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Everything posted by Sioneva

  1. That's Comrdade BlueBow to you.
  2. You are contradicting yourself again. Wasn't it just last week that you advised me to not look for logic where there was none to be found? Something about a purple crayon? Yes, and it was reported as a personal attack. Then the user tryed to start a personal conversation with me telling me that they should not have said that. If a person owns cache listings and takes part in these forums, you better use a sock puppet account. Just look at what is happining to users like myself. First the insults, now my listings are being attacked by some pervert. Ah, no, it was not reported as a personal attack. "The user" realized her error and deleted it before it could be. Then sent a single, non-repeating PM to set the record straight when it was strongly implied she was forced to do it, instead of doing it of her own free will. Which became grounds for whining on another site "the user" will not name... but whatever.
  3. You are contradicting yourself again. Wasn't it just last week that you advised me to not look for logic where there was none to be found? Something about a purple crayon? The crayon is undeniably purple. You are correct.
  4. You are contradicting yourself again.
  5. Welcome to the addiction! Before you really get started, you should record yourself saying "Hey, I never knew this place existed!" Because you're going to be using that phrase a lot.
  6. Communism, because people are exercising their free right not to speak? Uh, sure. Whatever. And yes, yes, I know. Personal attacks are not aloud. That was a rhetorical question. Retreating back into Communism here, by getting back out of the thread.
  7. Wow. Godwin's law from the getgo!
  8. Speaking as one who became interested in earthcaching, geology, and placing earthcaches because of the Masters program, I don't agree with the "negative impact". People seem to enjoy finding my earthcaches, at least. If further levels are going to be for experienced earthcache fiders/placers, they will already have interest in geology, and the quality issues you are worrying about, you don't need to.
  9. They don't all look alike. Mine has a BLUE arrow. Clearly superior.
  10. Well... I eat chocolate. The word cache is embedded in chocolate, all mixed up. Does that count?
  11. Well, for what it's worth, I think it's a great idea, and I'm looking forward to the new levels. I kinda got hooked on earthcaching by pursuing the earlier levels, so I don't /need/ new levels... but they'll sure be nice to get! Thanks, geoaware! P.S. joranda... that topic's been beat to death, let it rest.
  12. I hit the 1800 mark yesterday, realized it when I started logging. Finally within striking distance of that 2000 milestone!
  13. Congratulations! I guess I passed my 5 year anniversary in January, unnoticed. Maybe I'll make it to ten, too.
  14. I think the travel bug idea will make her happy. Thanks! My end-game goal is to own 20-30 caches with-in 50 miles of my home, ranging from simple & easy to ridiculously hard. I'm also working on creating the largest cache container in Nebraska.. We'll see if that works out. -Jaaake If you do, I'll come find it.
  15. which is why it was inapropraite for a reveiwer to joke about it. Why would that be inappropriate? I thought it was funny. the thread is about reveiwr ethics and an reveirwer is making jokes about cheating. it is inapropriate. Why? Reviewers can't have a sense of humor? Would you feel better if they found them under a sock puppet account? qhy do you keep talkin about sock pupetts? ift he sock fets, ware it! I spewed my rum and coke on my keyboard reading that one:laughing: Sorry about that...
  16. Okay. Getting out of this thread. Have fun!
  17. I wasn't around for the original "Ringbone" - how does this guy measure up?
  18. their wouldnt be anything wrong with heading outto jion others looking as long as you didnt try to steal the f2f from them. Okay, now we are getting way beyond parody.
  19. which is why it was inapropraite for a reveiwer to joke about it. Why would that be inappropriate? I thought it was funny. the thread is about reveiwr ethics and an reveirwer is making jokes about cheating. it is inapropriate. Why? Reviewers can't have a sense of humor? Would you feel better if they found them under a sock puppet account? qhy do you keep talkin about sock pupetts? ift he sock fets, ware it!
  20. what the **** is a rnigbone? Might want to watch the language, buddy. You're gonna get swatted.
  21. Why does my post say ringbone? Classic!
  22. No those were posted by other people, hence the discussion here. .... oh, never mind.
  23. Please have a donut. They're free.
  24. The listings were crossposted by their respective owners, who have every right to do so. Agreed, I didn't specify who was taking them. Does the same apply to the forum posts? I haven't checked.
  25. Most of their listed caches were taken from GC - so it makes a twisted kind of sense that they're starting to take forum posts over as well. Not saying it's right, but I'm not surprised either. The site's just a GC knockoff without forum moderators or real reviewers, aside from the "peer" variety.
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