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Lydford Locators

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Everything posted by Lydford Locators

  1. Yes, with enough notice we'd make a proper family holiday of it and stay a week.
  2. We translate individual pages using Babelfish. It's great but sometimes it can give strange results - recently in Holland the hint became "snack" when it really was "between" - I can see where it was coming from, but it wasn't very helpful at the time.
  3. Wow, fantastic service .... mine has just arrived! BIG Thanks. xx
  4. Mine still didn't come through from early yesterday morning ...... whatever you did, can you do it some more as I'd really like my PQ this week, pleeeease.
  5. Unfortunately we've already done the upgrade to our Oregon 300. We haven't had chance to find out exactly what is wrong, but have noticed that the icons are there until you zoom in - then they disappear.
  6. We're looking for a NZ caching buddy to join forces with for OVER THE POLE (North to South) - GCMYD6. We've found the UK micro which contains the co-ords of the NZ final, we just need someone who wants to go to Tauranga to find it. Apparently once found we can both claim the find. There is a similar NZ mirco Over the Pole South to North - GCMYWH with a final in the UK which we haven't found but would gladly go find too if you'd like us to. Again on this one, we can both claim the find. Anyone interested please email us.
  7. If we need an OS map of an area ours don't cover, we just pop down the local library where they have lovely laminated ones we can borrow for free.
  8. It wasn't damaged by a little black car with a camera sticking out of the roof was it? No it was one coming the other way, but if the camera car hadn't gone by I would have been quicker reversing back in against the kerb.
  9. Spotted my cachemobile complete with it's geocaching stickers on the rear window in Fairford, Gloucestershire. You can't see us but in the car is me, Nine Elms Navigators and TurnerTribe, just parked up and about to set off on a mum's caching day. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sour...2,32.72,,1,14.4 Image was taken on 23 March 2009 just seconds before someone drove into the wingmirror of my brand new cachemobile and failed to stop - now that would have been a good image.
  10. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sour...2,32.72,,1,14.4
  11. Your link doesn't seem to work - -try this one instead... Thanks Tim, I did try. x
  12. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/limage.aspx?imgid=7653736 Creature Comforts - Freddy Frog GC24FPV (Sorry not techi enough to make the photo show up here.)
  13. I'm off to an event in Wales tomorrow and would really like today's my PQs to arrive before I leave!
  14. Ditto here in the UK, it's back but our brand new PQ won't run.
  15. Likewise - Usually I cache in the week with TurnerTribe and at weekends alone when she can't get out caching. My total finds is roughly double hers .... so how is she over 100 places above me? Confused!
  16. Good news - the BBC weatherman has just told us that the horrible weekend weather will be good for the size of the bores. Bad news - he's just told everyone about the 5* bore on Tuesday.
  17. We had imagined that we'd always be caching together and hadn't realised quite addicted some member of the family would become, so it would have been better for us each to have our own identity (or her having her own ID) rather than one name for the whole family.
  18. I'm hoping to get along on the morning on 3rd as the bore arrives a little later than it does on 2nd, I should just about be able to get the children into the school morning club and get there in time to see the 4*.
  19. Have just spent a caching weekend away - only for the Oregon to say there were no caches in the unit! The four waypoint PQs worked fine, the four cache PQs are there when we plug it into the computer but the unit is adament they're not. A very frustrating caching weekend as you can expect. Will have to get my technical support (hubby) to read this all the above to see if any of it solves our problem. We certainly don't want it to happen again.
  20. We had some friends who started caching without a GPS - they managed OK with the straight forward traditional caches which had nice hints. On the cache page click on Geocaching.com Google map and zoom in, that should get you to the right tree, gate, etc. Good luck.
  21. Where are you based? If you're local, we'd happily show you our 3 GPSs in action - they range from a fairly basic Garmin Legend, through our very accurate Garmin 60CSx, to our all singing and dancing Garmin Oregon.
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