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Everything posted by hollora

  1. There was recently a system problem with moving Trackables. Try this: Go to http://www.geocaching.com/my/ Near the top of the page you should see a link for "Trackables Inventory". Click that and on the right, next to each of your travelers you should see Action: Move to Collection. That was how I was trying to do it - I suspected a system problem. Seems all better now - thank you!
  2. Placed an order - have been sitting on hands not buying coins but how could I resist these? I couldn't! Just love them!
  3. @ Maine Family - this was exactly what I was attempting to do - a few coins at a time. @ Droo - I have them in Inventory - just can't move them into the collection (read below). I even tried making them not collectible and starting again - nothing works. I went and edited the coin to collectible. Then when I went to the coin to move it to my collection the only options were to write a note OR discover it. My collection is quite large and the list is getting longer as I work to move them into the collection. Sorry it has taken so long to post back - there was a death in the family (my daughter's mother-in-law) and things have been a bit crazy here.
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss - a theft and violation like that is awful - I know.....my families life collection of US coins (over 60 years of collecting) was stolen from our home along with family jewelry in 1976 - you never feel the same.
  5. I am slowly moving my trackables into the new Collection option. But - I have encountered, so far, 5 coins which I can not move/drop into the collection. In fact, I now can't even get them changed back to a traveling coin to drop. Has anyone else encountered this problem? How did you get it resolved? Thought I would ask here before posting a question to Groundspeak. Thank you.
  6. Voted - sweet photo. Good Luck! Thanks for the Cointest!
  7. Dipped my tracking TB this weekend and was easily able to go back and edit the log to add some notes. To me a lot easier than dropping it in and picking it back out again. JMHO
  8. So as to reuse this thread...I have a coin, that I am almost certain wouldn't be a approved by GS because it is not family friendly. Its not offensive, its not X rated, it just isn't very kid friendly. Think of it as a "knife" design, while that is not the actual design, it is similar in that it is a tool that could be used as a weapon. Could I mint it with a hole in it, and include a free travel bug with the sale? Yeh, I'm way in left field here...maybe I should just make it a sig item...and if someone wants to add their own travel bug...then so be it! That's probably a WAY better course now that I think about it!!! ~z A jack knife (pocket knife) have been approved and a revolver. Not sure what you were thinking but you may be surprised. It's only an email - submit it and get feedback. If you are rejected, you are already thinking options.
  9. Congrats to all the recipients - you are all talking some very nice photos! Had no idea folks were still receiving these. Gorgeous coin for sure!
  10. For the past two years non-profit Penobscot County (ME) Conservation Association has been very fortunate to borrow PN units from DeLorme for an introductory Geocaching class at a FREE Fun Day for families and kids. This year they were very clear, it would be the last year they could provide us with loaner units. In anticipation of this, we are asking folks who may not be able to sell their units or who would rather just support the effort of education to consider donating their units to us. We don't care the brand of the GPSr but rather that is in working order and has all its pieces. Like the battery cover and a bootable screen. We will provide you with a shipping address and you will receive a receipt from us for your donation to our non-profit Association (you assign the value - just like a donation to Salvation Army, GoodWill, etc.). Any units which we can not use for our Fun Day will be passed on to other non-profit Conservation Camps within our state. You will still get the acknowledgement of donation from us - regardless. Why aren't we buying units? We are not buying new units as our Association's primary mission is to provide scholarship funds for both college level Conservation curriculum students and Conservation Camperships for younger children. In order to sustain our level of conservation scholarships, we must run all other programs on a $0 budget basis. The Family Fun Day is a wonderful program but no money may be expended for operational expenses. We rely heavily on donations and loan programs. If you are interested in helping - please email me (hollora) for more details and additional contact information. Thank you for your consideration.
