why should I get this coin? I think metal owes me one, and the coin is decidely metal. But I promise to be nicer to it than it was to me. I won't make a chair out of it.
  4. Agreed. While I expected some pretty ridiculous arguments defending those folks who opted to drive from cache to cache, it was rather surprising to see the degree of disdain displayed toward those who expressed a love of our Earth. Send in the clowns cows! They'll do more damage than all the cachers put together, but as long as it's not people, I guess it's okay, or something like that. You know what, they probably will. But what you and others aren't getting is that land managers in other areas don't deal with cows, they deal with people. It is their perception of geocachers that is the issue. How can we get you people to understand that? How can we get you people to realize that the future of geocaching as we know it is at risk? This isn't Chicken Little. If we are perceived by land managers as a high impact sport our days of largely unfettered access to public lands are numbered. Maybe you numbers hounds don't give a clam's patootie because you'll still be able to rack up your smileys driving from guardrail to guardrail (unless you live in Virginia), but those of us who enjoy backcountry caches have a big dog in this fight because we want to be able to continue to enjoy them. You folk are just not seeing the big picture. Yep, real numbers hound here... 2000 caches since 2006. I've never done a powertrail, never plan to, but yeah, chalk me up as one of "those people" if it makes it easier for you. Whatever. But I'm not hearing the land managers squawking, just a bunch of cachers.
  5. Agreed. While I expected some pretty ridiculous arguments defending those folks who opted to drive from cache to cache, it was rather surprising to see the degree of disdain displayed toward those who expressed a love of our Earth. Send in the clowns cows! They'll do more damage than all the cachers put together, but as long as it's not people, I guess it's okay, or something like that. Do they? Can you (or anyone) show visual evidence of damage that has been done by grazing cows that is visible from space? I think a photo of an area where cow grazing is allowed and of an area near by where it isn't that should demonstrate that damaging effects of grazing. I suspect we're not going to see such evidence but I'm willing to be shown otherwise. Let's see... number of plants killed by cars following the same two tire tracks, vs number of plants killed by cattle running over the desert freely... Dust and impact on ground from cars following the same two tire tracks, vs dust and impact on ground from cattle running over the desert freely... Think about it. The whole "viewable from space" thing is pretty silly. If people ranged freely without following previous tire tracks, they'd do a lot more damage, at least to plants, but none of it would be visible from space.
  6. Agreed. While I expected some pretty ridiculous arguments defending those folks who opted to drive from cache to cache, it was rather surprising to see the degree of disdain displayed toward those who expressed a love of our Earth. Send in the clowns cows! They'll do more damage than all the cachers put together, but as long as it's not people, I guess it's okay, or something like that.
  7. This is ridiculous. Look, why doesn't someone who is out in Nevada just drive a herd of cattle over the Alien Head area? Since it's open grazing land, and that is allowed by the BLM, just use the cattle to obliterate the disputed tire tracks, and probably a lot of the caches. The CO can then go out and replace the caches, and in a year, we can rinse and repeat.
  8. (The defacement or destruction is visible on a low res jpeg image taken from SPACE.....) but, the rules/reviewers have an issue with people wanting to honor our military veterans? Or, since the celebratory tone of the post I'm referencing... ...it almost looks like this cache series had/has an agenda of CLEARLY defying a rule, and potentially making geocaching harder for all of us by doing so, I can only assume this entire series is awaiting archival now, by one of our astute reviewers. Just a note: the person who started the thread about that series was not the owner of the series, and had hit the sarcasm juice hard that day. Yes, he/she was being very sarcastic, not serious. And no, regardless of what you think of the series, the agenda was never to "CLEARLY defy a rule". It was to create a power trail. End note.
  9. I don't think soliciting for other geocaching sites is a good idea. Just saying.
  10. I fully understand… It seems that since the 1st of this year many EC issues, have been made as clear as 18 lb. drilling mud and the only consistency is inconsistency itself. Many cachers in my area are disappointed w/developing ECs and as a result have given up. If it wasn’t for the positive responses I’ve received, I too would have done so as well. So, as of now I’m truly sitting on the fence w/ECs. I’ve caught wind of something known a Opencaching, perhaps it’s time to look into it a bit more? Opencaching doesn't have earthcaches. 99% of the caches listed on it are copied from this site anyway.. it's an incomplete, imperfect clone of this site.
