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Everything posted by jiminpotomac

  1. I've got an old North Face Exocet pack that I use. It has been incredibly hardy, traveling back-and-forth to England a few times, taken on several climbs, etc.
  2. I found a cable that the seller states will connect my HP Ipaq HX4700 to my Garmin Etrex Legend (e type connector). $24.95 plus shipping.http://stores.ebay.com/PocketMap-Store I can't wait to try it out. I've downloaded a trial version of Back Country Navigator and when the cable arrives later this week I'll test things. As I've got my 4700 set to true VGA mode, the details and amount of data presented in BCN is AMAZING. Here's hoping it all works out! Oh yeah, another vendor on eBay is selling a similar cable that also connects to your car's lighter outlet. If this one works I may pick up the powered cable so I can have a 4" VGA GPS readout in my car. Coolness!
  3. 2000 Porsche Carrera or the 2000 Range Rover One for dedicated on-road purposes (gets me to the cache quickly- very, very quickly) and the other is for off-road.
  4. Check out the Rock River LED flashlights @ Target. Awesome performance for a low low price ($26 + tax if I remember right for my 2xC model). I'm going to see if I can get an HDS 60 LE for my bday. http://www.hdssystems.com/EdcBasic.html
  5. All the above (including the survival knife) plus a compact Gerber hand axe/knife (knife stores in the handle). Also take along my headlight and a 3-D cell maglite, and a small assortment of 'biners, rope, etc (just in case). Used to hike a LOT when younger, and I guess I too always want to be prepared in case the worst happens...
  6. I've got a vacation home in Lewes...
  7. Just what IS the response time to a land-based EPIRB signal? As I'm once again getting back into the hiking/climbing hobby I'm tempted to pick up a pay-by-the-minute sat phone. Any recommendations on a sat phone too? I think a 4 or 5 watt GMRS radio set would be great for the kiddies too. An epi-pen too. I understand your concern. I don't see how it could hurt, but I can certainly see how it could help! Imagine a lost scout, or a couple of scouts getting injured, or someone has a severe allergic reaction to a bite/food. I'd want to get help to me ASAP.
  8. I'm using an Imate Jam. It is a PocketPC/Phone combo that isn't sold in the US. I love using it as a paperless cache. I use the GPRS signal (which is quite prevalent here in the DC area) to call up online maps and websites and to IM if necessary. I have GPXSonar installed right now so I can open .gpx files in it. I was considering moving back to a PDA/cell phone combination but now that I'm geocaching the old Jam has found a new life!
  9. Live in Potomac... where our motto is "My taxes are higher than your taxes."
  10. Well, I used to live on the 'Hill if that counts... Maybe we can get some of us from the 'burbs together with some from DC too? I'm sure there are a few caches along the canal, which is mid-way between us.
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