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One Man and his Bike

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Posts posted by One Man and his Bike

  1. In Mystery caches there is a box to enter the final coordinates (is this new?).


    If you enter a set of coordinates that are west of the meridian and use a lower case W, when you hit save it becomes an E which kinda moves the location a touch.


    e.g if I enter "n 51 01.950 w 001 30.250" in the box on a cache, select Solved from the dropdown and hit save I get "N 51° 01.950 E 001° 30.250"


    I just tested and a lower case S will be converted to a N.


    I think there may be a bug in the website parsing.


    Ach, Never mind it's a GreaseMonkey script that added it.

  2. In Mystery caches there is a box to enter the final coordinates (is this new?).


    If you enter a set of coordinates that are west of the meridian and use a lower case W, when you hit save it becomes an E which kinda moves the location a touch.


    e.g if I enter "n 51 01.950 w 001 30.250" in the box on a cache, select Solved from the dropdown and hit save I get "N 51° 01.950 E 001° 30.250"


    I just tested and a lower case S will be converted to a N.


    I think there may be a bug in the website parsing.

  3. I'm a South Leicester cacher (Whetstone). It'd be nice to get some organised caching days.


    I'm bike only but a meet up for a lift anywhere in 8 miles or so radius to do a day's caching and meet some new friends would be lovely.


    Oh, and my bike is trackable and I'll chip in petrol money.

  4. Just read the log notes on your cache page. My opinion only, others may disagree, but would it be a nice gesture to contact the cachers who had to log a dnf and tell them that, in the circumstances, they can claim a find?


    I did that within an hour of the FTF. I offered to send them photos of the cache in the place that they obviously looked and matched the description and to enter their name in the logbook.

  5. And... panic over. Someone just logged a visit with a note that they took the TBs


    Sometimes people take days to log their caches/trackables online, I think you need to relax a bit otherwise you're gonna crack under the strain B) . Eventually a trackable may go missing from your cache, it's never nice but everyone realises it happens and no-one should be blaming the cache owners when it happens.


    I will relax when we have a few more about. This one's only been on the go for two weeks and my daughter's name is on it. She came and helped me nail the thing down this afternoon :)

  6. There isn't a signature in the log that hasn't logged the find... but I'll try to stop worrying.

    I'd probably post a non-accusatory note on the TB's web page. Either that or indulge in a massive rant against thieving cache cretins -- it would depend on my beer intake that evening.


    We can help you write it if you like. "Dear TB owner ..." Who's next?


    I just posted a note on each TB owners' logs. I simply stated that the bug was there and now it isn't and that the person who moved it on has yet to log the move.

  7. Ooh, bad luck. I'd suggest refilling with cheap items and hoping that whoever stole your stuff won't strike again. I've had similar happen -- there are idiots out there for sure -- but no repeat raids yet.


    Yes, but what do I tell the TB owners? And there were only a few hours between my visits and one person logged a visit in that time.

  8. My first cache was only published 2 weeks ago. Just a small-ish clip box painted dark green. It has had half a dozen founds already and isn't a particular challenge to find (just in a rather nice place with historic interest). Yesterday it had 3 logs from a group of regulars around here so when I passed on my way home I thought I'd have a look in the log and check on it (I cycle past it within 10 feet anything up to 20 times a week). I'd put plenty of swappables in it when it was published and a TB )which was picked up by the FTF).


    I was really happy to note that it had 2 new TBs in it and some swappables that my daughters would like to see so I thought it would be good to bring them down to it today.


    As it happens, the river that it is near to was flooding over and although the cache is in a slightly higher place than the surrounding land I felt it prudent to ensure it didn't float off if the river did get that high as it is wont to do sometimes.


    Last night someone else logged a find.


    This afternoon I grabbed the cache to take it and drill a hole in one of the tabs so I could wire it to the tree it is at the base of and took it home for an hour. The girls opened it and found no TBs and only half a dozen swappables. The inventory still shows 1 TB. Even the pencil went.


    Any suggestions?

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