  11. Actually, I like to call them swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated, dictators with delusions of godhood.
  12. So, if I happen to like Harry Potter, you are calling me gross? I'm not calling you gross. You *are* gross. Welcome back. Chill out.
  13. I don't like the English system of measurement and I don't like to get involved in anything that have something to do with ... with them dozen dozens thingies. Thats why I am starting the INITIATIVE AGAINST THE TERM GROSS. I hope there are others who think like me.
  14. Last year, at my Christmas event, I had 12 geocoins as doorprizes. I put each of them in a bag, along with a slip of paper with one of the verses from "The 12 days of Christmas". All the winner had to line up and sing, or in one case, sign, their own verse as they wound through the song. Sounds simple, but it was a blast.
  15. *guilty look* I never thought of it that way. I'll try to do better, I swear!
  16. Don't tase me, bro.
  17. Thank you. How are your hides looking, inventory-wise? i have no hides. i'm never in one place long enough to properly maintain a cache. my wife and i are retired and live in our motorhome full-time. traveling the country and checking ahead to verify who's been naughty or nice in maintaining their inventory lists. Heck, seems like you're doing it from the comfort of your armchair, no need for travel. Or is this an out of body type experience?
  18. oh, but i fully intend to go through ALL of your caches. and if any of the listed trackablesare missing........ i do fully intend to place a note on your page. And... there it is! The sound of a thread [and an argument] imploding! Fortunately, the knower of chad can delete pointless, spammy notes.
  19. Unless it's a variation it's based on a grid. For example finding a cache in each county should cover it. As for cache rating changes, finder beware. I don't think it was part of the Delorme thing? Maybe a grid or something on difficulty levels or something? They had to go up, but a seeker complained that they would have to exclude the listing like it was a big deal. I'm sure it was to them, but I did not understand the issue. That's their hard luck. It sounds like it was a fizzy challenge, where they have to find every combination of difficulty and terrain possible. Challenges caches like the fizzy, the county challenge, the Delorme came well before the Groundspeak idea of a "Challenge", and are completely different. It's douwnright confusing and unfair, imho, for GS to re-use the term for something else.
  20. Psst. Look up. We posted at the same time.
  21. Not in my state. So I don't think it's a problem with the cache. And so to stay on topic the owner works very closely with people to verify the requirements. Contact your local owner to find out the best method. I don't know much about the subject. Just that some of my listings seem to be part of the Delorme challange. What is it anyway, and how/why are some of MY listings part of it? Have you ever seen a DeLorme atlas? There is one for every state; it divides up the state into grids, and each page has a chunk of the grid. The DeLorme challenge is to find a cache on every page of the atlas. nebraska, for example has 68 or 69 pages, I think; Rhode Island has nine or so. Your caches are physically located within a state, and therefore can be used to claim a part of the grid, or a particular page. Same as if someone were doing the County Challenge and used your cache to claim a particular county. That's all.
  22. I never looked much into it, but a cache that I had near an interstate got armchaired a few times by users "completing" the Delorme Challange as they quoted in their logs. I have another cache in Virgina just a few miles away from Kentucky and Tennessee that gets a few logs from the Delorme Challange cachers. From my experiences with my cache listings it seems more of an armchair event. It's not.
  23. Well, darnit! I'll be out in New York/Vermont area, but not until next week, and it will probably be too late then!
  24. I had my "Tuning Fork" cache up in a forked tree - beautiful spot, you had to shinny up a sloped tree to get it. Which was great, until part of the tree fell in a storm. I altered the desc to inform people that the fork was out of tune, and hid it at the base of the tree, lowered the terrain. Which was great until the Missouri River came up and put the cache site under six feet of water. As of now, that cache, and about four other of my caches, are disabled. I wish I could have left it in the tree.
  25. We so appreciate all the people who take the time and effort to write posts, good and bad, because what I think is a "attitude" post, some one else might call a favorite. Let's enjoy posting and not try to dictate how others post. Just my two cents.
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