  11. For the past two years non-profit Penobscot County (ME) Conservation Association has been very fortunate to borrow PN units from DeLorme for an introductory Geocaching class at a FREE Fun Day for families and kids. This year they were very clear, it would be the last year they could provide us with loaner units. In anticipation of this, we are asking folks who may not be able to sell their units or who would rather just support the effort of education to consider donating their units to us. We don't care the brand of the GPSr but rather that is in working order and has all its pieces. Like the battery cover and a bootable screen. We will provide you with a shipping address and you will receive a receipt from us for your donation to our non-profit Association (you assign the value - just like a donation to Salvation Army, GoodWill, etc.). Any units which we can not use for our Fun Day will be passed on to other non-profit Conservation Camps within our state. You will still get the acknowledgement of donation from us - regardless. Why aren't be buying units? We are not buying new units as our Association's primary mission is to provide scholarship funds for both college level Conservation curriculum students and Conservation Camperships for younger children. In order to sustain our level of conservation scholarships, we must run all other programs on a $0 budget basis. The Family Fun Day is a wonderful program but no money may be expended for operational expenses. We rely heavily on donations and loan programs. If you are interested in helping - please email me (hollora) for more details and additional contact information. Thank you for your consideration.
  12. BrokenW - I haven't been on for a while. Sorry to hear about your dog. Caring for your pet it like caring for one of your children. Prayers offered for you and your fuzzy child.
  13. hollora


    So happy to see your post. To me this is a positive approach and discussion of an annoying problem (and especially if you like, love, own, move or otherwise are an affectionaire of Geocoins). If we were to actually analyze the number of tracking numbers sold vs. the number activated vs. the number released vs. the number reported missing........well, it seems like a lot to those of us effected (owners of missing trackables and those who could not find them where they were supposed to be) but it is small compared to the massive numbers. I also feel strongly that both the cache owner and the trackable owner play a role here! Once they know and are assured a trackable is missing from a cache - why in the world don't they mark it missing??? You are just asking for seekers of trackables to be frustrated and believe their are thieves lurking near the cache (which may not be the case). Cache on - cache happy and thank you for the neutral post explaining all which may happen.
  14. Please make tracking numbers big enough to read without a loope - I was discovering some coins from Geowoodstock8 and I needed a magnifier (loope) for a few of them. Older may be better and wiser but my eyes are failing - but not my heart to discover and love coinage!
  15. Even with things attached they sometimes go missing. But have faith - sometimes they do get found. My list of traveling trackables proves it. When mine go missing I do change the Name to "STOLEN - (whatever)" and that alerts any responsible logger to the fact there is an issue with the coin. I usually reward folks who find my missing stuff with a little something in the mail. Thanks to folks like Geocoinguy and other companies who offer sales on trackables which I am willing to purchase and gift.
  16. I saw the sheen of the mailer the moment I walked in the door from work Tuesday. I suspected content was a coin - this beautiful mystery coin brought a smile to my face! Thank you, thank you! #73 (the year my son was born)
  17. And indeed it is in the hand's of Amara's mother (Francis Family), if not already activated it will be.........and it will NEVER be sold (in our generation). Thank you GeocoinGuy and in some century we will be square on the trade my friend. My silver set already has a cavaet in the baggie for whomever may get it after I am gone. It has been discovered by a few and I hope more to come. Quess these are special to me as I know KIM, know the background on the coins and also knew the website and caveat. KIM introduced me to coins and is the reason I even care or are involved with them. So - IF anyone who requests a set from KIM (Barry) and it can not be filled (within the next month) - I would give up my silver set with some CAVEATS! As GeocoinGuy dd for me so my Granddaughter could have a set. My guidelines are strong and long and until I die I will monitor...............you will not acquire this set from me, for which I paid nothing, and generate any personal gain other than ownership, appreciation and sharing for discovery - perhaps passing on in a trade but you better share the guidelines - they are transferrable. Thank you - GeocoinGuy for ensuring what will probably be a 3rd generation cacher has a very limited edition of this coin!
  18. Thank you for the confirming email your coins were in hand Ruud! Bet you are happy I can not count?
  19. Absolutely awesome! Woot on Mega - and a nice trackable - quite beautiful. Wished I could have been there - will be back for sure.
  20. You have more mail! And more mail! Coins are in hand!
  21. Looks like more than one metal - sweet!
  22. Sweet and your young one doesn't look happy but is willing to be cooperative - ;-)
  23. In an effort to help a young fellow out - I am uploading Tommy's photos. These are as he sent them to me and I up loaded them. I believe that is a BC cookbook but for party cakes - gotta love the creativty with the sparkler!
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